Treatment Otita

Otitis is a serious eye disease. So serious that many do not even imagine possible consequences (the worsening of the hearing is one of them). Even if you are a supporter of people's methods, a goal of a doctor is obligatory! Remember that you are many risks! So that this does not happen to you, let's try to figure out how to prevent the appearance of otitis.

Otitis is a serious eye disease
Otitis is a serious eye disease. So serious that many do not even imagine possible consequences. Today, our site will tell you about the symptoms, prevention and specificity of the treatment of otitis.

I will tell you like a person who has experienced all a few times «Charm» acute otitis of the middle ear, - toothache and others «horrors» mankind is just resting. Among the night (most often) sharply begin shooting in the ear, they quickly increase and the impression is created that someone with a periodicity in a couple of minutes drives the needle to your brain. I want to climb the wall of pain. So that this does not happen to you, let's try to figure out how to prevent the appearance of otitis.

Causes of Otita

Treatment Otita
The most important reason for Otitis is the hitting of bacteria or viruses in the ear. Many believe that all these organisms fall into the ear. In fact, in 95% of cases Otitis occurs due to bacteria from Eustachius pipe. This may happen if the nostrils are not covered, when the nostrils are not closed in turns (which is faithful). That is, very often otitis and runny nose Go hand in hand. The cause of otitis can be the stranger, and such infectious diseases like Scarlatina, King and T.D. Otitis can develop against the background of the inflammation of the carious tooth, ear injuries, after cleaning the ears of unpredictable items (pins, matches). Otitis causative agents can penetrate the ear and with blood flow (with infectious diseases).

In the risk zone - children under six years (due to the physiological characteristics of age), allergies and everyone who has surpassed any infectious disease.

Of all the foregoing it is easy to conclude that Otitis occurs most often as a complication after various colds or viral diseases. And they, in turn, manifest themselves against the background of weakened immunity. Therefore, the most important rule of combating otitis is not to hurt, harden, strengthen the immune system! But besides this, you need to know the enemy in the face in order to neutralize and prevent terrible pain.

Symptoms and types of otitis

Normal eardrum (left) and eardrum with acute average otitis (right)
Otitis is three species - external (the easiest form), medium and internal.

Outdoor Otit accompanied by periodic noving pains, swelling of the ear shell, a minor increase in body temperature. Appears most often due to mechanical damage to the auricle or tissues of external auditory passage, injuries.

Otitis middle ear appears as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear. It is very dangerous by the consequences - in the absence of treatment, a complete or partial loss of hearing is possible, brain damage. Symptoms: pulsating sharp pains-races, ear congestion, various noises (noise of murdering water), worsening hearing, body temperature Over 38 degrees, poverty.

Internal Otitis - this is the consequence of the running otitis of the middle ear. Requires immediate hospitalization and operational treatment.

Otitis also happens acute and chronic, as, in principle, any disease. With acute otitis, the symptoms have a pronounced character, the pain will quickly increase. The chronic process proceeds slower, but despite this, also dangerous.

Treatment Otita

Treatment Otita
It is worth saying that Otitis is not a runny nose, in itself it will not pass! Therefore, as soon as possible, refer to the otolaryngologist. Only a doctor will be able to establish the kind of otitis and appoint true treatment. Even if you are a supporter of people's methods, without medication treatment you can not do! Is treated otitis about 10 days, and even longer. And this is subject to timely appeal to the doctor.

Otitis treatment is solely a comprehensive nature. To begin with, the patient should ensure complete peace, in order not to provoke the appearance of complications. This is followed by the purpose of a specialized antibiotic for the purpose of operational fight against the causative agents of Otita. The antibiotic can be both in tablets (for example, Flemoclav Soluteab, digital), and in drops (Sofradex, Ottucks), the latter must be room temperature. But(!) Only a doctor should appoint antibiotics!

Usually Otitis cares for surprise - on the road or on days off. Find a doctor is very difficult, and it is very important not to launch the situation. Therefore, at the first twitchings, try in the ear to try to immediately buy drops (Sofradex - for adults, Otipax - for children) and, by observing the dosage indicated in the instructions, damage them an alarming ear. During acute pains, it is necessary to accept analgeal. Even if the ear stops hurting, going to the doctor is obligatory! Remember that you are many risks!

With external otitis, treatment may consist of heating compresses, rising hearing aislers. If abscess was formed, it may be necessary to open it. With medium otitis, the use of antibiotic, antibiotics. If this is observed, the doctor must make a remover of the eardrum in order for the pus to flow faster.
Treatment Otita

There is one people's recipe for removing edema eardrum. It is necessary to mix in equal parts of glycerol and 70% alcohol. In this solution, wet the TURANDOK from the wool and insert into the ear. Following putting a ball from a wool moistened with children's cream. After 2-3 hours to extract everything. Swelling will disappear after several procedures.

To take away ear pain, it is enough to take an anesthetic. If this is an adult - you need to drink a koldrex, the baby can give a dose of Nurofen. Relief will come almost immediately. It is very important to know that warming compresses are contraindicated at high temperatures!

Our site once again stresses that all of the above recipes are only for temporary facilitation of the state, to appeal to the doctor. To avoid complications seem to the otolaryngologist necessarily!

Otita Prevention

Otitis Prevention is to strengthen immunity
To prevent the appearance of such a disease as otitis, you need to stop cheating. It sounds like fiction, but still ... stop, strengthen immunity and, at least, colds and infectious diseases will bypass you. And with them and otitis. But, if you still get sick, first, for what you need to follow - so that the mucus in the nose does not go. Until she «flows», She herself struggles with bacteria and viruses. To do this, try to drink a large amount of fluid, keep the humidity in the room no higher than 50% and air temperature is not higher than 18 degrees. For this you do not need to freeze, put on the warm pajamas and cover. It is scientifically proven that in these optimal conditions the body is faster than the disease with the disease.

Do not forget to blow the rooking right - cover alternately every nostril. Kids need to suck the mucus from the nose of a special pear (sold in each pharmacy), because small children do not know how to blow herdoor.

Take care of the ears during Diseases From water, when bathing, cover them with cotton swabs, lubricated with any cream. Try not to launch a runny nose, and if it does not pass during the week - consult a doctor.

Health to you!

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