The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis establishes a pediatrician or a children's allergist when inspecting. He must ask the parents about the nature of the child's nutrition, living conditions, manifestations of the disease. In the future, if the child has diathesis, it is necessary to constantly observe the doctor to correct the nutrition and prevent exacerbations.
Elimination of allergens
The most important thing is that
Make parents, try to reveal and eliminate possible allergens.
Since there are three natural pathways of allergens penetration —
food (during food and drink), contact (with direct
Impact on the skin) and respiratory (through the respiratory tract),
That effort is desirable to take in all three directions.
Contact Path:
Child clothes should be made of natural materials.
- Important
Consider the country of manufacturer, place of purchase. Do not buy
suspiciously cheap (especially imported) things.
- Think about Tom,
that harmful dyes could be used in their production
and materials.
- Before the first sock, clothes should be washed.
- Maximum
Limit the use of synthetic detergents, especially washing
Powders with biosystems. This rule applies not only to things
the child himself, but also on the upper clothes of relatives who wear
Child on her arms.
- Typical situation: Baby in diapers, postgraded
baby soap, sipped with a face about a mother's bathrobe, who, in his
queue postulated by washing powder.
- Be sure to stroke the clothes and bed linen. Allergens are destroyed at high temperatures.
- Note
Attention on the quality of water in which the child bathes, which washed
Lico, hands, ass. When allergic to chlorine has to boil water
Or install filters.
- Be careful with the shampoo and soap you wash your baby. They can also cause allergies.
- Do not forget about toys. Consider what and where they are made than painted.
Respiratory path (the main allergens penetrating through the respiratory tract are):
- dust
- aerosols
- Means from insects
- Dry food for aquarium fish
- All that actively smells (no matter, good or bad).
- homework
animals. Remember that, after the removal of the animal reducing the level
Allergens in residential premises begins in about a month,
And the manifestations of dermatitis in the child are reduced not earlier than 3-4
months (most often — about six months).
Recommendations Parents
Recommendations to parents of a child suffering from atopic dermatitis.
- Not
Allow the child overheating (no need to wear it in a hundred clothes) and more
Pove It. Remember that the more the child sweats, the brighter the symptoms
dermatitis. When a lack of liquid decreases the removal of allergens
With urine.
- Constipation in a child with allergic dermatitis not only
enhance the manifestations of the disease, but also, often they are its main
The reason (allergens do not have time to leave the intestine in time, absorbed
in blood and cause allergies). It is important to monitor the frequency of the chair,
and the problem of constipation solve with the help of a doctor.
- Lungs — The most important
Filter of the human body, removing many of the most diverse
«nasty» and allergens including. It is important to maintain normal
Lung work: regularly ventilated and, if necessary, moisturize
Room and bigger walk.
- The use of any medicinal
drugs in a child with a tendency to allergies require special
Caution and advice with a doctor. Remember: Pharmacological
Means in the form of syrups contain a variety of additives (dyes,
flavors) capable of calling or enhance allergies. Candles in this
Aspect, safer.
- And the last. Do not dramatize the situation.
All you will do — it's not for life. Allergic
dermatitis, as a rule, the phenomenon is temporary.
Medicia treatment
exacerbation of atopic dermatitis doctor watching a child may
Prescribe medicinal products. These may be enzymes, vitamins,
Short courses of various antihistamine drugs and t.D. Besides,
Hormonal and non-immune (moisturizing) ointments can be appointed
and creams. Tallery on the ass recommended lubricate with special creams
High zinc oxide.
Sometimes the child is recommended
Baths with various herbs with anti-inflammatory effect
(in particular, chamomile decractions and turns). However, it should be remembered that
Any herbs are capable of themselves to cause allergies.
Children with allergic diathesis are held only after medical
preparation that reduces the likelihood of an allergic reaction (for
This goal is used antihistamine drugs), and only in a month
After the last exacerbation of the process.