Deciphering FSH analyzes


Deciphering Analyzes on FSH

Deciphering FSH analyzes

FSH — Follicle-stimulating hormone, formed in the front of the pituitary. It is also contained in feminine, and in a male body, entering blood with 15-minute pulses with an interval from 1 to 4 hours. Hormone controls the work of the genital glands:

  • promotes the formation and ripening of egg and spermatozoa;
  • regulates the synthesis of female hormones of estrogen.

Appointment for testing give a gynecologist, andrologist, endocrinologist.

In men, FSH regulates the growth of the seed-to-the-ring tubules, increases the content of testosterone in the blood plasma, controlling the timely maturation of spermatozoa and libido activities.

In women, the hormone is responsible for the operation of the ovaries and the production of follicles. Reaching the maximum level, leads to ovulation and exit of the egg from the follicle. Reduced FSH levels suggests:

  • pregnancy,
  • Use of hormonal drugs.

Other deviations are considered as signs of illness or lead to infertility.

Rules for passing blood analysis on FSH:

  • produced in the morning on an empty stomach from 8 to 11 hours;
  • Women hand over the 4-6th or 19-21th day of the cycle;
  • men — any day;
  • For three days, exclude sports;
  • 1 hour before the delivery do not smoke;
  • in 15 minutes should calm down and relax.

FSG Norma:

  • for men — 1.37-13.58 honey / l; Sometimes the upper limit is observed in the summer,
For women in phase:
* Follicular — 2.45-9.47;
* ovulatory — 2.67-15.67;
* Luteinova — 1.01-6.4;
* Postmenopausa — 9.3-1006.

If the analysis of the FSG hormone is higher, then the following pathologies are possible:

  • menopause,
  • Orchit,
  • renal failure,
  • Tumor in pituitary gland,
  • X-ray irradiation,
  • alcoholism,
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding,
  • Fully insufficiency.

If FSH is lowered, it may indicate:

  • starvation,
  • obesity,
  • Operational intervention,
  • Amenorbae,
  • Lead intoxication,
  • Reducing the work of the pituitary or hypothalamus,
  • Polycystic ovarian,
  • reception of steroids and other drugs.

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