Mastitis in a young mother

Very often in a woman who recently gave birth and feeds the child with breasts, redness appears in the field of breast, and the milk iron increases. Sometimes the temperature rises. In this case, doctors talk about lactation mastitis.

Very often in a woman who recently gave birth and feeds the baby with breasts, redness appears in the field of breast, and the milk iron increases. It is also possible to increase the temperature. In this case, doctors talk about lactation mastitis. Lactomatic mastitis is inflammation of breasts with nursing breasts of a woman. One of the reasons for this disease is a stagnation of milk, which develops when milk is not completely compressed after feeding. And the other - the cracked nipples. That is, first there is inflammation of the nipple, and then inflammation applies to other sections of the breast. Our site will help your readers to warn such a parable and recognize it.

Manifestations of the disease

Breastfeeding, breasts, breast disease, stagnation of milk, breast massage, mastitis, prevention of mastitis, manifestation of mastitis

  1. If the cause of mastitis is cracked nipples.
  2. In the area of ​​the nipple, cracks appear and blood droplets are distinguished. Nipple. And if you do not pay attention to this, then inflammation will go further. A few days later, the woman will notice that the milk iron has become heavier, dense. Also appears pain and redness. Sometimes the temperature rises. If you do not apply for medical help at this stage, the disease will progress. The pain will increase, the area of ​​redness will increase and the fastest plot is gradually formed. In this area will begin to accumulate. In the launched cases, the pussy is distinguished from the nipple.

  3. If the cause of mastitis is a stagnation of milk.
  4. In this case, the woman notices the seal or «ball» in the field of breast. Seal gradually increases, then pain, temperature and redness in the sealing area appear. If at this stage does not eliminate lactostasis, then, as in the first case, a pus is formed.

As soon as the young mother noticed either cracks in the nipple area, or redness in the field of breast, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Treatment in mastitis is to stop breastfeeding, thoroughly complaining milk and Taking antibiotics. If there are cracks in the area of ​​the nipple, then they must be lubricated by a special ointment. If the pussy has already been formed, then surgery is added to the above action. In this case, there is a cut of the skin over the depth section of the pus and removes purulent content. In no case cannot make compresses and other thermal procedures. They contribute to a very rapid formation of pus.

Prevention of the disease

Breastfeeding, breasts, breast disease, stagnation of milk, breast massage, mastitis, prevention of mastitis, manifestation of mastitis

All these painful and unpleasant manipulations can be avoided if it takes prevention in time. Mastitis prevention must be started before delivery.

First of all, you need to choose a convenient bra. A B last month before childbirth Massage of the mammary glands. To do this, mentally it is necessary to divide the dairy gland to 4 parts. You need to start a massage from the upper inner square, then go to the top outer square and further clockwise. Each square make rotational massage movements, from the edge of the breast to the nipple. After childbirth before each feeding, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands and every nipple. In addition, it should be followed as a child sucks breasts. The baby must capture not only the nipple, but also around the nobble circle - Areol. After feeding, you need to make sure whether the milk remains in the gland or not. To do this, massage the gland and make sure that there are no seals.

These are such simple actions, our site recommends that you avoid such an unpleasant disease as mastitis.

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