Treatment of ulcerative disease


    In the complex treatment of ulcerative disease, diet therapy, drug treatment and physiotherapy are used. Physical factors contribute to improving blood and lymphorage, stimulate regeneration processes, regulate the secretory function, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Individually (only by a doctor), the question of the appointment of physiology methods is solved.


    Physiotherapeutic treatment is contraindicated in complications of peptic ulcer and suspicion of malignancy of ulcers.

    Among the physiotherapeutic procedures used in the treatment of ulcer and duodenal ulcer and duodenum are most often applied by the following.

    Treatment of ulcerative diseaseDiad ditch (DDT) is one of the effective physiotherapeutic methods used in the complex treatment of patients. DDT has a pronounced analgesic effect in patients with aggravation of peptic ulcer and normalizing influence on the main functions of the stomach.

    Ultrasound therapy produces micro-massage fabrics, increases metabolic processes in them, has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result of this therapy, the painful syndrome quickly passes, the secretion of gastric juice is reduced, but acid formation does not change significantly.

    Magnetotherapy. As a result of the impact, the magnetic field passes the pain syndrome and dyspeptic disorders, a tendency towards a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, normalization of the engine function of the stomach, healing of ulcers.

    Electroson - a modern method of impulse electrotherapy. As a result of treatment, the functional state of the central and vegetative nervous system is normalized, the healing of ulcers is accelerated.

    The effectiveness of anti-sized therapy depends on the timeliness of its conduct, the correct combination of diet, pharmacological agents and physiotherapy.

    One of the leading places, especially in sanatorium-resort conditions, occupies mud. Mud - and pea brees are shown in the phase of the fading exacerbation. Dirt low temperatures reduce hypersecretion, normalize the motor function, improve blood circulation, normalize the reduced activity of the sympathoadrenennel system.

    Medical therapy

    Medicase therapy of ulcerative disease remains one of the most important components of complex conservative treatment.

    Drugs used in complex anti-sized therapy:

    Anticholinergic Tools (M-cholinoblockers Peripheral and Central) - Atropine, Litacin, Platifillain, Gastrocepin, Peritol, Amizil, Metamizil, Eglonil (Sulpirid), Gastroallate, Bekarbon, Bellatzin, Bishpan, Gastric Pills with Beauty and DR.;

    Anti-acid and anti-sensifs (antacids, adsorbents) - phosphhalugel, allyugel, acidrine, aluminum hydroxide, de nol, Vicalin, Wicler (Rother), Sukralfat, etc.;

    Reparative regeneration agents and with anti-inflammatory effects (reparants), - sodium carbenoxolone (biogastron, delacing), sodium oxyferryrskone, methyluracil, stage, metransomal, vitamin U (methylmethioninsulfonyl chloride), dox, anabolic steroid drugs (necland, metylacenendiol, spectabolic, silabolin ), solkozeryl, sea buckthorn oil, vinyline, biogenic stimulants (aloe extract, fibs, etc.), gastropharm, mucostobile, vitamins, etc.;

    Various symptomatic means (spasmolitics, analgesics, sedative, etc.) - Papaverin, No-Shpa, Galidor, Metoklopramid (Primpear, Maxalon, Raglan, Cerukal and DR.).

    Resort treatment favorably affects the course of peptic ulcer, helps reduce the duration and severity of exacerbations and lengthening the remission of the disease.

    Use Mineral waters Essentuki No. 4, Smirnovskaya and Slavic, Borjomi, Truskavets. Mineral water is heated to 38-40 OC, which enhances its antiseptic effect and reduces carbon dioxide. Apply 1.5 hours before meals.

    Treatment of ulcerative diseaseFor ulcerative disease in complex treatment, therapeutic physical education is also used. Exercise are prescribed when attenuation of acute phenomena - disappearance or significant decrease in pain in the epigastric region. This state usually comes on 5-7 days after hospitalization. At first occupations teach patients to abdominal breathing at a small amplitude of vibrations of the abdominal wall. These exercises contribute to improved blood circulation and gentle massage of the abdominal organs, a decrease in spastic phenomena and normalization normalization. Classes of medical gymnastics are carried out in the initial position lying, sitting and standing for 15-20 minutes. After the disappearance of pain and other signs of exacerbation during class gymnastics, you can use exercises with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg, exercises are also used on the gymnastic wall and bench. Exercises with sharp and fast movements that increase the oscillations of intra-abdominal pressure, contraindicated. In the day of such patients, the morning gymnastics and walks are mandatory components.

    From medicinal products of plantain, plantain juice, chamomile, its drug is renomulated, linen seed, peppermint, sea buckthorn oil, etc.

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