Treatment of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that destroys human consciousness. The identity of the patient radically changes - the unfortunate with his head goes into the world of personal experiences and loses contact with the world around. Do such people have a chance for a full life?

The origin of the disease

Treatment of schizophrenia, neurology, nervous system, psyche, schizophrenia

A few more than a year ago, a malicious heredity was considered the only intelligible cause of schizophrenia. But over time it became obvious - the risk of going crazy in families with schizophrenia sickness ancestors no higher than in families without «crazy» Gena. However, it is necessary to recognize that heredity still creates fertile ground for the development of the disease - in people who suffer from schizophrenia, there are a number of pathogens, the indirect influence of which increases the sensitivity of the brain tissues of its descendants.

Some researchers tend to infectious nature diseases, other scientists are confident that schizophrenia is a viral disease. The most recognized is the theory of self-defense, according to which the solidification of the disease lies in the presence of features acquired during the intrauterine development, which are exacerbated under the influence of hostile environmental conditions. As a result of this, the imbalance is oppressed redox - enzymatic processes in brain tissues. Oxygen starvation occurs, which underlies serious changes in the work of the central nervous system.

External manifestations of schizophrenia...

Treatment of schizophrenia, neurology, nervous system, psyche, schizophrenia

  1. A simple form - can develop at any age, but mainly occurring among children, sometimes in junior years. The main symptoms are a sharp loss of interests to everything that carried away earlier, increasing apathy, lethargy, closure, decrease in the intellectual level. From time to time hallucinations, which are accompanied by anger and aggression to close and relatives. The disease is not diagnosed immediately, so in protest on the orders of parents to go to school, the child can run out of the house, shamelessly wander through the streets, engage in hooliganism. Relatives are alarming when schizophrenia progresses, expressing emotional stupidity, scorement, unmotivated acts and eccentrics. The smaller the age in which schizophrenia appears, the greater the damage causes the patient's intelligence. Patient at best can adapt to primitive labor tasks and uses the reputation of defective. Unfortunately, the disease is mainly progressing with age.
  2. The grafted form of the disease develops in young people (more often than children and adolescents), in the past, the organic damage to the brain, which caused oligophrenia - a delay in mental development. Before the appearance of schizophrenia, a child with a lot of probability was already distinguished by capricious stubbornness, closedness, irritability explosions. This means that afterwards the grain of a terrible disease fell into the fertile ground regarding the affected children's psyche. The smaller the children's age in which schizophrenia is developing, the likely a complete stop of human mental development.

Treatment of schizophrenia

Treatment of schizophrenia, neurology, nervous system, psyche, schizophrenia

Despite the obscure origin of the disease, it is fortunately to treat.

Our site considers it necessary to note: Diagnosis can only be diagnosed with a psychiatrist. Assessment of the state of the patient with his loved ones, and even more so by him, it is often erroneous. I «Folk wisdom» only exacerbate the course of schizophrenia, making a patient dangerous to others. People who suffer from schizophrenia are outside hallucinogenic and delusional attacks are able to be able to become full-fledged family members, but the features of outpatient treatment or the need for hospitalization appoints only a specialist.

Methods of modern psychiatry successfully affect schizophrenia. With the help of drug, psychotherapeutic and employment practices, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the patient's condition.

For the treatment of all forms and degrees of severity of schizophrenia, there is a large arsenal of psychotropic preparations of a wide range of action - haloperidol, thioproprazine, Etperazine, Frenolon, Aminazin, Sibaz. Patients, in the overall picture of the disease of which depressive-paranoid states prevail, in addition to the main therapy, antidepressants are prescribed.

Positive dynamics give traditional methods of schizophrenia treatment: insulin-shock and electrosculation therapy (apply in very rare cases). Insulino-shock therapy is applied in the case of acute development of the disease, and the electrosusproy is justified when the patient's psyche is resistant to treatment with other methods.

Socio-labor rehabilitation is designed to return the course of treatment from schizophrenia to a full-fledged life in the family and society. It is noteworthy that about half of patients from the total number have no disability and are well coped with their work in a regular enterprise.

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