Dysbacteriosis: diagnosis and treatment


  • What is dysbacteriosis?
  • Causes of dysbacteriosis
  • Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis
  • Can I cure intestinal dysbiosis?
  • How to prevent the development of dysbiosis
  • Treatment. Analyzes of dysbacteriosis

  • What is disb


    Dysbacteriosis: diagnosis and treatmentDysbacteriosis is not
    An independent disease. This state in which is disturbed
    Dynamic equilibrium between characteristic for each department
    gastrointestinal tract by microflora and the influence of a variety
    Environmental factors. It changes as quantitative, so
    and high-quality microflora composition.

    Often these changes are negative
    affect the intestinal function, which is manifested by a bloating, gracious,
    abdominal pain, chair disorder and other symptoms
    Diaptic character.

    Causes of dysbacteriosis

    Violation of the composition and number of microorganisms (bifidobacteria and
    many others) inhabiting the digestive tract is most often
    consequence of the uncontrolled application of various medicinal
    drugs, especially antibiotics.

    Is of great importance
    eating diet, as well as the presence of various chronic and
    Functional diseases of organs and systems, and, above all, organs
    gastrointestinal tract. Adverse psycho-emotional background
    promotes the development of this state.

    Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis

    Symptoms of dysbiosis are directly related to the disease or
    a condition that caused dibacteriosis and are nonspecific.
    Most often there is a sense of discomfort in the abdomen, elevated
    Gas formation, stool changes (diarrhea, constipation or chair
    Unstable), abdominal pain may occur.

    It is necessary to remember O
    that dysbacteriosis always aggravates the flow of chronic diseases
    digestive tract, and therefore this state always requires
    timely diagnosis and treatment.

    Can I cure intestinal dysbiosis?

    If dysbiotic changes were caused by the use of antibiotics
    or transferred acute intestinal infection, then with timely
    Diagnostics and proper correction of this state can be achieved
    full restoration of equilibrium intestinal microflora, not only
    Bifidobacteria, but also other microbes.

    If dysbacteriosis is
    consequence of chronic disease, such as chronic gastritis,
    Duodenitis, colitis Dysbacteriosis: diagnosis and treatmentand T.D., then cure times and forever dysbacteriosis
    It is impossible, but periodically carry out therapy aimed at normalization
    intestinal microbial landscape is just necessary because quantitative
    and high-quality changes in microflora can lead and maintain
    Exacerbations of the main disease.

    Self-treatment of dysbacteriosis
    biodevices, kefir diet and «probiotics» far from always gives
    any useful effect.

    How to prevent the development of dysbiosis?

    Important value for the prevention of dysbiosis has
    Rational Power Mode and Balanced Composition. At
    appointment of antibiotics in parallel is recommended to use drugs,
    Supporting growth and development of normal microflora.

    Selection of support preparations – the prerogative of the doctor, since only the doctor knows everything
    Features of the course of the disease in the patient and can correctly pick up
    Individual treatment.

    In the presence of chronic digestive diseases
    It is necessary to clearly fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor for the treatment of the main

    If necessary, after an additional examination,
    Doctor can parallel or after the main course of therapy
    Assign a scheme aimed at the correction of dysbacteriosis.

    Diagnostics. Analyzes on dysbacteriosis

    The doctor will listen to the complaint, will evaluate the effect of concomitant diseases,
    will inspect and prescribe a laboratory study of Kala. Performed
    Coprogram (Common Kala analysis) and sowing Cala (that same
    Analysis) on dysbacteriosis. After evaluating and analyzing the entire
    information doctor selects an individual therapy scheme.

    It is carried out at least 4-6 weeks with subsequent effectiveness control

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