What a sign of meteorism


  • What you need to know about meteorism
  • When meteorism appears
  • Signs of meteorism
  • How to treat meteorism
  • So that meteorism does not bother

  • What you need to know about meteorism

    Meteorism is an excess accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract due to increased education or insufficient removal from the intestine.

    The number of gases in healthy people depends on the nature of nutrition, age, lifestyle and other factors. Under normal conditions, the gases are usually accumulated in the stomach, in the right and left colon bends. These gases are formed due to the swallow air, the release of them in the process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, as well as when neutralizing the gastric juice of soda (taken when heartburn). Gases are output through the rectum, part - absorbed into the blood and then stands out through the lungs.

    Diseases under which the meteorism appears, a lot. It may be a consequence of simply overeating, and maybe chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines.

    Composition of intestinal gases

    Gas in the colon of healthy people has the following composition: Nitrogen - 24-80%, oxygen - 0.1-2.3%, hydrogen - 0.6-47%, methane - 0-26%, carbon dioxide - 4.3 -29% also has hydrogen sulfide. The stomach is greater than the concentration of oxygen, and in the intestines - carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide.

    When meteorism appears

    For reasons, six forms of meteorism are distinguished:
    • Alimentary meteorism - occurs when eating foods rich in fiber and starch (bean, cabbage, potatoes, black bread and others.);
    • meteorism amid violation of digestion processes (with enzymatic insufficiency, impaired suction, dysbacteriosis and t.D.);
    • Mechanical meteorism - with various mechanical obstacles to the movement of food (for example, with a tumor);
    • Dynamic meteorism - occurs on the basis of violation of the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, with toxic effects on the intestinal muscles in various infections);
    • circulatory meteorism - with circulatory disorders (for example, with a stitch in intestinal veins in varicose disease);
    • Psycho meteorism - against the background of mental abnormalities, for example, with hysteria.

    Signs of meteorism

    What a sign of meteorismFor meteorism, complaints are characterized by a feeling of resolving and gravity in the stomach, sometimes - new pain in various parts of the abdomen.

    In pronounced meteorism, there may be attacks of grapple-shaped pains (gas colic), subsidence after gases. In some cases, there is a frequent and noisy extension of gases, in others - their delay.

    There are also buried, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, decline in appetite. There is an unpleasant smell of mouth, in some cases, especially in young people, he can cause neurosis.

    An unpleasant feeling may occur in the field of other organs: a feeling of burning in the heart, heartbeat, interruptions in the work of the heart, headaches, pain in the muscles, sleep disorders, anxiety, oppressed mood, general weakness, drought, and t.D.

    Sometimes bothering shortness of breath, which can be quite strong (dyspeptic asthma).

    How to treat meteorism

    If the meteorism worries very often, then you need to consult a doctor to exclude a serious illness. Treatment is carried out after establishing the causes of meteorism. Assigns a diet with the exception of cabbage, legumes, fresh bread. Limited products rich in starch (potatoes, flour dishes), as well as easily durable carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, ice cream).

    Medications are prescribed substances that are admisted on its surface of the gase, for example, activated carbon, white clay, smecta.

    The rest of the treatment is carried out taking into account the reason that caused meteorism: enzymes are appointed during enzymatic insufficiency, with dysbacteriosis (decrease in the number of useful microorganisms in the intestine and an increase in harmful) - restoration of normal intestinal microflora. For pains, drugs are prescribed, removing the spasm of the muscles of the stomach and intestines (antispasmodic agents, such as but-shp). Preparation of constipation and diarrhea.

    In the meteorism associated with mechanical disorders, sometimes surgery is needed.

    So that meteorism does not bother

    In order to warn meteorism, it is necessary to rational balanced nutrition. Fashion diet better exclude at all - they are all somehow injured the gastrointestinal tract.

    The following requirement is sufficient, the age-related motor activity. If a person does not move, then all the muscles, including the muscles of the internal organs, begin to operate in the mode of reduced activity, which leads to stagnation and meteorism.

    If you have constipation, then you should not abuse laxative and enema, it also adversely affects the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. You need to consult a doctor and it will appoint proper treatment.

    Remember: the meteorism can be a signal signal about some kind of disadvantage, so it's very difficult to understand this matter yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

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