Diarrhea Acute, viral, symptoms and diarrhea treatment


  • Acute diarrhea
  • Viral diarrhea
  • Treatment of diarrhea

  • Acute diarrhea

    Under acute diarrhea, a change in the consistency of Cala,
    increasing the frequency of defecation (more than 3 times a day) duration
    Less than 4 weeks. Although in most cases the diarrhea stops
    Alone, the sharp diarrhea is still an important component
    morbidity and mortality, especially in children and the elderly.
    Acute diarrhea refers to polyethic diseases. To possible
    Caused factors include the reception of drugs,
    infectious pathogens or their toxins, inflammatory or ischemic
    Intestinal diseases, non-Absorbable carbohydrates, inflammation in small
    Taza (for example, with a rectosigmoid abscess). In developed countries
    The most common cause of diarrhea serve viruses (adenoviruses, rotaviruses,
    Norwalk viruses).

    Viral diarrhea

    Diarrhea Acute, viral, symptoms and diarrhea treatment
    Among various variances of viral diarrhea
    Rotavirus etiology diarrhea has the greatest clinical significance
    (the most frequent form of infectious diarrhea in children), diarrhea caused by
    Norfolk virus, as well as adeno- and astroviruses. In a clinical picture
    Viral diarrhea draws attention to the frequent combination of diarrhea and
    Fever with dyspeptic disorders, and often (with rotavirus
    diarrhea) and with the defeat of the upper respiratory tract. Diagnosis
    confirmed when the virus is detected in feces using electronic
    microscopy or when conducting special immunological
    Research (for example, with monoclonal antibodies). Diaria flow
    viral origin is usually favorable. Duration
    Diseases do not exceed, as a rule, 35 days. Treatment is
    symptomatic and reduces to the elimination of water and electrolyte disorders.

    Diarrhea can develop with intestinal infections, various inflammatory bowel diseases (for example, with colitis),
    Malaabsorption, alarm, as well as in the syndrome of stratum of colon.
    Strong or too long lasting diarrhea can lead to significant
    loss of fluid, salts and nutrients.

    Treatment of diarrhea

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused diarrhea.
    For example, in hypovitaminosis parenterally introduces the corresponding
    Vitamins, with stomach Achilia prescribed gastric juice or its
    substitutes, if the pancreas deficiency is pancreatin or
    Panzinorm, Festal, etc. With diarrhea not related to infection, shown
    Shattering diet (restriction of carbohydrates, refractory animal fats
    origin), frequent fractional nutrition, careful chewing food.
    Calcium carbonate is used as symptomatic,
    Preparations of bismuth, tanalbin; Oak bark, hormour grass,
    Rhizomes of coil, laptic or heel, cherry fruits, infusion
    Blueberries, Olhi's hodges, daisy flowers, beautician, etc. At
    diarrhea due to dysbacteriosis prescribed colibacterin,
    Lactobacterin, Bificol, Bifidumbacterin.

    Viral diarrhea acquires special in modern medical practice
    relevance. In children, the leading etiological factor causing
    Ostly infectious diarrhea, Rotavirus becomes. Most often
    Rotavirus diarrhea is observed in children under 2 years in the form of sporadic
    cases; Possible epidemics of rotavirus infection, more often in winter. W
    Adults Rotavirus rarely turns out to be the causative agent of gastroenteritis and
    The process, caused by them, flows erased. Acute diarrhea in adults more often
    Causes Norwolk virus.

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