What is diabetic stop


  • Diabetic stop
  • Diagnosis of diabetic foot
  • Treatment of diabetic foot

  • Diabetic stop

    Diabetic stop - one of the most common and heavy
    Complications of diabetes. Long elevated glucose content
    In the blood leads to the defeat of the vessels and nerves of the lower extremities,
    Innervation disorder occurs - neuropathy and / or blood supply -
    angiopathy. Against the background of the modified protective forces of the patient's body
    With diabetes, minor foot injury (corn, crack,
    injection, non-acceptable nail haircut, bruised and t.D.) may result
    To different manifestations of diabetic foot syndrome.


    • trophic ulcers;
    • chronic, long-lasting purulent wounds;
    • Felmons of the foot; osteomyelitis of the bones of the foot;
    • gangrene one, several
      fingers, parts or all foot.

    All this increases the likelihood of high
    Lower limb amputation.

    Diagnosis of diabetic foot

    What is diabetic stop First, the surgeon reveals
    The disease determines the degree and assign the necessary examination
    To determine the immediate cause of complications (neuropathy, ischemia
    or neuroecemia):

    • Blood analysis Common and biochemical, urine analysis.
    • Glycemic and glucosuric profiles (in patients during the day several times the level of blood sugar and urine is determined).
    • Radiography of the feet in 2 projections (to identify bone damage).
    • Bacteriological research (the microbe determined by inflammation) to assign an appropriate antibiotic.
    • Ultrasonic examination of the main limbs trunk arteries.
    • Neurologist determines the nature of neuropathy (definition of tactile,
      Temperature, pain sensitivity, reflexes and degree of violation
      Conducting nerve impulses on the lower limb - electromyography).

    Treatment of diabetic foot

    Based on the results of blood tests and urine, an endocrinologist conducts
    Correction of blood sugar levels. As a rule, for the period of stationary
    Treatment of the diabetic foot, all patients are transferred to the introduction
    adequate doses of simple insulin.

    Depending on the manifestation of the diabetic foot and the degree of neuropathy, alpha-lipoic acid preparations are prescribed.

    If the trunk vessels are amazed at the diabetic foot
    (macroangiopathy), consult a vascular surgeon
    For the possibility of conducting surgical correction of ischemia. At
    There is no such possibility conservative treatment
    Diabetic foot with prostanoids (Vaison, Alprostadil),
    Heparinoids (Sulodekside), disagrement (thromboas).

    Depending on the manifestation of the diabetic foot is carried out
    Complex treatment comprising surgical (one or more
    Stages) and conservative (dressing using antiseptics
    and therapeutic wound coatings). Patients with a diabetic stop pass
    course of hyperbaric oxigenotherapy (in the barocamera the patient is breathing clean
    oxygen at elevated pressure).

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