Gastritis. People's disease


  • Where does it come from
  • What else can provoke the disease
  • Treatment with gastritis
  • Gastritis food
  • Where they treat
  • Products, contraindicated with gastritis
  • Healthy foods

  • Where does it come from

    «In gastritis, the mucous membrane of the stomach is inflated, an increased selection of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid occurs, normal food advancement in the intestines is disturbed. Pain in the upper part of the abdomen, the feeling of discomfort, overflow of the stomach, burning (heartburn) after meals, and for bacterial gastritis is characterized by the appearance of hungry pain and pain at night, - says the deputy head of the food department and gastroenterology of the SSC RF-IMBP RAS, leading Researcher Boris Afonin.

    Gastritis. Muscovites' disease - With exacerbation of gastritis, vomiting may occur, weakness, dizziness, changing the chair. In severe cases, gastric bleeding. The danger of gastritis is that this process does not pass to the end and can lead to atrophy of the mucous, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum».

    In most cases, gastritis arises due to the activation of Helicobacter Pylory microorganism (HP). These bacteria are already in the stomach more than half of the population, and in the event of adverse factors, they make themselves felt.

    NR affected up to 60% of the world's population (in selected countries 70-80%). It is transmitted from a person to a person often through dishes (especially spoons), when drinking from bottles (every second is infected by HP). You can get infected from a person with a kiss and simply with long-term (more than 3 months) contact with the bacteria carrier (in the family, in production).

    Infection begins at child age reaches a maximum in adults. We are dealing not with the occurrence of gastritis, but to a greater extent with its exacerbation caused by adverse factors (violation of nutrition, nervous voltage, excess of excess of harmful substances (alcohol, smoking, pharmaceutical and. NS.).

    What else can provoke the disease

    • Incorrect and irregular meals: dislike for first dishes (first of all soups that should eat every day) Reception dry, sharp, too cold or hot food.
    • Overwork, nervous overvoltage and exhausting physical work.
    • Alcohol. Most often fans of fences are resorted to the doctor - after abundant videos in combination with acute fatty foods. As a rule, after them, the aggravation of gastritis appears for some time.
    • Smoking. Nicotine destroys the gastric mucosa and provokes gastritis.
    • Reception of drugs (for example, aspirin, which can irritate the gastric mucosa, hormonal drugs, antibiotics).

    Treatment with gastritis

    To diagnose «gastritis», The doctor is usually sufficiently described symptoms and pictures of their occurrence. Treatment is most often not burdensome and successfully. However, in serious cases, in-depth studies are required, the most informative of which is gastroscopy.

    First of all, you need to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis comply with the diet, there is often and gradually (5-6 times a day) well suited food. The doctor may prescribe drugs, normalizing the acidity of the stomach, protecting the mucous membrane, inevitable evacuation from the stomach.

    Gastritis food

    Gastritis. Muscovites' disease With exacerbation of the gastritis, the doctor will recommend a special, very gentle diet approximate menu of a conscientious patient who struggles with the disease may look like this:

    Liquid porridge (oatmeal, manna, rice) or steam omelet, tea with milk, kissel (better not immediately).

    Lunch: Egg Skump or a little cottage cheese.

    Dinner:Vegetable soup (better soup soup), boiled meat or low-fat fish, or steam cutlet, pasta, compote or non-acid juice.

    Afternoon person:Dry Cookies, Kefir, Non-Style Cheese,

    Dinner:Potato (or any vegetable) puree on water, fruit jelly.

    Second dinner (overnight):A glass of kefir or baked apple, White Sukharik.

    Where they treat

    • Centline Gastroenterology: Enthusiast Highway, 86. tel. (495) 304-30-39
    • SSC Coloproctology Rosmedtehnologiy: ul. Salam Adil, 2. tel. (499) 199-39-01, 199-04-09.
    • Roszdrava preventive MP: Petroviergian., D. 10. tel. (495) 923-86-36.
    • Exemplary cost of treatment - from 3 thousand. rubles.

    Products, contraindicated with gastritis

    First of all, products containing acids (acidic products). Must be excluded margarine and products in which it can be used (almost all confectionery).
    Sharp foods, and products exciting stomach secretion, carbonated drinks, coffee, strong broths, fuel dishes, canned food.

    Cabbage, Cucumbers, Onions, Fresh Bread, Pies, Fatty Meat, Milk, Salo, Spices, Grapes, Print, Strong Tea, Smoked, Marinades, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Alcohol.

    Healthy foods

    White crackers, raspberries, strawberries, jam, kefir, liquid porridge, low-fat broths, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, boiled chicken, vegetable soups, cocoa, kissel.

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