Laser vision correction: do not be afraid, and do


  • Question number 1. Is it possible to make a laser correction of view after 40 years?
  • Question number 2. When the correction is worth waiting?
  • Question number 3. Is it possible to make a correction of one eye?
  • Question number 4. How I will see after the correction? How stable the result?
  • Question number 5. How long does the laser correction takes?
  • Question number 6. Laser correction is painful?
  • Question number 7. How safe is this procedure?

  • Laser vision correction: do not be afraid, and do

    Despite the fact that the correction is carried out for a long time and specialists have developed a huge clinical experience, people who dream of reducing vision arises arising from issues and fears. The answers to the most common of them are divided by a candidate of medical sciences, Tatyana Vladimirovna Mananylo.

    Question number 1. Is it possible to make a laser correction of view after 40 years?

    If the doctor did not reveal contraindications, then. But after 45 years, a person faces another problem - age-related diseases (presbyopia), for the treatment of which has its own techniques. Deciding on the holding of laser correction is advisable only after complete diagnosis and consultation of the refractive surgeon in the clinic. If the state of the visual system allows you to make a correction, then it is worth passing this procedure. The absence of additional optics will be positively affected by the quality of life. Despite any age, it significantly expands life horizons.

    Question number 2. When the correction is worth waiting?

    Like any other method, laser correction, of course, has its limitations and contraindications. So, the laser correction is not done:

    • up to 18 years due to the unfinished formation of the eyeball, with significant disorders of refractive (more than 10 diopters);
    • during pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to a sufficiently unstable hormonal level);
    • In pathological changes in the retina requiring prophylactic peripheral laser coagulation (PLLK), and during diabetes.

    When these indicators cease to influence one way or another to the visual system, you can start laser correction. Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons, because of which can never be used by this technique. For example:

    • autoimmune diseases (collagenoses, arthritis);
    • primary and secondary immunodeficiency states;
    • systemic diseases affecting healing processes; Endogenous psychosis, the only eye;
    • Thin cornea;
    • glaucoma;
    • progressive keratoconus or progressive myopia;
    • cataract (regardless of the development stage);
    • Operated retinal detachment;
    • viral infection;
    • acute and chronic inflammatory eye diseases;
    • scars of horny shell (in the optical zone).

    Despite such an impressive list, in a specialized clinic you will always be able to choose an alternative method of recovery of vision, so that problems with the eyes did not darken your life.Laser vision correction: do not be afraid, and do

    Question number 3. If visual acuity is different in two eyes, it is possible to make a correction of one eye? And worth Lie?

    The main medical testimony for laser correction is a different refraction in two eyes. Such a situation leads to the worst glacier correction of the eye, where the hyperopia or myopia or astigmatism is more pronounced. Correction allows «Align» eyes on refraction, but visual acuity may differ since on more «weak» The eye may be underdevelopment of visual acuity or amblyopia *. In each case, an individual approach to the patient is applied depending on the survey data.

    Question number 4. How I will see after the correction? How stable its result?

    Before the correction, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination of the view, which will make it possible to accurately determine the cause of the impairment of vision and measure all the necessary parameters for the correction. Final answer to the question «how will you see?» You will receive according to this examination. By the way, before the correction, our doctors can simulate the expected result, and you will learn how to see after the procedure. The result of laser correction over the years does not change. If you spent such a procedure at 20, then at 35, and at 45 years old vision remains good.

    Laser vision correction: do not be afraid, and doQuestion number 5. How long does the laser correction takes?

    In general, the laser correction takes 10-15 minutes, the laser impact itself lasts from 20 to 60 seconds.

    Question number 6. Laser correction is painful?

    The correction procedure is performed under local anesthesia (eye drops), and it is completely painless. Feelings after correction depend on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Usually a small discomfort is felt within a few hours after the procedure. And the substantial gain of vision occurs over the coming day.

    Question number 7. How safe is this procedure?

    Provided that the correction is performed in a specialized clinic with an experienced doctor on modern equipment, it is completely safe. Often the result of the correction depends on the care of diagnostics, the availability of information about the general health status and on the patient's compliance with the doctor's recommendations after the correction.

    * Amblecia, or «Lazy eye» - the disease in which one of two eyes is almost (or even) is not involved in the process.

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