The colishes of the intestine in the child can not be cured without complying with certain rules and restrictions in nutrition. The gentle diet makes it possible to prevent irritation with the mucous membranes by aggressive components of dishes and improve the well-being of the baby. Diet with colitis in children should be observed not only when aggravating the inflammatory process, but during the period of remission.
- What products are prohibited when colitis
Intestine in the child? - Chronic nutrition guidance recommendations

The colishes of the intestines in the child most often
Leaks chronically. The disease develops against the background of the infectious process,
intestinal infection, power disorders. Progresses with regular
exacerbations, manifesting a bloating, pulling pains in iliac
Areas, diarrhea, vomiting and symptoms of intoxication. Parents are usually not
immediately appeal for help, taking a disease for digestive disorders or
viral disease that provokes the development of chronic
Colitis in children.
In addition to the reception of prescribed by the doctor of medicines, when inflammation
Intestine is subject to adjustment and diet of the baby. Therapeutic diet with colitis in children requires
responsible relationship, since when using some dishes at the kid
Signs of illness may be exacerbated, up to the development of dangerous complications.
What products are prohibited when colitis
Intestine in the child?
If the doctor diagnosed colitis
Intestinal intestines,
Exclude the following products for the period of exacerbation from its diet:
- Fatty meat and fish;
- Sausages;
- Smoked dishes;
- Marinades, canned foods;
- SDOBU, Fresh bread;
- Legumes;
Fresh vegetables and fruits (without prior
culinary processing); - Spices, sauces, spices;
- Carbonated drinks;
- Kvass;
- Sour Juices (plum, apricot, etc.);
- Chocolate;
- Coffee, cocoa and tea;
- Perlovka, millet porridge.
During the remission of Diet Diet
When colitis, children can be expanded. But it is recommended to avoid
use of excessively heavy, greasy and acute foods, as well as all drinks,
capable of irritating the gastric and intestine mucosa. Vegetables, fruit before
use it is recommended to bake or wipe, cleaning from skins and seeds.
Preference should be given to the most natural food prepared without
unnecessary spices and seasonings.
Chronic nutrition guidance recommendations
Long-term chronic
Colitis in children can be exacerbated even in one-time
forbidden products. Dishes must have a comfortable temperature. let's
child only natural and fresh products. Meat should be soft, good
suprenerable, gentle. Try to eliminate hard dishes from the diet,
which can injure the intestinal mucosa.
Fruits preferably bake, but some of them (apples,
pears) is allowed to eat fresh, but pre-clean them from the skin and
seeds. Juices desirable to dilute with water. From seasonings and spices are better at all
refuse since they act annoyingly. Give the child to go small
portions so that it does not move and did not overload the digestive tract.
It is advisable to eat at a certain time in which
Gastric juice is distinguished. If the kid will regularly endure hunger, then it
can lead to frequent collate exacerbations. Beneficially affect
state of intestines mucous soups and silent porridge. They are enveloped
mucous membrane, improve digestion, struggle with constipation, protect the inner walls
intestines from damage and inflammatory process.