Rheumatism: manifestation, diagnosis, treatment


  • Manifestation of rheumatism
  • Diagnosis of rheumatism
  • Treatment of rheumatism
  • Prevention of rheumatism
  • Forecast with rheumatism

  • The development of rheumatism is closely related to the preceding acute or
    Chronic nasooping infection caused by streptococcus.
    An important role is removed by genetic factors, which is confirmed
    more frequent morbidity of children from families in which someone from
    Parents suffer from rheumatism.

    In the development of rheumatism
    Important value has a direct or indirect damaging
    The effects of streptococcal components, its toxins on the body with
    development of immune inflammation. For selective damage valves
    Hearts and myocardium with the development of immune aseptic inflammation
    Responsible antiordinate antibodies, cross-reacting with
    Heart fabrics (molecular disguise).

    Manifestation of rheumatism

    characterized by the manifestation of manifestations and variability of flow. How
    Rule, he arises at school age, less often at preschoolers and
    Practically does not occur in children under 3 years.

    In typical
    Cases The first signs of rheumatism are detected after 2–3 weeks after
    Angina, pharyngitis in the form of fever, signs of intoxication
    (fatigue, weakness, headache), pain in the joints and others
    manifestations of the disease.

    One of the earliest signs
    rheumatism are pain in the joints detected in 60–100% diseased.
    Rheumatic arthritis is characteristic of the sharp start, the involvement of large
    or medium joints (more often knee, ankle, elbow), fast
    Reverse development of the process.

    Signs of heart lesions
    Defined in 70–85% of cases. Cardiac complaints (pain in
    hearts, heartbeat, shortness of breath) are marked with pronounced
    Cardiac disorders. More often, especially at the beginning of the disease, are observed
    A variety of asthenic manifestations (lethargy, malaise, increased

    More rare symptoms of rheumatism include annular rash and rheumatic nodules.

    rash (ring-shaped erythema) – Pale pink inappropriate rash
    thin ring-shaped rim, not towering over the surface of the skin and
    disappearing at pressing. Detected in 7–10% of patients with
    rheumatism, mainly at the height of the disease and usually wears
    Unstable character.

    Subcutaneous rheumatic nodules – Rounded,
    dense, sedentary, painless, single or multiple
    Localization in large and medium-sized joints,
    Ostial vertebral processes in tendons. Currently
    are rare, mainly with severe form of rheumatism,
    Save from a few days to 1–2 months.

    Stomach ache,
    defeat lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs during rheumatism in
    Currently meets extremely rare, mainly in serious

    Diagnosis of rheumatism

    • ECG is often detected by rhythm disorders.
    • Radiologically, in addition to the not always pronounced increase in the heart
      Signs of reducing the contractile function of myocardium are determined,
      Changing the configuration of the heart.
    • Ultrasound of the heart.
    • Laboratory indicators.

    Treatment of rheumatism

    rheumatism is based on the early appointment of integrated therapy,
    aimed at suppressing streptococcal infection and activity
    inflammatory process, warning development or progression
    Pulk heart. The implementation of these programs is carried out on the principle
    Stages: 1st stage – Stationary treatment, 2nd stage – Foundation B
    Local Cardio Rheumatology Sanatorium, 3rd Stage – dispensary
    Observation in the clinic.

    Rheumatism: manifestation, diagnosis, treatment
    In the 1st stage in the hospital patient
    prescribe medicinal treatment, nutrition correction and medical
    Physical culture that are determined individually taking into account features
    Diseases and, above all, the severity of heart lesions. In connection with S
    Streptococcal nature of rheumatism Treatment is carried out by Penicillin.
    Antipersic therapy provides one of Nesteroid
    anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed isolated
    or in the complex with hormones depending on the testimony.

    Penicilline therapy is carried out within 10–14 days. In the presence of
    chronic tonsillitis, frequent exacerbations of focal infection
    Penicillin treatment duration increase, or additionally
    Use another antibiotic – Amoxicillin, macrolides (azithromycin,
    Roxitromycin, Clarithromycin), Cefuroxime Axietyl, other cephalosporins
    In the age dosage.

    Anti-inflammatory drugs apply at least 1–1.5 months
    before eliminating the signs of the activity of the process. Prednisolone in the initial
    Dose are prescribed for 10–14 days before the effect is obtained, then
    Daily dose reduce 2.5 mg every 5–7 days under control
    Clinical and laboratory indicators, subsequently, cancel.

    treatment with quinoline drugs during rheumatism is from
    several months to 1–2 years and more depending on the flow

    In the hospital's conditions, elimination
    Chronic foci of infection, in particular, removal of almonds,
    carried out by 2–2.5 months from the beginning of the disease in the absence of
    Signs of process activity.

    Main task in the second stage
    is the achievement of complete remission and restore functional
    Cardiovascular ability. In the sanatorium continue to be launched
    In hospital, therapy is treated with chronic infection, exercise
    The corresponding medical and wellness regime with differentiated
    Motor activity, healing physical education tempering

    The third stage of the complex therapy of rheumatism
    Provides for the prevention of relapses and progression. To this end
    Use the preparations of penicillin extended action, mainly
    Bicyllin-5, the first introduction of which is carried out in the period
    inpatient treatment, and later – 1 time in 2–4 weeks
    year-round. Regularly, 2 times a year, there is an outpatient
    survey comprising laboratory and instrumental methods;
    prescribe the necessary wellness events, therapeutic
    Physical culture. Children who suffered a rheumorite, in the presence of a valve
    Pulk hearts Bicyllinoprophylaxis is carried out until reaching the age of 21
    Year or more. With rheumatism without the involvement of the heart Bicyllinoprophylaxis
    spend within 5 years after the last attack. In spring autumn
    The period along with the introduction of Bicillin shows a monthly course of nonsteroidal
    Anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Prevention of rheumatism

    The prevention of rheumatism is divided into primary and secondary.

    Primary prophylaxis is aimed at preventing rheumatism and includes:

    • Improving immunity (hardening, alternation of load and leisure, full nutrition, etc.).
    • Identification and treatment of acute and chronic streptococcal infection.
    • Preventive measures for rheumatism predisposed
      children: from families in which there are cases of rheumatism or other
      rheumatic diseases; often sick nasophal infection;
      having chronic tonsillitis or weathered sharp streptococcal

    Secondary prophylaxis aims to warn
    recurrences and progression of the disease in patients with rheumatism in
    Conditions of dispensary observation.

    Forecast with rheumatism

    Currently, with a timely manner, primary defeat
    Hearts ends with recovery. Formation of valve defects
    hearts, more often with the development of mitral insufficiency, is determined in
    fifteen–18% of cases at the first attack, mainly with severe, protracted
    or latent the course of the disease.

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