Trachoma: manifestation and treatment


  • What is trachoma
  • From the history of the disease...
  • Manifestation of trachomas
  • Treatment of trachomas

  • What is trachoma

    The trachoma is an infectious disease for which the constant inflammatory processes of conjunctivations are characterized, the formation of follicles in it. Trachoma - Social Disease that only man suffers. Infection occurs through unwashed hands and infected items. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization on the planet of about 500 million people who are ill trachoma, among which 80 million are completely blind or partially lost sight.

    In the first time, the disease, as a rule, symptoms almost do not manifest. Sometimes patients complain of a feeling of gravity in centuries, clogs, there is no strongly pronounced mucus branch. The inflammatory process at the beginning is formed in the upper arch. The shell of the eyes acquires a red shade, increased nipples are formed, even more enlarging over time. Next amazed cornea eye. Becomes more dull, vessels are detected. Selecting the tear fluid decreases, the scarring of the mucous membrane occurs.

    Trachoma develops under the action of atypical viruses that occupy an intermediate link between viruses and rickettsia. An important role is played by the epidemiological situation. In childhood, trachomes leaks easier. Distinctive recognition is carried out between viral and follicular inflammation of the mucous eye. Trachom can last for years.

    From the history of the disease...

    Trachoma was also called Egyptian eye inflammation. Eye disease, infectious, manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane. In some places there are periodically outbreaks of trachomas, except for this
    It can cause blindness, so such a thing is manifested
    close attention.

    In Europe, trachom appeared in the nineteenth century. Brought her soldiers
    Napoleonic troops from North Africa, hence the second name -
    Egyptian inflammation. First sore soldiers themselves, gradually
    spread among other citizens. First in the south of europe, then
    In Misty Albion, the Germans got acquainted with the trachoma a little later, and in
    Russia appeared after the Patriotic War with Napoleon's army in
    1812. The beginning of the distribution is noted in Poland, then after 10 years
    and in St. Petersburg. Patients were a lot and so how to treat was not
    than (antibiotics
    were open much later), people massively blind. In Wednesday, British
    Soldier in the first quarter of the nineteenth century has five thousand
    soldiers who have lost sight among Russian soldiers almost eighty

    Today, trachoms are often found in the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa,
    Latin America. Middle age people are more often sick, very rarely
    Children bleach and infrequent people of old age, among representatives
    weak sex patients more. Promotes spreading high
    population density, non-compliance with hygiene rules. The disease passes OT
    Patient through personal items, underwear. In Africa
    Spread the disease of Mukhov.

    Manifestation of trachomas

    Hidden period of illness from week to two. First, discomfort in the eyes is simply felt, then these phenomena are growing, sections appear, the mucosa is inflamed, swelling. At the fourth part of the sick symptoms implicit, the clinical picture of blurred.

    Trachoma: manifestation and treatment
    The first signs appear in the upper age. The mucosa is compacted, becomes blue-red. Bubbles appear - follicles. The cornea loses transparency, eyelids turn into. The occurrence of infectious ulcers with the deformation of the cornea and loss of vision. Table canals may also be deformed. Muscles can deform, moving eyelids, as a result of this eye do not fully open.

    At the initial stage of the disease, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane appear, bubbles-follicles. By type, they resemble grains that can be of different sizes. They are localized, most often, on the upper eyelids. Eyes hurt from the light, highlights pus. In this state of the patient may be not one month.

    The active phase of the disease is characterized by an increase in follicles, changing their color, they acquire a yellowish shade, connect to each other, scars form. This phase can also go around for more than a year.

    In the next phase, eyelids are deformed - the characteristic liquid is constantly disturbed from the eyes. This may continue for several years.

    On the last phase, the mucous membrane of the eyes is completely covered with scars. At this stage, impaired impaired. Symptoms of the fourth phase can be confused with the symptoms of some other illness of the eyes: eye diphtheria, dry conjunctivitis, contagious mollusc.

    Treatment of trachomas

    Go to the doctor
    Immediately. The development of modern medicine makes it possible
    Heal trachomes. Course procedures can be a few weeks, and after
    Conditioning about six months Preventive measures to prevent
    Disease Return. The patient is fully cured if two or three
    years of trachoma does not recur.

    The patient is very infectious at the beginning of the disease, with abundant discharge. Better not to leave the house without much need.

    Since ancient times, the people got rid of this disease with the help of infant
    milk, scientists found out that milk can actually cure
    Fuck, if you use it at the first sign of the disease.

    Fitotherapy shows good results, but only in combination with the means of official medicine.

    Two burning of the green currant greenery pour four glasses of boiling water, insisted, use several times a day for rinsing eyes.

    One hundred grams of strawberry berries pour 300 grams of water heated to 100
    degrees, insist two hours, skip through a sieve, drink liquid to 20
    Gram in the morning, at lunch and evening.

    Invaluable effect on the body with a given disease
    sea ​​buckthorn. It can be fascinated by raw, boiled, you can make a ride from
    Dusty Yagoda. It accelerates squeezing scars from trachus, after
    Surgical intervention. Apply sea buckthorn oil.

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