Available - About Parkinson's Disease


Available & mdash; About Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease is known since ancient times. This is
The disease that the pharaohs of Egypt suffered. It was then that the first appeared
Mention of illness. The name suggested the French doctor Jean Sharko after
Studying the work of the British Dr. James Parkinson «Essay about shake

NECH PARKINSON is in second place after the disease
Alzheimer in its destructive degenerative impacts on the body
Patient. For the first time the disease can give about themselves about 60 years. But
There are cases when the disease began to 40 years or even in 20 years. Men
susceptible to the disease more often than women.

The reason for the development of Parkinson's disease is not clarified, but
Related factors note:

  • hereditary
  • external
    the effects of various poisoning substances;
  • Long
    consumption of drugs with a side effect;
  • viral
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Frequent
    Head injuries.

According to research, the disease is less susceptible
Those who love coffee and have adapt to smoking.

Parkinson and her symptoms

Pathological process that occurs in
the body looks like this: irreversible changes are happening in the brain
Cellular level. 70% of neurons of certain brain sites are dying, in their place
other types of cells appear. They brake the work of nerve cells that answer
for movement and emotions. Simply put, Parkinson's disease — This is a transmission violation
nerve impulses in various parts of the body responsible for movement and
Emotional sphere. What causes the death of nerve cells, just say
Modern medicine can not.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • tremor;
  • hypokinesia;
  • Muscular
  • Postural
  • Vegetative
  • Psychic

Available & mdash; About Parkinson's disease
Tremor, or trembling, — The main symptom in illness
Parkinson. He arises in the hands of resting, gradually
Spreading to the feet. Some patients have a head tremor, eyelids,
Language and lower jaw. Rare cases when tremor is observed in the whole body.

Hypokinesia — Reducing spontaneous activity
Movement. The patient may unexpected «Thoroughly» at a certain time, right up to
several hours. Patient Covan, observed face mask with a frozen look,
deprived of any mimici. This is called «Pose of mannequin». After activity
gradually returns, movements still slowed down: the patient goes carefully
Small steps, demonstrating «Puppet gait». Hands pressed to the body,
Mechanical movements, facial people are present, but with a delay, disappearing
Gradually, speech is devoid of emotions — Monotonous and bloody. When progressing
disease slowing the reactions leads to complete immobility.

Muscular rigidity — This is the same amplification
Muscular tone. When extension and flexion of legs and hands are frozen in the final
Position — «Wax flexibility». When performing any flexor-extensive
Actions observed stepped movements — «Symptom of gear». After
any activity limb is in no hurry to return to its original position,
Footing for a while at a certain position.

The following symptom talking about Parkinson's disease, This is postural instability. This feature is characteristic of later stages
Diseases. The patient is difficult to make a movement, and in after it began, it cannot
Complete it. The center of gravity shifts, the torso is ahead of the movement of his feet that
leads to a fall of man. Rarely may occur when all
Symptoms suddenly disappear, and after a few hours again appear. Such
Remissions may occur after sleep, strong excitement or for other reasons.

The symptoms of Parkinson's disease of the vegetative plan
The imbalance of metabolism, strong salivation, oily skin joins,
Increased sweating.

Mental disorders appear as a psychosis,
Larous, depression, sleep disorders, pathological fatigue.

Treat Parkinson's disease

At the moment, modern medicine is not capable
cure the disease and only acts symptomatically, alleviating the symptoms
Diseases. The following methods of treating Parkinson's disease are proposed:

  • Drug
    therapy — aims to reduce movement problems;
  • Surgical
    Treatment of destructive nature: Apply when the main symptom — Tremor, B
    34% of cases — persistent complications;
  • Neuroelectrostimulation
    — Electric current stimulates the brain areas responsible for movement;
  • genetic
    Therapy using stem cells — not has widespread use in mind
    Insufficient learning.

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