Menopause and sex


Menopause and sexIt is difficult to find a woman who would not have suffered menopause. Fast fading of the skin, the appearance of deep wrinkles, tides, depression, fading libido — All this does not pass without a trace and affects sex life. However, it is not possible to avoid natural menopause, which means you need to prepare for unpleasant surprises and learn how to smooth sharp corners of hormonal restructuring. Life in the period of menopause does not end, and sex in it should take place! What problems in sex life can face a woman in the period of menopause? How to allow them? About this and talk.

Termination of menstruation and unwanted pregnancy

Menopause. This turning point is preceded by a period of hormonal rearrangements — Climax during which the ovarian function is smoothly fading. At this time, menstruation becomes rare, scarce or vice versa, long and abundant. All these changes are caused by anneviation, that is, the absence of mature eggs, which, in fact, makes a woman infestyl, that is, not capable of having children. However, against the background of annovation can «slip» ovulatory cycles, during which pregnancy occurs. Many women during this period avoid sex, but reliable contraception is able to preserve the harmony of partnerships.

That sex remains pleasure, it is important to choose a reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. According to WHO's recommendations, women up to fifty years can use conventional oral contraceptives. To make sure that menopause and the absence of risk of pregnancy, it is necessary to stop the reception of the pills and pass the blood test to the follicularity of the hormone. FSG level below 30 me / l. Test references to the termination of the ovarian function. Another way to protect against unwanted pregnancy in the period of Klimaks — Using the Navy with Levonorggestrel.

Tides and nighttime

What is the sex here, if something and the case pums it with heat, then cold, and the body several times a day is covered with sticky sweat? Riding — One of the main manifestation of a hormonal restructuring occurring during the occurrence of menopause. All women they proceed in different ways. Have some rare, and they are transported quite easily, others are literally laid on the hospital bed. Special non-nonal vegetable and homeopathic preparations can be avoided, which can be purchased in a pharmacy, and hormonal agents intended for substitution therapy.

Replacement hormone therapy (HRT) in recent years is gaining increasing popularity in women and doctors. The reception of sex hormones missing in the body allows you to eliminate the symptoms of Klimaks, to preserve youth and health for a long time. It is only necessary to take into account that drugs used for the UGT do not provide protection against pregnancy, in addition to them, it is recommended to use the Navy with Levonorggestrel.

To prevent and relieve tides, keep well-being, you need to avoid overheating: there is no hot and acute food, wearing lightweight clothes from natural fabrics, maintain in bedroom air temperature 18—twenty 0C, use fan or air conditioner, avoid warm bedding.

Insomnia and migraine

Menopause and sexClimax is often accompanied by sleep disorders and headaches. Insomnia is not always manifested in the classic version, but if it is difficult for you to fall asleep, if during the night you are going to wake up from an unexpected rustling, a gust of the wind outside the window or anxious sleep, and the next morning feel broken, with severe, how «cast iron», head, it means there is a problem.

First of all it is necessary to get rid of stress, it is he — The root cause of sleep disorders. In second place there are the same stuffs that make waking up, wipe the sweat, and often even change the wet and even bedding. How to cope with tides, you already know, and Cigong, Yoga, Meditation, Psychotherapy and, of course, sex will help to defeat insomnia and migraine. After proximity to your loved one, sleeps incomparably better and the next morning very rarely hurts the head. Statistics say: Women who preserving sexual activity during the period of menopause and menopause are less susceptible to stress, rarely suffer from depression, insomnia and migraine.

Reducing libido

One of the manifestations of Klimaks and Menopause — Libido extinction, or attraction to the opposite sex. Undoubtedly, not only changes in the hormonal background, but also physical and psychological discomfort, which is experiencing a woman in a torrential life. Problems with bladder, dryness and pain in the vagina, constant fluctuations in mood, depression, dissatisfaction with themselves and their partner reduce the sex life couple.

What to do? Put a cross on yourself and forget about sex? Absolutely not necessary! There are means that increase sexual attraction, in particular, such effects have some drugs used for hormonal replacement therapy. In many cases, they will help to cope with urinary incontinence, eliminate the mood differences and other symptoms of Klimaks.

Pain in sex

Hormonal changes in the period of menopause lead to thinning and dryness of the mucous membrane. Sessions are converted into torture, often sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

Conventional lubricants will solve the problem, preferably water based. They moisturize sex tract mucosa, make penetration and koitus. The more often you have sex, the better the blood circulation of the vagina and its secretory function will continue longer.

Menopause — This is not the end of life, it is just her new stage that has its pros and cons. To keep beauty and health for a long time, a woman needs sex. It is he who allows himself to sense himself, helps to fight depression and warns the illness associated with age.

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