

  • Fire safety rules

  • But not everyone knows that heartburn – not figurative, and the most real
    «fire» in the esophagus. And a mucosa burn threatens esophagitis, an ulcer of esophagus
    and other serious trouble. This is a painful feeling of burning in
    A throat or for the sternum appears when acidic content
    stomach instead of going down safely, in the intestine,
    Rises again upstairs, in the esophagus, the inner shell of which has
    Alkali environment. The result of this interaction, as we remember from the course
    High School – chemical reaction. And its consequence – mucous burn.
    This phenomenon is scientific name – reflux.

    the frequent cause of its occurrence, if it is more easier, is that
    Valve, separating the esophagus and stomach, closes insufficiently tightly.
    If the bad condition of the valve threatens or has already led to dangerous
    Complications, an operation on the formation of fabrics can be made
    The patient's new, high-quality sphincter.

    A considerable role in the emergence of heartburn plays and quite common
    Habit too tight nourished overnight. After all, small
    The dividing valve is very difficult to regularly withstand the grand
    pressure that has a huge surcharge lump
    End of digested food. In addition, heartburn often occurs in
    a certain position of the body: most often when tamped ahead or in
    horizontal position (especially if the head rests on low
    pillow). That's why sweet sleep immediately after a dense dinner often
    Call internal «fire» in the morning.

    Another reason for the appearance of heartburn –
    an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, because of which there is a reverse
    Purpose of gastric juice and food from the stomach in the esophagus. This happens
    overweight, meteorism, pregnancy, or when lifting weights.
    Pressure in the abdominal cavity can also provoke and wearing close

    Fire safety rules

    Heartburn arises, as a rule, after half an hour and an hour after eating. Help myself
    You can, swallowing saliva or drinking water, as well as accepting antacids –
    Substances neutralizing Acid (Maalox, Almagel,
    Phosfalugel, Vicalin
    and etc.). But independent treatment cannot be carried out without accurate
    diagnostics because you can watch more serious diseases,
    which also cause heartburn.

    (gallbladder inflammation) and even to most often such a symptom
    accompanies herriation of the esophagus. In this disease, part of the wall of the stomach
    Speed ​​in the esophageal hole of the diaphragm. If you do not pay for a long time
    on the permanent heartburn of attention, then it can lead to inflammation
    mucous membrane of the esophagus – Essophagitis, chronic gastritis,
    ulcerative diseases of the stomach, esophagus or duodenum,
    Cholecitis-qualities of the esophagus tumor.

    Oleg Yudin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, High Category Surgeon, Head of 3 Surgical Branch of GKB №31:

    – Independently recognize the causes of the appearance and potential danger
    tormenting you heartburn is impossible, so it's better to consult a doctor.
    Visit the gastroenterologist must necessarily, if the heartburn occurs
    regularly. The main study that needs to be held –
    gastroscopy. In addition, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray of the stomach.
    If it is decided on operational treatment, you will need to hold
    More detailed research, such as ionanometry. For this B
    The esophagus is introduced a small probe. With it, you can find out the degree
    The deficiency of the digestive sphincter and choose one or another
    Surgical method. Another study – daily pH-metry
    allows you to measure the acidity in the stomach and esophagus and just,
    When exactly the pathological casting acid in the esophagus.

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