Endocrinology as a specialty, endocrine glands, diseases that treat endocrinologist, symptoms of dysfunction of the endocrine system.
Endocrinologist — A specialist involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the endocrine system. This definition applies to the specialists of the narrower areas of activity: a children's endocrinologist, an endocrinologist-surgeon, an endocrinologist-gynecologist, a diabetologist, neuroendocrinologist and others. The endocrine system along with the nervous plays a crucial role in regulating the work of all other organs and body systems. Endocrine glands, or gland internal secretion, synthesize and highlight hormones – Substances acting at the cellular level by changing the metabolic rate, influence on the growth and development of cells. The glands regulating a particular process, for example, a menstrual cycle, make up multi-level chains, which are linked and feedback. The last level is presented by targets. The glands of internal secretion include:
- thyroid;
- parachitoid glands;
- adrenal glands;
- pituitary gland (sishkovoid iron);
- hypothalamus;
- pancreas;
- Sex glands.
Diseases that endocrinologist treats
The most common pathology caused by the cause of the endocrinologist is diabetes mellitus of the 1st and 2nd type. The second place belongs to the diseases of the thyroid gland: Basedova disease, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis. Also, the endocrinologist is engaged in the problems of the reproductive system: hormonal infertility, mastopathy, gynecomastia (increase in the chest) in men, garisutism (excessive overexposition) in women, menstrual disorders and menopacteric disorders. The area of neuroendocrinology includes the pathology of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland: violation of growth and development (giantism, acromegaly, pituitary dwarfism), unacceptable diabetes, hypothalamic syndrome, relationship disorders and lactation. The endocrinologist treats and adverse diseases: adisson disease, disease and syndrome of Itsenko-Cushing, adrenogenital syndrome, feuhromocyti. Lipid (obesity), protein, carbohydrate (glycogenesis, glucose tolerance), mineral exchange also require consultations of the endocrinologist. Do not forget about neoplasms that can grow from the tissues of endocrine glands, produce hormones, having an atypical localization, about hormone-dependent tumors of other tissues.
Symptoms with whom to contact the endocrinologist
For disorders in the work of the thyroid gland may indicate frequent fatigue, feeling of fatigue without objective causes, tremor (trembling) of legs, hands, appetite disorders, obscure abdominal pain, difficulty in transferring cold or heat, excessive sweating, palpitations, menstrual cycle disruption , infertility, neurotic disorders. The dysfunction of the adrenal glands can be suspected if you have added sharply or lost in weight, the condition, the color of the skin has changed, the bone fragility and the constant feeling of thirst and hunger changed, blood pressure has changed. Syptians of diabetes include rapid urination, the appearance of a skin, thirst, dryness in the mouth, increased fatigue and muscle weakness, increase the appetite against the background of weight loss, frequent inflammatory diseases, poorly deeperable, pain in the calm muscles. It should be remembered that the endocrinologist should also be treated for advice in preventive purposes: when planning pregnancy, tooling a child, for the selection of contraceptives. An endocrinologist will help to normalize a hormonal background by suppressing or stimulating the domestic secretion glands, as well as prescribe replacement therapy if necessary.