Studies have shown that there are substances in the body - natural defenders of the eyes, namely Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which is similar to the filter, delay up to 60% of the ultraviolet, providing a damaging effect on the retina. Minerals have important properties: zinc and selenium; Vitamins: C and E. In the daily diet of the modern person, there is an insufficient number of these elements. Fortunately, we are able to enrich your diet, taking a specially designed drug.
Bi Disti Orly
Hard and scary to imagine life without the possibility to see. Only with age, we begin to feel what large loads our eyes are exposed every day. Elderly people often have signs of impairment of vision: difficulties in reading, when letters become blurred, thread and feeling of sand in the eyes, discomfort. If the vision is very worsening, everyday life becomes more difficult and, sometimes, you need help in the most simple situations. Currently, even young people are often encountered with inconvenience and impairment issues related to impairment.
Consider an example with age macular degeneration (NMD) — This is an eye disease, which is a chronic dystrophic process in the retina, the consequence of the deterioration of the central vision. Age macular degeneration — The third most prevalence is the cause of blindness in people around the world. NMD suffer more than 24% of people over the age of 65.

The main importance in the development of NMD, in the opinion of most specialists, is given to oxidative stress caused by light, toxins and other environmental factors. In addition to natural age processes, other factors, such as hypertension, improper nutrition, overweight or smoking also contribute to the progression of NMD. On some of these factors, we can affect; In our power to quit smoking or enrich your diet with substances necessary to protect healthy vision. Studies have shown that there are substances in the body - natural defenders of the eyes, namely Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which is similar to the filter, delay up to 60% of the ultraviolet, providing a damaging effect on the retina. They are also called «Natural sunglasses». They neutralize free radicals.
Minerals have important properties: zinc and selenium; Vitamins: C and E.
In the daily diet of the modern person, there is an insufficient number of these elements. It is counted that to replenish the daily need of Lutein and Zeaxantina, you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of fresh carrots daily, you agree - this is not enough. Fortunately, a person is able to enrich its diet with a more humane way. For this, the drug was developed® Lutein Forte, which contains a sufficient number of usefulness substances: carotenoids, minerals and vitamins. And what is important, only one tablet is needed to provide an optimal daose dose to protect.