How sinusit is manifested? What are the symptoms of chronic and sharp sinusitis? Read the Answers in the article.
Sinusitis is an infectious inflammatory process,
Localizing in sinuses or spicy sinuses. Doctors distinguish two
Type of this disease: acute sinusitis (characterized by hyperemia
serous, then purulent separated and lasts, as a rule, 2-3 weeks) and
chronic sinusitis (usually arises as a result repeatedly
repetitive and insufficiently cured sharp sinusites).
What is sinuses?
Sinuses are four pairs of air cavities located inside the head,
around nose. They are also called parapasic cavities or otolonic
Pitzuhi. Sinus species:
- Schimorite - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (gaimor) sinus;
- Frontitis - inflammation of the frontal sinus;
- Etmoitis - inflammation of the lattice maze;
- Sfenoid - Inflammation of a wedge-shaped sinus.
Sinus opens into the nasal cavity for the free air passage and
mucus, so any infection, immune or allergic reaction in
Nasal cavities also captures and sinuses. When inflammation of air in sine
Together with a pus or other detachable, putting pressure on the walls
sinus and cause pain. Also, if the inflamed sinus membrane
prevents air intake inside, vacuum is formed in the cavity,
Picky effect.
How sinusit is manifested
The location of pain depends on which of the sinuses is affected by inflammation. The characteristic symptoms of sinusitis are the following:
Headache, especially strong in the morning;
- mucous or purulent discharges from the nose;
- pain in the field of the upper jaw, toothache, pain when pressing on the cheeks with inflammation of the maxillary sines (sinusitis);
- inflammation
Etmoidal sinuses (etmoid) causes a tumor and swelling of soft tissues
around eyes, eyelids, pain between eyes. Wings of the nose are becoming
sensitive to the slightest touch, feels partial loss
smell and nasal congestion;
- when inflammation of the frontal sinuses
(Frontitis) leading symptoms are strong headaches,
Mostly in the forehead area and the feeling of gravity in the projection of the affected
- Wedge-shaped sinus infections (sphenoid) meet
relatively rarely and manifest themselves with ear pains, neck pains,
pools «up» Head.
The rest of the symptoms of sinusitis are similar
with those with colds, namely: increased
Temperature, weakness, fatigue, night cough, nasal congestion and
Dr. Penetration of mucous membranes, serous or purulent seals from sinuses
In the throat can cause his inflammation. There are no cases when sinusitis
became the cause of cerebral infections, especially in often sick
Causes of sharp sinusitis
common cause causing acute sinusitis is
Respiratory viral infection or, simply speaking, the usual cold.
Viruses are able to penetrate the sinuses, causing their inflammation. For example,
When viruses or bacteria in the nasal cavity, the body responds
Immediate immune response, mucus hyperproduction and increasing
The number of lymphocytes in the mucous membrane of the nose. All this leads to
narrowing the lumen of nasal strokes and breathing. When
The inflammatory process captures the mucous membrane of the sinuses, it
also leads to its edema and the difficulty of air and mucous
separated from the cavity of sinus. Slow or complicated mucus outflow
Creates additional conditions for breeding bacteria.
bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae or haemophilus influenzae can
Normally be in the upper respiratory tract without causing
inflammatory reactions. However, in the case when the protective forces of the body
Weakened or outflow of sinus mucus is difficult infectious cold
the disease, these bacteria begin to multiply strongly, causing
Sharp sinusitis.
Sometimes sinus inflammation causes fungal
infection. It occurs in cases when the body's immune system
Weakened and often proceeds by allergic type.
inflammation of the nasal sinuses, vasomotor rhinitis, inhalation of cold
air and even some deodorants are also capable of leading
Development of sinusitov.
Causes of chronic sinusitis
reactions, bronchial asthma, immunodeficiency states - the most
frequent causes of chronic sinusitis. When allergic to dust, pollen
plants or mold arises a vasomotor rhinitis that serves
launch mechanism in the development of chronic sinusitis. Research,
held in the United States showed that 80% of patients with allergic
rhinitis and 75% of patients with bronchial asthma also suffer from
Some people have the development of chronic sinusitis in
Cold, raw climate and contaminated
As in the case of sharp sinusits, in
Chronic inflammation development An important role is played
Immunodeficiency States (AIDS, Fiberglass), as well as nasal polyps.
Sometimes sinusites arise as a side reaction to some medicines, for example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory funds.