Treatment of a cold in children of breasts


  • Rubber in infants
  • Than mom can help baby

  • Rubber in infants

    In the first year of the child's life, Moms often do not know what to do if
    kid runzk. After all, if even adult people are unpleasant when from the nose
    there is a discharge, then the baby is especially hard.

    Breasts do not know how to breathe through the mouth as adults can do
    people. Meal in the baby also in these cases is associated with large
    difficulties, as sucking is impossible without nasal breathing.

    What is the difference between a runny nose in children of the first year of life from a cold of older children and adults?
    First, kids never happen just isolated rhinitis
    (runny nose). Due to the peculiarities of the structure of nasopharynx in infants
    The infection is always descended below and at best is limited to
    called noodopalitis, that is, inflammation not only the mucous
    nose, but also pharynings. Thus, if the infants appeared selection
    from the nose, it means that he also hurts the neck too, although he cannot
    That say.

    Secondly, again, due to the building of the nasopharynx, the baby due to
    Routine can develop acute medium otitis - inflammation of the middle ear.
    This is due to the fact that the hearing tubes connecting the nasopharynx and
    The middle ear, in infants relatively wider. This contributes to light
    Penetration of infection through sipstage mouths of hearing pipes.

    Thirdly, the kids are not able to independently care for themselves, to tracked, and therefore they have greater discomfort.

    Than mom can help baby

    First you need to free
    nose of the child from the selection. Special slopes for sale,
    intended precisely for cleaning the nose of nose from pathological
    Content. But it is not necessary to have such a device, you can
    Take advantage of the usual rubber pear of small.

    After cleaning the spout, you can drip drops. Children under year apply,
    First of all, breast milk in proportion 1: 1 with warm
    saline. You are not just dripping this mixture into my nose, you
    Actively rinse nose. Do not be afraid, drip at 10-15 drops. Ourselves
    You see that the fact that breast milk will fall into the mouth, baby
    I will not be bad! Nose is also possible to wash the chamomile decoction.

    Treatment of a cold in children of breasts
    Lactoglobulin is used as droplets in nose in nose.
    This is a natural immunomodulator made of milk having
    anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and bactericidal
    Properties. We buy in a pharmacy lactoglobulin intended for
    Conditionally pathogenic flora, divorced it in proportions 1:10 boiled water
    and boil 6 times a day 2 drops in each nostril.

    Children categorically impossible to use vesseloring drops! This is
    It is fraught with the fact that hearing pipes will expand even more and the risk of development
    Middle Otita will increase several times! Not to mention distant
    The consequences of the droplets and the transition of a cold in a chronic form. Front
    Each feeding thoroughly clean the spout that the baby does not experience
    discomfort and did not stay hungry.

    When a runny nose starts to pass, a large number appears in the nose
    Korok. The child will experience unpleasant feelings because of this. Nose
    It is necessary to carefully clean with a cotton wand, pre-smeared
    mucous membrane by any baby oil, can be peachy to pems
    have become soft and easily removed. This procedure, by the way, must be carried out
    And in a healthy baby, because the crusts are in small quantities
    formed without illness.

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