Get sick by vaginal candidiasis or thrush (it is also called this disease) as an adult woman having children and a broken student either a student or a schoolgirl, who has recently began menstruation. The disease is, unfortunately, there is a lot of ways to solve this delicate problem.

One of the drugs recommended by gynecologists is pimafucin. How to apply the drug, whether he has advantages, side effects - about this readers Our site will learn from the proposed article.

Citizens of thrush

Gynecology, fungal infections, female diseases, candidiasis, thrush, pimafucin

There is an erroneous opinion in some people that thrush passed only by sex. In fact, it is caused by yeast-like fungi belonging to the genus Candida. These organisms are part of a normal microflora living on mucous membranes. But when immunity weakens, falls, then these fungi suddenly can start actively multiply, displacing other types of useful microorganisms from the place of residence. At the same time, the woman begins to suffer from the symptoms of the thrush. The appearance of the candidiasis can often be provoked by inflammation flowing in small pelvis, colds, supercooling. There are women who do not belong to this disease to serious. They believe that you need to suffer curly allocations and strong itching for a few days, and then everything should pass. Yes, everything can and go over 7 days, but if a disease is not taken incorrectly or not to take any measures at all, then this attack may not leave, but go into a chronic form. And then it will get rid of it much more difficult, it will be felt in the most inappropriate moment of your life. Is it not better to immediately take care of the problem, then not to suffer from exacerbations? Moreover, now in pharmacies, a large range of drugs exhibiting antifungal properties. There are among them and pimafucin.

General information about the drug

Gynecology, fungal infections, female diseases, candidiasis, thrush, pimafucin

Pimafucine is produced by the Netherlands company in the form of three dosage forms:

  • Vaginal suppositories (the packaging contains a blister with three repositories of a torpedo-shaped form, their color is white or slightly yellowish);
  • 2% cream, packaged 30 grams in tubes;
  • Tablets, which are covered with an intestine-soluble shell, in packaging them contains 20 pieces.

The active ingredient of all listed forms is antifungal antibiotic Natamicin belonging to the group of macrolides. It can be said that this substance has a natural origin, because microorganisms relating to the nature of streptomycetes are distinguished in natural conditions.

Pimafucine action

The drug exhibits a fungicidal effect, Natamicin is able to bind the sterols that are in cell membranes of the culprits of diseases, their integrity and functions are disturbed, it leads to the death of microorganisms. The drug can be destroyed by many pathogenic yeast fungi, causing the thrush belonging to the genus Candida. He is able to destroy Trichomonas. A little weaker drug acts on dermatophytes. The medicine is not absorbed into the blood through the digestive tract, intact mucous membranes and skin cover.

How and when pimafucine is used?

Gynecology, fungal infections, female diseases, candidiasis, thrush, pimafucin

Pimafucin helps women overcome such problems associated with inflammation and sexual tract infections as vulvit, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, as well as normalize the disturbed vaginal microflora. But the most effective drug is valid for the thrush. Gynecologists often recommend this remedy with vaginal candidiasis, arising against the background of depletion, reduced immunity, reception Antibiotics, cytostatics, corticosteroids or during pregnancy. Other indications for the use of pimafucine cream can be candidiasis of leather, mucous, nails, dermatomycosis. Tablets inside are prescribed with bowel candidiasis or for the treatment of thrush together with the use of vaginal candles. More medicine can be appointed at otitis, the reason for which fungal infections became. And now our site will explain in detail how to apply different forms of medicine. With vaginal problems every day, the patient must enter one suppository in the vagina. It is better to do it before bedtime, when a woman is already in bed, so the medicine will remain on the mucous meal and the maximum will show its properties. The course is usually from 3 (in light shapes) and up to 6-9 days (in more launched cases). During menstruation days, treatment will have to interrupt, since the effectiveness of pimafucine is significantly reduced during this period. When conducting treatment, use barrier contraceptive means. With a stubborn candidiasis, the doctor may recommend connecting to treatment also and tablet shape - 1 tablet inside 4 times a day, the duration of their reception ranges from 10 to 20 days. It is desirable that the sexual partner for 6-9 days has handled its genitals with pimafucin cream, because men, thrush often flows in a hidden form, not showing visible signs.

If a person suffers from dermatomycosis, candidiasis of skin or nails, then the cream should be applied to the amazed plots one, or if necessary, several times during the day.

In case of discovery from the baby of candidal peeling dermatitis, pediatricians advise mothers to lubricate the skin of the child with this cream also from one to several times a day. This agent is allowed to use even newborn.

To cope with bowel candidiasis, pimafucine should be taken on one tablet inside 4 times a day. Usually the treatment continues for a week. Children who have reached the six-year-old, the tablet is appointed not 4, and 2 times a day.

At Otitis fungal origin first need to clean the patient's ear, and then lubricate pimafucin-affected sink cream and introduce Turundum in a patient, impregnated with this anem.

Thrush during pregnancy

Gynecology, fungal infections, female diseases, candidiasis, thrush, pimafucin

When entering the fetal, the immune system of a woman is in a somewhat depressed state, so often the symptoms of the thrush accompany the future mom during pregnancy. Even if obvious symptoms Kandidose in pregnant woman None, some women detected fungi when surrender analyzes. No need to put up with unpleasant symptoms, because you can resort to the help of pimafucine suppositories. This dosage form is allowed to use not only during the baby tooling, but also during lactation.

About side effects and contraindications

Some patients have nausea or pills during treatment with tablets diarrhea. It happens very rarely, you should not be afraid of such symptoms, they usually take place after a few days, the reception of tablets should not be canceled.

In the manufacture of pimafucine suppositories, Cetyl alcohol is used as an auxiliary substance, which in some women with the introduction of candles in the vagina can cause irritation of mucous membranes and itching, burning. With such hypersensitivity, the drug should be abandoned and go to other treatments. Under the intolerance of Natamicin, the drug is contraindicated.

In case of suspected milking, you must first confirm the diagnosis and make a smear on the flora. Although there are no significant difficulties in the treatment of thrush in the initial stage, but it is necessary to conduct it under the supervision of a doctor and following his advice and recommendations.

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