Chronic bronchitis - treatment as it should be


Despite the universal struggle with smoking and pollution
air, contrary to the invention and widespread use of powerful antibiotics,
The problem of treating chronic bronchitis is still relevant. One of the reasons
The current situation, specialists consider the patients on their own
cope with the disease and later appeal to medical care when chronic
Bronchitis is already far from the first stage.

such chronic bronchitis and what exactly has to be treated?

Chronic bronchitis & mdash; treatment as it should be
Chronical bronchitis — This is a progressive disease,
characterized by the defeat of the bronchi and arising because of their long
irritation by various harmful agents contained in the inhaled air. IN
The quality of harmful agents are more often tobacco smoke, dust, emissions
industrial enterprises and cars, as well as pathogenic microorganisms.
A certain role is played by climatic factors that have to colds and
facilitating the introduction of infection in the bronchi mucous. Moreover, it is infections that,
In particular, viruses causing ARVI and flu, as well as mycoplasm, are considered
The main perpetrators of the exacerbation and progression of the disease.

It is logical that treatment of chronic bronchitis first
Ensures the elimination of factors acting as irritants
Respiratoryways: Smoking Refusal, Accommodation in Areas with Normal
ecology and clean air or at least departure in «Clean» Zones B
Critical moments of the disease. Protection against infection during the satisfaction period
Impossible without strengthening immunity, vaccination from the most common
causative agents of respiratory diseases, without preventive
antibacterial therapy in the autumn-winter-spring season when the most
Frequent exacerbations of chronic bronchitis.

therapy — Fighting microbes

Treatment of chronic bronchitis during the exacerbation in the first
The queue is aimed at combating infection, which rages in the respiratory tract,
leads to their inflammation, improving the products of bronchial mucus, sealing and
Sushing the walls of Bronchi. In addition to antibiotics, doctors prescribe sulfonamide
Preparations, as well as antifungal agents to warn joining
and activation of fungal flora.

After the active attack on the infection is crowned
success when the body temperature is normalized, bronchi and wets are cleaned
purulent will turn into a mucous membrane, antibiotics cancel and replace them with phytoncides
Inhalation of the juice of garlic and a bunk.

defeat cough and clean bronchi

Chronic bronchitis & mdash; treatment as it should be
Cough — most permanent and painful symptom
Chronic bronchitis. At the beginning of the disease, it can be practically dry or
accompanied by the release of a small amount of sputum. Thick, pulling
Bronchial mucus with difficulty cleansing, causes cough attacks and even
Hemochking. To facilitate the debit of sputum and accelerate the purification of bronchi from
A viscous secret, with chronic bronchitis, used musical
Preparations. Some of them are accepted inside, in the form of soluble tablets,
Powders, decoctions, infusions and tinctures of medicinal plants, others — in
aerosol form during inhalation.

To help bronchoms free from sputum, patient
Twice a day shows thirty-minute postural drainage — special
Complex that implies the change of body position in combination with active breathing,
Ending breathing exercises.

Bronchial tree

If with help
Medical therapy fails to stop the aggravation of chronic bronchitis,
Doctors recommend a bronchial tree rehabilitation. The procedure is carried out using
Special endoscopic equipment — Bronchofibroscope,
intended for diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations in the respiratory
ways. Bronchoscope is introduced into the respiratory path of the patient, and after inspecting the bronchi
From the inside of their walls are irrigated by muscolitic, enzyme preparations that dilute
sputum and antibiotics that act directly on the mucous membrane

In patients with severe
purulent forms of chronic bronchitis Sanation of the bronchial tree repeat
Every 3-7 days, usually inflammation can be stopped for 3-4 procedures.

If there

With a pronounced edema and
Changes in bronchi caused by their inflammation, as well as the defeat of small
Bronchi (bronchiole) appears shortness of breath. It is an indication for use
Desensitizing and antihistamine drugs that are allergic
the component of the disease, and drugs that remove the bronchial spasm, that is
Broncholitic drugs. In severe cases when bronchitis threatens to grow
In asthma, used corticosteroid hormones.

Accelerate recovery....

Chronical bronchitis
accompanied by severe sweating at night and during exercise.
Wet skin when evaporating sweat cools, which causes a feeling of zray. IN
such cases doctors do not recommend joining warm clothes, it makes
The body sweat even more, predisposes to the cold and deterioration.
Clothes should be breathable, free passing pair of sweat and
simultaneously protecting from cold.

Victory over bronchitis
It is impossible without physiotherapy and vitamin therapy, the reception of vitamins A, with,
Group B. Bostimulators are needed to activate immune protection, preparations
Aloe, Echinacea, Sealess Oil and Healing Physical Culture.

During the recovery period
After the disease, sanatorium-resort treatment is recommended in conditions of southern and
local resorts. Patients who live and work in adverse conditions,
It is necessary to think about changing the work and place of residence.

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