Local treatment of otitis according to the rules


  • Compresses
  • Ear drops
  • General recommendations
  • Do not launch a disease

  • Compresses

    So, if, for the treatment of acute average catarrhal otitis, the doctor prescribed semi-tape or vodka compresses (with threading from the ear, compresses are contraindicated), then they need to be done as follows.

    It is required to take a four-layer gauze napkin, the size of which should go beyond the scaffle of 1.5-2 cm, in the middle to make a slot for the ear. Napkin need to moisten in alcohol solution or vodka, squeeze, impose on the ear (ear shell to put in the slot). Top to impose a compressive (waxed) paper with a size of a few more gauze, and cover cotton wool in size exceeding paper size. All this can be fixed with a handkerchief tied to a child's head. Compress should be kept while it has a thermal impact (3-4 hours).

    Ear drops

    Local treatment of otitis according to the rules Live buckling of ear drops is dangerous, because at home can not be examined in the same way as the ENT doctor does, and clarify the nature of inflammation at the moment, to see, damaged or not eardrum. If, with a breakpoint breakpoint, the drops will fall into the cavity of the middle ear, they can cause damage to the hearing seeds or lead to the damage to the auditory nerve, which will entail hearing loss. Instead, it is necessary to make from dry cotton Turund, gently insert it into the outer hearing passage and dripped on cotton warm medicine 3-4 times a day. Portion of droplets should be heated to body temperature (36.6 .WITH).

    You can, for example, heat the pipette in hot water, and then score a medicine into it or first dial the drug, and then heat the pipette with it in hot water. If a pipette dispenser is attached to the bottle with drops, it is convenient to heat in hot water that part of the medication that fit in the pipette when turning the bubble. Previously close the cap.

    Ear drops for children with anti-inflammatory and painkillers, such as Otipaks, it is useful to have in a home first aid kit.

    General recommendations

    It is necessary to provide a child free nose breathing. To do this, as needed to release the nasal moves from mucus using a special suction pear or flagella twisted from wool and moistened in baby oil. On the head of the kid should wear a handkerchief or cap, so that during the day his ears were warm. During the illness, bathe a child is not recommended, but you can wipe it. Walking with a crumb is allowed after it disappears the pain in the ear and normalizes the temperature. At the same time, on a walk, the baby must necessarily be in the hat.

    In some cases, when otitis — Especially in case of complications — have to resort to surgical treatment in the hospital.

    Do not launch a disease

    The transition of acute average otitis into chronic occurs under the influence of a variety of factors. These include a decrease in the common and local resistance of the body, which occurs in the pathology of various organs and systems, as well as pronounced rickets, diabetes, frequent cold, adenoids (the growth of lymphoid tissue in the nasophal), the curvature of the nose partition.

    The main signs of chronic average otitis are the presence of a resistant opening in the eardrum and fosterness from the ear, which can be periodically stopped and renewed again, causing the wave-like process. Chronic Otitis necessarily accompanies a decrease in hearing, which increases with a long existence of the disease.

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