Today, the diseases of the thyroid gland in childhood are much more often. The reason for this situation is the deficiency of iodine in the body and deterioration of the environmental situation. Thyroid diseases are manifested by an increase or decrease in hormone concentration.
Concept of thyroid diseases
Bad ecology, food containing carcinogens, and most importantly, iodine deficiency in our nutrition and water, lead to various thyroid diseases in children.
The diseases of the thyroid gland can be reflected on the part of the brain, in particular, the pituitary gland (the so-called hypophized dependence),.To. between the state of the thyroid gland and the hypophysome direct and feedback. Even with minor disorders of the functioning of the thyroid gland, any side diseases caused by improper work of the thyroid gland may occur, often with absolutely normal hormone testimony.
Thyroid iron - iron internal secretion, producing three hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine and calcitonin). The two first hormones control the processes of growth, ripening of tissues and child organs, metabolism and energy metabitonin - one of the calcium exchange factors in cells, participant in the growth and development of the bone apparatus (along with other hormones). Both excessive (hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis) and insufficient (hypothyroidism) functional activity of the thyroid gland is the cause of various diseases in childhood.
The level of secretion of the thyroid hormones is directly associated with the activity of other inland secretion glands (pituitary glands, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, germ glands), the presence of a sufficient amount of iodine, the state of the nervous system (central and peripheral). In addition, hormones are influenced by the activities of the thyroid gland, which produce two other organs: pituitary - thyrotropic hormone and hypothalamus - thyroidiberin.
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
Iodine deficiency is one of the main factors predisposing to the diseases of the thyroid gland. Especially important is in children's and adolescence.
The condition associated with the increase in products of the thyroid hormones is called hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis.
The main symptoms of thyrotoxitosis:
- heartbeat
- sweating
- shiver
- Two, feeling «sand» In the eyes, the pressure behind the eyes, in the launched cases - Exophthalm (protrusion of eyeballs)
- irritability, bad sleep, aggressiveness, increased fatigue, general weakness
- Reducing libido, potency
- Disruption of menstrual cycles
- reduction or increase in body weight
Hyperthyroidism requires treatment, t.To. seriously disrupts the child's well-being and can cause changes in the heart muscle.
The condition associated with the decrease in the products of the thyroid hormones is called hypothyroidism.
Possible symptoms of hypoteriosis:
- Weakness and increased fatigue
- Reducing memory
- Reducing libido, potency
- Menstrual cycle violation in girls
- Dry skin
- Reliability, Tuskens Hair and Nail
- Cardic impairment, heartbell interruptions
- swelling of the face, limbs
- Blood cholesterol
- Bad Son
- Blood pressure fluctuations, vascular dystonia
- depression
- constipation
- Improving body weight
Heavy, long-term forms of hypothyroidism lead to irreversible changes in the body, and since the hormone is universal, all organs and systems of the body suffer. Before the appearance of dosage forms of thyroid hormones, fatal diseases were observed.
Thyroidites are a group of diseases that combines several diseases, various by origin.
An autoimmune thyroiditis is due to a partial genetic defect of the immune system. In this case, the antibodies generated by the immune system take cells of their own thyroid gland for foreign and damage them. Such activity over time leads to a decrease in the ability of the thyroid gland to produce hormones, t.E. To hypothyroidism. Against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis, a temporary increase in hormone products is possible - hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis).
Subacute thyroiditis due to viral infection. The disease occurs sharply. In the field of thyroid gland there are pains that are increasing at the turns of the head, swallowing, so patients often turn to ENT doctor, neuropathologist, dentist. It is possible to increase the temperature, deterioration of general well-being. Requires urgent treatment, t.To. Subacute thyroidite can lead to a resistant reduction in the function of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism
Nodes of the thyroid gland
The nodes of the thyroid gland (nodal goiter) are tumor formations of the thyroid gland, differing from the fabric of the gland in structure, structure, composition, can be benign or malignant. The main danger of the nodes of the thyroid gland is their malignation (from Lat. malignus - evil, harmful, mad), t.E. rebirth in malignant tumor.
Causes of thyroid nodes formation:
- Iodine deficiency
- Impact of toxic substances on the thyroid gland (varnishes and paints, solvents, gasoline, phenols, lead)
- Benign or malignant education
- Hereditary predisposition
- Toxic adenoma
Thyroid nodes require systematic treatment. Observe and treat knots - be sure. Selection of treatment Individual, according to the results of the survey, depending on the nature of the nodes.
The presence of nodes in the thyroid gland (thyroid) or an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland (thyroid gland) is customary to call the nodal and diffuse goiter.
The increase in the tissue of the thyroid gland and the formation of nodes can occur not only with the deficiency of iodine intake, but also with sufficient (physiological, 50-100-150 μg / day) iodine level.
Treatment of thyroid disease in children
The use of hormonal drugs may be substantiated or as a temporary measure (to assess the state of the thyroid gland, maintaining it in the conditions of impossibility of conducting other treatment, or with a diagnostic target), as well as in connection with the surgically remote thyroid gland (due to, for example, the malignancy of the node ). In the latter case, the use of hormonal drugs becomes mandatory for the rest of the life.
At the same time, it is important to remember that the reception of drugs containing the hormones of the thyroid gland accelerates the loss of bone mass (T.E. Promotes osteoporosis) and can lead to changes in the cells of the heart, and other organs, increasing the risk of atrial fibrillation (state bordering the heart stop), as well as to the necrosis of the tissues of any internal organs.
The removal of nodes (not rarely, the entire proportion of the thyroid gland) does not exclude the functional load on the thyroid gland, that is, does not exclude that due to which the thyroid gland came to such a state. Therefore, the formation of nodes continues. And if one share is removed, then the nodes of the thyroid gland are developing in another share. And then surgeons can offer the following operation. We should not forget about small but very important parachitoid glands, usually close to the thyroid gland. There are no rare cases of removal of them together with the lobes of the thyroid gland. It can lead to big trouble.
The second path of treatment should be attributed to the recovery, since the elimination of the causes, conditions and factors provoking the functional thyroid tension (manifested in the nodular formation and increasing volume), and leads to a resistant reductional conversion of the thyroid tissue.
The developed and practically honed method of treatment of the nodal and diffuse cybe of the thyroid gland includes the correction of the energy state, restoring the harmonious balance in the relationship between the internal organs, elimination and / or decrease in the influence of malicious factors, and functional «Maintaining» Actually thyroid gland. These activities are carried out through reflex life, lifestyle assessment and recommendations on the habitual (but necessary) correction of nutrition, a number of habits, and other pathology affecting, and, in addition, the reception of nutracens that create all the conditions for the restoration of tissues and the functions of the thyroid gland.