Obesity is an excess accumulation in the body of fat in subcutaneous tissue. Depending on the amount of excess weight, four degrees of obesity distinguish. To establish an obesity degree of special formulas and the value of the ideal body weight.
Obesity - a disease characterized by excessive fat in subcutaneous tissue and other tissues of the body, which leads to exceeding the normal (perfect) body weight by 20% and above. Today in the world, almost every third resident of economically developed countries has a body weight, exceeding the ideal norm by 20% and more.
Views of obesity
There are primary obesity, directly connected with an alimentary (food) factor and secondary obesity, resulting from various lesions of the central nervous system and the internal secretion glands. Among the secondary forms, the hypothalamic (associated pathology of the hypothalamic region) and endocrine obesity are distinguished. Endocrine forms include adiposogenital obesity associated with the underdevelopment of the genital glands (hypogonadism) and thyreogenic obesity, depending on the pituitary gland hypofunction (hypothyroidism, mixedma), as well as obesity at the front of the front lobe of the pituitary gland. This division is based on the generally accepted classification of obesity. Primary obesity is approximately 75% of all known obesity. Also distinguished by local and general obesity. When local obesity, fat is postponed in subcutaneous tissue in the form of linden.
Stages and degree of obesity
Nutritionists allocate two stages of obesity:
- progressive (body weight is constantly growing)
- Stable (overweight is present, but at a constant level, without a tendency to further increase)
Previously, for an approximate, very imperfect evidence estimate, the formula was used in which the weight of the human body (in kg) should be equal to growth (in cm) minus 100. In the norm of fluctuations in weight calculated by this formula, should not exceed +/- 10.
The degree of obesity is also established by comparing the actual weight of a person with its normal weight, that is, in the one that should be the growth and addition of the patient. To calculate normal weight, use one of the following formulas.
According to the formula of Brock, normal weight in kilograms is equal to the number of centimeters exceeding 1 m growth. This formula is suitable for growth, from 155 to 165 cm. For growth from 165 to 175 cm, it is proposed to deduct not 100, and 105 cm, and with a height of 175 to 185 cm -110 cm.
According to the Bornardt formula, normal weight in kilograms is equal to the growth rate multiplied by private from dividing the volume of the chest (in cm) on the coefficient 240.
Currently, special tables for determining the ideal body weight are used for a more accurate digital evaluation of the degree of obesity, in which the floor, age, growth, the constitution of the patient or indexes (Brock Indices, Bornardt, and DR.). It is recommended to use the body mass index. It is calculated by dividing body weight (in kg) on the magnitude of growth (in m). The result obtained is elevated in a square. Normal body weight index indicators are 20.0-24.0.
Allocate four degrees of obesity:
- I degree (the patient's body mass exceeds normal by 20-29%)
- II degree (the mass of the body of the patient exceeds the normal mass by 39-49%)
- III degree (the mass of the body of the patient exceeds the normal mass by 59-99%)
- IV degree (the mass of the body of the patient exceeds the normal mass by 100% or more)
With the first degree of obesity, the body weight exceeds the perfect mass by 15-29%, that is, if the ideal weight is 55 kilograms, then the presence of extra 8-15 kilograms is considered the first degree of obesity. In this case, it is necessary to revise the lifestyle and nutrition to return to optimal weight.
The second degree of obesity is considered when the real weight exceeds the perfect weight of 30-45%, that is, with a weight of 55 kilograms, the increase occurs at 16-25 kilograms (weight is 71-80 kilograms).
With the third degree of obesity, the excess weight exceeds the ideal weight of 50-99%, therefore, with an ideal weight of 55 kilograms, the obesity of the third degree will arise with weight from 81 to 110 kilograms.
The fourth degree of obesity is considered if the body weight exceeds the ideal weight twice or more, which means that, with an ideal weight of 55 kilograms, the fourth degree of obesity is considered when weighing more than 110 kilograms.
Consequences of excess weight
With 1-2 degrees of obesity, as a rule, special complaints of health appear. Functional and structural changes of organs and systems of the body still does not occur, overweight is perceived more as a cosmetic defect and brings more psychological than physical discomfort. But it is at this time that it is necessary to think and urgently do it, because, as a rule, 1 and 2 degrees of obesity account for a progressive stage, the weight continues slowly (or quickly), but it is correct to grow that it is dangerous for serious complications. The load on the spine, bone, joints is increasing, the normal operation of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed, constant or episodic pains can begin to appear in the joints of the joints, the restriction of their mobility and T.D.
At 3 and 4, the degrees of obesity are aggravated by all the same problems that have already been marked at 1-2, and weakness may appear, poor mood, drowsiness, decay, nervousness, irritability, constant hunger and thirst, swelling, nausea, bitterness mouth, shortness of breath, joint pain. Pathological changes begin in the body systems, especially in the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.