Illness disease. Myopia


First of all, it is worth calming the parents of the diligent disciples: at least myopia and call the illness's disease, the round fives do not necessarily lead to wearing glasses. Already looking into the eyes of a newborn, you can often predict, threatens him myopia or not. So, it is possible to prevent myopia if you take a case from the first months of your baby's life.

Illness disease. Myopia

That the family is written?

The risk group includes primarily children of minor parents. If the myopia is also in dad, and at mom, the likelihood that it will appear in a child, very large.

The reason is that such people have a weak connecting cloth. A person with healthy eyesight the eyeball is drawn up when he considers closely the subject, and when the distance is translated, returns to the initial round shape.

If the sclera (shell, which is tightened by the eyeball) is weak, it does not cope with its functions, it is difficult for her to give the eye apple. Then the person begins to see the remote items fuzzy.

If a child in the year is hyperopia +1, and not +3 diopters, as it should be, he is a challenger to get a children's myopia in the future. Premature children — Also Candidates in Claws. Risk and those who suffer from allergies often suffer from influenza, ORZ, pneumonia…

All these children have a violated metabolism, the blood supply to the eye is suffering, the structure of the sclera changes: it becomes militant, it is stretched with an eye load and does not return the apple the original shape. So such children need to take vision especially.

5 Golden Rules

Especially disappointing when the dowel loses children with good heredity, rarely ill and physically strong. If you want your child to have a good whole life (and if it is destined to wear glasses — To happen as possible as possible, it is necessary to observe 5 gold prophylaxis rules.

  • Give the eyes of rest. If a child has good eyesight, he must take a break in classes every 40 minutes; With weak myopia — Through every half hour. 10–15 minutes of rest — it is not a seat in front of the TV! Let running, jumps, look out the window, will make the eye gymnastics. As it is not sad for a schoolboy, but watch TV is better only on the weekend, when there are no lessons. Five hours strain your eyes at school yes 2–3 hours at home — Such a load can not withstand the growing eye. And the children's myopia is particularly rapidly developing from 7 to 9 and from 12 to 14 years.
  • Keep a book or notebook at a distance of 40 cm from the eyes. Measure this distance and show your choi how to sit. So least deform the eyeball.
  • Hold a child to hurt as little as possible. Let him engage in physical education, runs, swims, plays tennis. For the eyes are good all kinds of sports, except for those where there is a danger to get injuries.Illness disease. Myopia
  • Feed baby useful for eye products. This cottage cheese, kefir, boiled fish, beef and beef tongue, turkey, rabbit, carrot and cabbage, greens and berries — Blueberry, Lingonberry, Cranberry. For eye, polyvitamins with trace elements and calcium with vitamin D or phosphorus are useful.
  • Did not save the eyes of the senior — «Take the straw» Junior. Do not make them read earlier than 5 years, do not give up to school at 6 years: ciliary muscles, which provides good vision, is finally formed to 7–8 years, therefore, among those who went to the first class at 6 years, 3 times more for minority than among schoolchildren who started learning at 7!

Do not put babies in front of the TV before 3 years — Only to this age in the norm, vision becomes equal «unity». And on the computer let me play only from 8 years.

Why treat, if you can't cure?

Yes, myopia can not be cured. But when the children begins to deteriorate vision, it may be another so-called false myopia: just the weakening of the ciliary muscle.

First of all, for this you need to regularly check vision. But even if true myopia is developing, the process can be suspended. Now for the prevention and treatment of myopia have good techniques: magnetic therapy, laser treatment, pneumatic massage — Special glasses that massage eyes and improve the performance of ciliary muscles, physiotherapy.

Used in complex treatment and electropuncture — One of the species of reflexotherapy. Only in classical reflexotherapy on biologically active points affect the needles or they migrate them with cigars, and with electrical — MicroDos of current. It does not hurt and not scary. In addition, the reflexotherapy is healing the whole organism.

Gymnastics for tired eyes

Teach the child every day in the break between the classes to make gymnastics for the eyes and massage, relieving visual fatigue. Massage is simple and pleasant. It improves blood circulation and normalizes eye pressure.

  • We carry out thumbs from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eyes, then, without tearing hands, — before eyebrows, and finally — From the outer edge of the eyebrows to the inner — repeat 18 times;Illness disease. Myopia
  • Close your eyes and gently massage the eyeballs from the external angle of the eyes to the inner — 18 times;
  • For gymnastics you need to make a marker label with a diameter of 3 mm at the eye level on the window glass. From the window to 30 cm and watch 5 seconds by label, 5 seconds — Vdal on the view outside the window — And so 3–5 minutes. This is a good training for the eye muscle. If myopia is already there, and the child is prescribed glasses, let it make this gymnastics in glasses.

Wearing glasses or not?

Many parents believe that the glasses who prescribed a child doctor, at the very beginning of the development of myopia, do not need to wear. Let, they say, eyes are trained.

In fact, glasses do not harm the vision. On the contrary: when a child purses all the time, strains his eyes, myopia progresses faster. If the doctor allowed to read and write without glasses, but prescribed them for Dali, glasses should be put on and when the child looks at the school board, and when it goes to the theater, and when he is sitting at the TV.

At the computer, the schoolchik is better to spend 15–20 minutes a day. Maximum — hour and a half, but at the same time take a break for the eyes every 15 minutes.


  • Eye diseases
  • Children from 6 to 12 years

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