Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Incenko-Cushing syndrome


  • Incenko Cushing Syndrome
  • Symptoms of Isenko Cushing syndrome
  • Diagnosis of Izhenko Cushing syndrome
  • Treatment of Isenko Cushing Syndrome

    Incenko Cushing Syndrome

    This term is used to describe the symptom complex,
    accompanying an increase in concentration in glucocorticoid organism
    Gormons. In foreign literature, the syndrome is known called
    Cushing syndrome.


    • Pituitary tumors (adenoma), inflammatory brain processes; Women sometimes develop after childbirth.
      • Adrenal tumors (glucoster, glucandrostrometer).
      • Lung tumors, bronchi, mediastinum, pancreas,
        secreting adreno-cortico trop hormone (ACTH); that leads to
        Development of Cushing's disease characterized by similar clinical

      It should be remembered that a whole series is combined under this title
      Pathological conditions: an increase in secretion by hypophysome ACTH, illness
      Cushing, adenoma or adrenal cancer and others. In addition, it follows
      Find out a patient with signs of Cushing's syndrome, does he take
      drugs containing glucocorticoids, for example, prednisone
      (long-term reception of such drugs leads to the development of Cushing syndrome).

      The manifestation of clinical symptoms of syndrome does not allow
      Clearly divided patients with Cushing's disease from patients with adenoma
      or adrenal cancer. However, more often in patients men with cancer
      adrenal gland develops feminization (the appearance of female signs), and
      Women - Virilization (Answering). Should also remember
      The existence of Cushing's pseudo-syndrome, for example, in patients,
      suffering from severe depression or alcoholism.

      With the development of the disease due to the pathology of the adrenal glands
      The emergence of symptoms is due to excessive secretion
      glucocorticoid hormones, in particular, cortisol, adrenal glands.

      Observed at any age, but more often at 20-40 years; Women are getting 10 times more often than men.

      Symptoms of Isenko Cushing syndrome

      Excessive fat deposition in the field of face, neck, torso. Face
      becomes moon-like. The limbs are thin. Dry skin, thinned, on
      Face and in the chest area - bugvo-blue color. There is a formation
      finger tips, tip of nose, lips - acricyanosis. Clearly expressed
      venous drawing («grid») on breasts and limbs, stretching stripes
      («Stretch marks») on the skin of the abdomen, hips, the inner surfaces of the hands.
      It is often noted by the darkness of the skin, more often in places of friction. On the skin face,
      LIFETING WOMEN IN EXCELLENT SUPPLY. Hell increased. Change
      Skeleton, developing with insufficient calcium quantity:
      Heavy current there are fractures of ribs, spine. Violation
      carbohydrate exchanges up to the development of diabetes, bad
      treatable. Possible mental violations: depression or

      In blood tests: Reducing the concentration of potassium in the blood
      varying severity; The number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and
      Cholesterol enlarged.

      Distinguish light, moderate gravity and severe forms of the disease;
      The flow may be progressive (the development of all symptoms for 6-12
      Mon) and gradual (symptoms gradually grow within 3-10 years).

      Diagnosis of Izhenko Cushing syndrome

      • Determination of the content of cortisol in the urine and blood plasma; definition
        Concentration in the blood plasma ACTH (the most reliably night increase).
      • Then the source of high secretion of hormones is determined -
        hypophies or adrenal glands: during pituitary adenoma - changes according to data
        computer tomography skull or an increase in both adrenal glands, and
        In the presence of an adrenal tumor, its image is visible on
        the corresponding side according to CT data (computed tomography); Adrenal tumor also
        diagnosed with scintigraphy.
      • Diagnostic tests for eliminating tumors of adrenal cortex are samples with dexamethasone, metopiron.

      Treatment of Isenko Cushing Syndrome

      • Pathology pituitary - Surgical removal of pituitary.
      • Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Incenko-Cushing syndromeIn the presence of adrenal adenoma - surgical (removal of adenoma, including laparoscopic adrenal removal - Laparoscopic adrenalctomy). In seriously inflated, bilateral adrenalctomy; after
        Operations develop chronic adrenal insufficiency that
        requires constant replacement therapy.
      • Laparoscopic adrenalctomy (la) - effective method
        treatment of endocrine diseases due to pathology
        adrenal glands and violation of the pituitary work promoting
        Development of Cushing Syndrome. Today laparoscopic adrenalctomy
        is a widespread operation in the world. Double-sided
        Laparoscopic adrenalectomy gives good results when
        inefficiency or lack of possibility of removal operation
      • Under the adrenal cancer - the choice of treatment method is carried out
        Individually. With a light and moderate course, the radiation is carried out
        Therapy. In the absence of effect from radiation therapy, one is removed
        Adrenal or conduct a course of cloak treatment (reduces synthesis
        Hormones in the adrenal cortex) in combination with other drugs.
      • Conservative therapy is aimed at compensation for protein
        (retabolil), mineral (preparations of potassium, Veroshpiriron) and carbohydrate
        (Sugarizing drugs in combination with insulin) exchange. Besides,
        Prescribed, if necessary, reduced blood pressure drugs, diuretic
        Means, heart glycosides (digoxin).

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