Symptoms of diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 types


WHO forecast diabetes by 2015 will suffer over 300 million
Human. The danger of this disease is quite serious. It is for this reason that
Symptoms of diabetes, because early diagnosis — it is a bail prolonged and
Qualitative life of the patient.

What symptoms of diabetes are the most important?

Syptoms of diabetes in women and men are quite varied. Distinctive
A feature of this disease is the so-called triad «Big» Signs:

  • polyuria;
  • polydipsy;
  • Reducing body weight.

All these manifestations occur due to the high concentration of blood glucose.

Triad «Big» Symptoms of diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 typesPolyuria — This increase in daily urine. If in the normal number does not exceed
2 liters, then with diabetes can increase to 5 and even 10 liters per day. Organism,
unable to dispose of glucose, forced to use alternative ways
Reduced her level. Therefore, the process includes a urinary system.
Polyudipsy, or constant thirst, arises in response to loss of liquid. The main thing
Criterion for identifying this feature is the use of water over 2 liters in

Reducing body weight is due to the fact that cells are unable to use glucose, in
which they literally swim. Due to the lack of insulin or the weak action of sugar,
contained in the blood cannot be assimilated. This deprives intracellular processes
Energy, respectively, slowing down and the growth of cells, and their division.
«Large» Symptoms may occur with both pathology options, but brighter
they are expressed precisely when 1 type of disease. However, only with these three signs
The clinical picture of the disease is not limited.

Other symptoms of diabetes

Other symptoms of diabetes are not connected so much with the hyperglycemia itself
(increase in blood sugar), as with the time of its existence. Glucose in high
doses has a toxic effect, which, however, is manifested only with long-term

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 typesDue to lack «Energy» In cells, the body gets hunger signals. IN
As a result, polyphagia occurs — Increased food use. Despite the permanent
food, man lose weight, since the body is not able to assimilate the substances.
General symptoms characteristic and for 1, and for 2 types of diabetes — pronounced
Weakness, fatigue, reducing endurance. Half pain arise,
dizziness, changing the psyche in the direction of irritability or, on the contrary, apathy.
From skin manifestations Improved skin itching, associated with damage
nerve endings. As a result of microangiopathy (damage to small blood
Vessels) An unhealthy blush appears on the face. Violations of fat exchange lead to
The appearance of yellow spots on the skin, most often in the region.

Musculoskeletal system suffer. The patient is worried about the new pain in the legs,
cramps in calf and other muscles, numbness and tingling in the lower limbs.
Important diagnostic criterion — Reduced vision. Eye lesions are characteristic
long-existing diabetes. In addition to violations of the body of the vision
Its inflammatory degenerative diseases may arise. Keratitis, conjunctiviti,
Eyebuilding Eyelash — All this appears quite often and is very difficult
Domain treatment.

Due to total disorders of microcirculation, the patient's body weakens. As a result
cases of infectious diseases, the treatment of which is very
Complex task. The most frequent are kidney lesions, skin, oral cavity.

Features of symptoms of diabetes in children, women and men

Children have some features of the course of the disease. So one of her important
Signs are the slowdown in the growth of the child.
For women are characteristic of the menstrual cycle, right up to amenorrhea. It's related
both with the damage to the peripheral nerves and in the violation of the synthesis of female sex

The same reasons affect men. Reducing the functions of the sex glands can lead to
Erectile dysfunction. With a long flow of diabetes mellitus, men symptoms
reproductive health violations become especially bright. There are violations
Cum production, erection disappears.

Declamation of the disease can already at the appearance stage «Big» Symptoms.
Suspicious can be a rapid decline in immunity, and a drop in view, and
Chronic fatigue syndrome. The usual analysis of blood glucose will give faithful
Direction to the thoughts of the doctor. However, put the final diagnosis of diabetes
Only after a complete set of laboratory research. And beaten with them
Not worth it.

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