What is hemeralopia



About such a disease, like a hemeralopia know many. Hemeraralopia - all the famous chicken blindness. Chicken blindness referred to a decrease in spatial orientation and impact of view at dusk. Let's talk in more detail about why this disease occurs, and what are the ways to treat it.

Hemerlopia, or, as more famous, this disease, chicken
blindness is a sharp impairment of vision with a sharp change of lighting,
For example, when moving from the lit room into a dark as well
impairment of vision in insufficient illumination. This disease is difficult to diagnose.

What is hemeralopia
Hemoralopia is based on organic changes of stick cells,
either the functional insufficiency of the visual purple, which
Contains these cells and plays an important role in the process of eye adaptation
To the dark. That is why hemerlopia patients are very difficult to adapt to changes in lighting.

Chicken blindness is congenital and symptomatic. Congenital hemoralopia is most often transmitted by inheritance and manifests itself in youthful or childhood.

Symptomatic chicken blindness can develop as a result
Disadvantage in the body of vitamin A, with alcoholism, liver diseases,
neurasthenia, glaucoma, malaria, with long exposure to the eyes
Bright light.

Often this disease is due to insufficient entry into the organism of retinol or violation of its exchange. Symptomatic hemerlopia
may also be observed in chorioretintes complicated by myopia,
atrophy of the optic nerve, tpetortoretinal dystrophy, sideriosis, and
also with other eye diseases.

With congenital hemoralopia, there is a resistant reduction of vision. The forecast is favorable with primary hemoralopia, if
Chicken blindness is symptomatic, then the outcome of the disease
depends on the treatment of the underlying disease.

In chicken blindness, central vision does not rarely suffer, the field of view is often concentrically narrowed.

Treatment of G


With any forms of chicken blindness, the basis of successful treatment
Diseases is the use of sick products rich
vitamins, especially vitamin A.

These products can be attributed to: salad, milk, fresh liver,
Creamy oil, carrot, green onions, spinach. Recommended for
Use also preparations of vitamins RR, A1, B2.

It is important to note that only symptomatic treatment is amenable to treatment
Chicken blindness (by treating the underlying disease), as well as
primary chicken blindness caused by which actually
Lack of vitamin A body. Congenital hemoralopia treatment, on
today, not. The only prophylactic agent is the use of sufficient amount of all the same vitamin A.

But this is not all the problems faced by people suffering from chicken blindness. English scientists came to the conclusion that many people, patients with hemerahopia, fear darkness. This phobia is the most common among such patients, and this applies mainly to children.

So, for example, scientists from the English city of Glasgow examined children who fearing darkness, and came to the conclusion that almost all of them are hemoralopia.

At the same time, doctors note that diagnose this disease is very
It is difficult, meanwhile, it may first turn into the sharp fear of dark,
and in the future and in obsessive state syndrome.

Doctors recommend parents to react particularly carefully to requests
child, especially in cases when someone from family members
suffers from a disease.

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