Corneal ulcer: causes, symptoms, treatment


  • Causes and mechanism of corneal ulcers
  • Symptoms of corneal ulcers
  • Treatment of corneal ulcers

  • Causes and mechanism of corneal ulcers

    Corneal ulcer: causes, symptoms, treatmentWhat is a corneal ulcer, intuitively understandable from the very name. Ulcer is an infected pogboard or hole in any surface. The corneal ulcer usually occurs from the cracks of the cornea. In addition, it may appear on site injury and eye wounds. It is important to understand that cracks and injuries can be very insignificant, imperceptible to the patient. Each of us who at least once in his life hit the eye, cannot be one hundred percent sure that the integrity of his cornea was not broken. The cornea has big abilities for self-healing, and a few months after a short injury, it is usually completely restored. However, in some cases, this does not occur at the place of injury.

    It happens when microbes settle in the damaged cornea. Bacteria «Switchless» From the nearest departments - conjunctivations and a lacrimal bag. Therefore, after injury, the likelihood earn an ulcer is significantly higher in those who suffer from sharp or chronic inflammation. In addition, the source of microbes may be a wounded subject. It is very important to pay attention to him. Let's say if the injury arose when you stumbled upon a bitch in the forest, the danger of the appearance of ulcers is relatively low. But if the cause of damage to the cornea has become a scratch cat, then risk is significantly increasing.

    Symptoms of corneal ulcers

    What should bring you to suspicion about ulcers? Key sign of ulcers - pain. Naturally, after injury, pain is present. However, it's about growing pain. If after the incident, the pains stabilized and even started to serve, and after a couple of days (or weeks) suddenly increased again, then the formation of ulcers is very likely. Light and tear - also quite typical signs of ulcers. They are also often accompanied by injuries, and again it is not the very presence of these symptoms, but expressed their strengthening after a certain period of time. Sometimes described signs appear as if on the background of full health. This usually occurs when the primary injury was insignificant and the person had already forgotten about it, and the inflammation of the time was increasing, and the ulcer began to form.

    The appearance of ulcers is often accompanied by redness of the proteins of the eye. The ulcer is relatively well treatable, but if you lose the moment, the disease can take a dangerous and very heavy turnover. Cunning ulcers is the following. First, the defect can progress deep into, and the ulcer gradually turns into an end-to-end tunnel, connecting the external environment and the most sore eyes. This is an extremely dangerous state, for the microbes can penetrate the depths of the eyes, without meeting any resistance on their way. It can provoke the development of eye inflammation (Panofalmitamit).

    Secondly, ulcers sometimes have the ability to grow, not deep into, but styling. Predict such features in advance «Character» Ulcers are impossible. In such cases, use the term «creeping ulcers». They are very quickly progressing, in a matter of days exciting an increasing territory. The main trouble is that at the site of the ulcers, after its healing, a small scar and traces of sprouted vessels remain often left, and these structures do not miss the light, and therefore will remain on the site of the scar in sight «Late» Pwens. Such ulcers are prone enough «crawl» on the eye, and therefore the track from them after recovery may be very large.

    Treatment of corneal ulcers

    Since the ulcer is caused by bacteria, then the main component of its treatment is antibiotics. They are used in the form of droplets, ointments, as well as in the form of tablets (last - if the disease takes a heavy turnover). As auxiliary means, the hormones are often prescribed (they practically do not affect bacteria, but effectively help to remove inflammation). Also physiotherapy is also used.

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