How to deal with pituitary nanice


    How to deal with pituitary nanicePituitary nanism – Disease characterized by retention of growth and physical development. Karlikov consider the growth of an adult man below 130 cm, adult female - below 120 cm.


    • Reducing or loss of the somatotropic function of the pituitary gland (production of growth hormone hypophism - STG)
    • The biological inactivity of growth hormone (hormone defect, growth hormone is not able to regulate the growth of tissues, does not fulfill its function in orgy)
    • Disturbance of the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to growth hormone (violation of the cell receptors, which recognize the hormone and transmit information about its admission to the cell)

    Against the background of a sharp backlog in growth, height and bone maturation delay, the child has normal body proportions. Due to the underdevelopment of the bones of the facial skull, the features of the face small, the nose is chosen, characteristic «Puppet» face. Thin hair, high voice. Often marked excess body weight. In boys, as a rule, microsenis. Sexual development detained. With a pituitary naniser, lifelong replacement therapy is required by human growth hormone.


    The main method of pathogenetic therapy of the nanism is the introduction of a human somatotropin (growth hormone). Compliance with two basic principles: to achieve normal human growth indicators, as well as extend the development and growth of a person for the maximum long period.

    The effective means of treating the nangen is drug therapy with drugs of anabolic steroids (hormonal drugs, stimulating the development and growth of human body tissues); They are used for several years with a gradual replacement of less active drugs more active. Course treatment Intermittent: period «recreation» is approximately half the term of treatment; When you get acquitted, breaks up to 4—6 months. Methlandrothendidiol, metadrostortonolone (Dianabol, Nerochol), Phenobolin (Nonobolyl), Retabolin. Dosing principle: gradual increase in dose, ranging from minimal effective doses. Anabolic steroids are used as long as the growth effect is possible (up to 16—18 years old, and sometimes more long).

    The forecast for life in genetic forms of nanism is favorable, in the presence of brain lesion (injury, tumor), it is determined by the main disease. It is advisable to begin treatment no later than 5-7 years.

    Endocrinologist's lifetime surveillance.

    Recognizing treatment

    How to deal with pituitary naniceAn adequate nutrition is essential, the toll of therapy with vitamins and biostimulants, as well as zinc drugs.

    With concomitant hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones) simultaneously prescribe preparations of thyroid hormones (thyroid gomons). Girls older than 16 years old are prescribed small doses of sex hormones (estrogen, chorionic gonadotropin, Prino, progesterone). Patients with nanice with disproportionate physique with systemic pathology of the skeleton hormonal treatment are not subject to and in need to observe orthopedic traumatologists.

    In mental disorders show symptomatic corrective funds (sedatives, antidepressants).

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