Children's Larygit


  • Varieties of Larygita
  • Than to be treated?
  • Acute stenosing laryngitis

  • Varieties of Larygita

    Catarial Larygit manifest
    hoarseness, sore throat, feeling
    Commissions, periodically arises cough.
    Catarial laryngitis is the easiest form

    GIperputrophic Larygit It is more expressed
    strong hoarseness voices, coughing and passing.
    At the same time, small ligaments are formed,
    magnitude with a pin head, growing, so
    called the nodules of the singer, which give
    Vote wheezing. Some children suffering
    Larygitis in childhood, in adolescence
    Herbonic voice is passed. Doctors explain it
    Hormonal changes. Treatment is carried out
    The same as with other types of Larygitis. IN
    extreme cases, bumps on bundles burned
    Silver nitrate solution. If the ligaments are changed
    very much, sometimes comes to the operation -
    The affected parts of the ligaments are removed

    Atrophic laryngitis

    thinning inner - mucous membrane
    GORTANY. Patients complain of dry mouth,
    painful cough, they almost always
    hoarse. With severe cough can be peeling with
    Stucking blood. Fortunately, children have this ailment
    Practically does not occur. The reason for this
    Larygitis doctors consider excessive passion
    acute food rich in seasonings and spices.
    Usually, in addition to the larynx, is affected
    and rear wall of the throat. Deals are often found
    Highlanders, in the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

    There is also a special type of laryngitis - the so-called professional.
    This ailment is usually sick teachers,
    teachers and other people who are
    You have to strain the voice often. On bundles
    Often formed peculiar thickening - singer nodules. Over time voice
    It becomes like Vito Korleone from the movie Great Father.

    Than to be treated?

    If you do not bring the disease to chronic
    status, then laryngitis can be defeated literally
    in several days. It is important in time to realize that
    Silence - gold, in the literal sense
    of this word. It is not always easy to convey this
    thought to a child, however, big children usually
    still understand that it is better for several days
    talk in a whisper than to suffer then long

    Try to the child if possible breathing
    nose, not mouth. Dry air dries
    Voice ligaments that strengthens hoarseness.

    Children's Larygit
    Child a child with water as much as possible! Sure,
    We are not talking about gas production from the refrigerator. Better
    just drink warm water, on a hot day you can
    drink and water room temperature. Liquids
    With laryngitis, the body needs at least 1.5-2 liters
    in a day. Better if the child will drink her
    gradually, small portions: then bundles
    It will be much easier. Good helps to get rid of
    From wheezing and mastering the voices Warm boiled
    milk. The effect will be greater if in a glass with
    Milk add a piece of melted
    Butter: It will remove all and dry.

    If you have home repair and air apartments full
    caustic evaporation, it's best to send
    child in the cottage, visit to grandmother and t. D. - all in all,
    anywhere, but only that he does not breathe
    irritating substances. Otherwise get rid of OT
    Larygitis will be very difficult.

    Well help with laryngitis inhalation.
    Put a child breathing over the ferry. Better if
    it will be an ultrasonic inhaler and breathe
    The kid will be an infusion of therapeutic grass, for example,
    Romashki. But you can do and conventional inhalations over potatoes. For this
    Potatoes boil, drain the water and put over
    Pan of the child. Let her breathe. Can I
    just cook the infusion of grass (chamomiles,
    Hypericum or Sage), and then warm over water
    Bath and give to make a child. Infusion is preparing
    as follows: in a glass of boiling water
    Place two tablespoons of grass, all this
    boiled on a water bath for 15 minutes,
    then cooled, focusing and brought
    water to the initial volume. Effective as
    Larygitis inhalation Eucalyptus. Desirable
    do inhalation 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

    Fast cure will not come if not
    Comply with a certain diet. Exclude from
    Child food sharp seasoning, spices,
    ketchup, fried dishes. If the child does not like
    boiled meat and vegetables, then you can bake them.

    In the first days of illness can help hot foot
    Baths: water temperature should be 42-45 degrees,
    for 20-30 minutes. After the bath is best to wear
    Warm socks and not go out. Very comfortably
    conduct such procedures before bedtime. Maybe
    help and sucking candy with menthol (for
    older children who have no allergies) but it
    Rather ambulance. If
    Laringitis does not pass within a few days,
    Contact your doctor. Consult a doctor also in
    if the laryngitis is repeated from your
    child repeatedly. For big children
    Larygitis is usually not dangerous. Larygit W
    small child always requires urgent
    Medical care.

    Acute stenosing laryngitis

    He needs to say separately. Differently it
    condition is called false croup -
    This name can often be found in
    classic literature.

    What it is and how to deal with him? False
    Crow - a state at which swelling occurs
    Lained, resulting in luxury larynx
    narrows and the child becomes hard to breathe. Without
    Medical care patient may die.
    False croup can occur as at various
    infections (strong cold, influenza and t. D.) and
    kids prone to allergies. In this case
    False croup occurs without temperature rise.
    The cereal often arises from young children, for them
    He is the most dangerous.

    How is false croup? Suddenly (more often
    total - among the night) the child begins to choke.
    The croup is usually developing quickly, literally for
    a few hours, sometimes in 2-3 hours or less.
    Kid's voice becomes husky, cough -
    fat, breathing noisy, while notes
    Strengthening inhale. If the narrowing of the larynx is strong, then
    You can see how at the bottom of the neck on the breath fighters so
    called jugular fossa - wpad,
    which is located over the sneaker. If narrowing
    very strong, then in breathing will take
    participation and other chest muscles, with
    This in the breath between the ribs will be
    sink. Blue Outoglobe Skin Color
    triangle or face - a sign of very heavy
    State. The emergence of the collar contribute
    Wet weather, temperature drops to heat,
    Impact of viruses, use
    children-allergies «Dangerous» Products. From
    true cereal arising during diphtheria,
    False croup is distinguished by a rough, barking cough.

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