Healing Soda and its proper use
Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin all his life is engaged in the study of health, diseases and methods of their treatment by folk remedies. Rogue new secrets of longevity, he shares them with his friends, colleagues and readers. For many decades, Dr. writes books about the health that are bought from the counters of bookstores as if hot baking. Ivan Pavlovich teaches people how to get rid of ailments without pills and operational intervention, using only breeding means and gifts of nature.
In his book about the properties of soda, the author shares its practical experience in the use of this component, about its healing capabilities. Ivan Pavlovich recommends that all people take soda daily in the morning, during the day (if possible) and in the evening half an hour before meals. Start with big doses do not need not «shock» His unprepared organism. The first intake of soda should be 0.5 h. L., divorced in a glass of warm milk or water. You can just drink soda without stirring how comfortable.
From the point of view of nonsense, it is the disturbed acid-alkaline balance that is the root cause of diseases. This is an indicator that should not change throughout life, and is equal to 7.4. This value is optimal when determining the p / n from 0 to 14. Too understated indicator indicates the possible availability of a serious disease that can lead to cancer, Stroke, infarction and fatal outcome.
According to the study of the Doctor of Medical Sciences Nechurovakina, the food soda is able to ignite the blood with further normalization of its formula. Already 15 minutes after the admission of soda in the body, acid-alkaline balance is restored, the correct operation of organs and systems is restored. With regular use of soda in therapeutic purposes, diseases are retreating, blood vessels are cleaned from cholesterol, Cells are updated, the protective functions of the body rise, even the kidney stones dissolve.
Indications for the use of soda
According to the advice of Dr. Neumyvakin, soda solution should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach. Approximately 20-30 minutes before the meal, a glass of soda solution drinks, this time is enough so that the soda passes through the stomach in the duodenum, and the acidity level has not changed. If you drink a full stomach, then a chemical reaction will occur, it will appear belching, gases and even diarrhea.
Against the background of taking soda urine becomes alkaline, due to the fact that neutralization of the acid occurs. Due to this, a significant proportion of the load from the kidneys is removed, the stones are no longer formed. Dr. I.NS. Neumyvakin recommends mixing sodium bicarbonate with warm milk. So faster the intestinal work will be created, the process of suction to the blood components of soda will accelerate.
The procedure for treating and cleansing with enema with soda Doctor of Medical Sciences advises to do on the following technology:
- solvent one tablespoon of soda in two liters of water, the temperature of which should be 37 degrees;
- To carry out the procedure, it is better to use the circle of Escam.
The first seven days should be done daily, then - every other day or as needed.
In addition to the internal use, our site recommends that the soda solution rinse the mouth and throat with inflammation, Angina and other infectious diseases. Regularly taking a hot bath with the addition of 200 g of soda and 100 g of sea salt, leather helped and the musculoskeletal system will fit. The cells of the body will begin to recover, biochemical processes will resume, the oxygen will be better absorbed. Common health improves, mental and physical activity will increase.
Power treatment with soda
Unpleasant illness called the gout disrupts the integrity of the joints and tissues, it is reflected in the normal operation of metabolic processes in the body. Ivan Pavlovich Nesimevakin sick people advises his proven treatment recipe:
- Three liters of warm water you need to take three teaspoons of soda and nine drops of pharmaceutical iodine;
- Everyone is pretty stirred to complete dissolution;
- Therapeutic foot baths need to do in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Course treatment - one month.
Duration of treatment Soda
There is no specific answer to the question, and how many soda should be treated. One people becomes easier two weeks later, others are recovering for six months, and the third - they take the soda for life and feel always beautiful. Tibetan monks, for example, consider this drink healing and lifelong, that is, drinking it always. Many nutritionists, in turn, are advised to be treated soda in stages not to harm the body.
How to cook drink
Several tips from Professor Nechyevakina:
- First, cook drink is needed exclusively of hot milk or water.
- Start better with minimal portions of soda (on the knife tip).
- The maximum allowable dose of food soda per 250 ml of liquid is a tablespoon.
- Take a drink three times a day before meals, or two hours after meals.
Observing these rules and recommendations, you can clear your vessels in a short time, which means that you will not be afraid of strokes and heart attacks.
No need to forget that, like any other food product, soda has a shelf life. In the closed packaging it can be stored a year and a half, and in the open - six months. To check the suitability of the product, pumped a little soda in vinegar. If the reaction has occurred and the liquid foamed, it means that the soda is high-quality.
In his books, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin describes not only the miraculous possibilities of soda, but also hydrogen peroxide, but it is mistaken to believe that these two components can be taken simultaneously. The professor does not recommend connecting peroxide and soda, because a chemical reaction may occur so, the consequences of which are very unpredictable. It is best to drink these solutions at least with an interval in half an hour.
Ivan Pavlovich teaches his readers with reason to treat her nutrition, correctly alternate food and drink, find useful in such substances like water, soda or hydrogen peroxide. Holding to the right councils of the famous doctor, you will forever forget about the tablets and pharmacy mixes and learn to listen to your body's voice and its needs.