Angina: compresses or antibiotics?


  • Angina – infectious disease
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  • Angina – infectious disease

    Angina: compresses or antibiotics? Often in the emergence of an angina blamed the wet legs or not the weather light scarf, worn for a walk. However, catch an angina in this way it is impossible — This disease cannot be caused by supercooling.

    Angina, or acute tonsillitis, — infectious disease whose main pathogen — streptococcus. It can get into the body as air-drip (with coughing, chihannie) and contact — through towels, mugs, kisses and handshakes.

    Angina happens catarry — If the inflammatory process proceeds on the surface of the almonds, follicular — If streptococcus struck the almonds up to the core of the follicular apparatus and the lacunar, in which the inflammatory reaction occurs in the lacuna — Deepends in almonds. Mansion is fungal angina — it appears against the background of reduced immunity.

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    The first signs of an angina are quite characteristic:

    • severe sore throat, which prevents swallow, is, yawning and talking;
    • high (up to 39 degrees) temperature accompanied by weakness and chills and pains in the joints;
    • Inflamed throat, bright red tongue. Distinctive sign of follicular angina — White points on almonds, and with lacunar white raids covers them entirely;
    • unpleasant smell of mouth;
    • Increased and painful on the touch of lymph nodes — submandibular, cervical and ear.

    However, symptoms of angina can be stranded — The temperature is slightly elevated, and the pain in the throat is not so pronounced. Under the angina can be masked as innocuous diseases — type ORZ, and more terrible — Diphtheria or mononucleosis. Therefore, at the first suspicion of Angry, you must contact a specialist — Otolaryngologist or infectious.

    Peace, warm and… loneliness

    Angina: compresses or antibiotics?To clarify the diagnosis, you will definitely be given the direction on the smear from the language. Bacteriological research will show which microflora settled in your mouth and what antibiotics will be needed for treatment.

    By the way, without antibiotics in the treatment of an angina, it can not be done, but only a doctor can determine the drug, based on the age of the patient who previously transferred diseases and the type of pathogen. It is important and what antibiotics the patient was treated for the last time.

    Independent reception of antibacterial drugs at best will be useless — Many tetracycline row drugs and sulfonamides on the causative agents of angina do not work, but immunity «Plant» maybe.

    Traditional folk remedies streptococci too «do not care». And classic techniques used for the treatment of the throat — Compresses and rinsing, — With an angina should be used with caution and only with the permission of the doctor. Alcohol compresses provide a deep warming and contribute to the tide of blood to the affected almonds — This leads to the fact that infection with blood is distributed throughout the body and the patient's condition is only worsening. And the strengthened rinse in the midst of the disease is additionally annoying the throat. Rinsing are good to eliminate the consequences of an angina when the state starts to improve. Best Angina Acid — Dry warmth. It will provide grandmother's wool scarf, wrapped around the neck.

    Strictly obligatory in the treatment of angina bed regime. Moved the disease on the legs, you can earn an unpleasant complications that are so generous «Output» angina, — myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), rheumatism (inflammatory diseases of the joints), pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation).

    Angina: compresses or antibiotics? Usually doctors insist on hospitalization of the patient. If for some reason he stayed at home, it is better to put it in an isolated room and highlight a separate dishes. Angina — The disease is extremely contagious, and, neglecting precautionary measures, you risk turning an apartment in Lazare.

    The patient will also have to be prepared separately, because with an angina is contraindicated:

    • solid food, the swallowing of which causes pain;
    • Acute, salty and sour dishes, irritating mucousness.

    Doctors usually recommend to patients to drink more. Abundant warm drinking not only displays an infection from the body, but also warms the throat. Alkaline drinks are especially useful — Green or herbal tea and mineral water without gas.

    With proper treatment «goes away» during the week. Doctors consider the basic criterion of recovery lack of temperature and throat pain within five days.

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    Very important after 1–2 months after recovery re-pass urine and blood tests to make sure the disease did not return. It is at this time complications often appear.

    Unfortunately, immunity after transferred angina is not produced. Be careful! Hinda prevention is reduced to ordinary measures — Start and do not get sick with citizens having suspiciously husky voice.

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