Exciration is not a disease, but only a possible symptom of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, together with the belch, it is necessary to treat and primary disease. And methods for this much: traditional and non-traditional treatment, folk or Eastern medicine. Can be chosen for every taste.

Extermination can be caused by a swallowing of air, which is especially characteristic of infants, the use of carbonated drinks. However, the belching can be the symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis and t. D.
Openings can also be a sign of the disease of the esophagus and the stomach, but may be a random episode in completely healthy persons when moving or using liquids containing carbon dioxide (soda). Exciration can provoke and physical exertion.
Frequent or constant belching (tightening) indicates the defeat of the esophagus or stomach - the inflection of the stomach, stenosis of the stomach, disorders of the peristaltics of the esophagus and the stomach, as well as with the hernia of the esophageal hole of the diaphragm.
Normally, there is always gas in the stomach that stimulates its motor and secretory functions. The amount of gas depends mainly on the amount of air, swallowed during food. The increase in gas content in the stomach contributes to the use of carbonated beverages, as well as some foods, such as cabbage, peas, beans, etc. Usually gas from the stomach gradually goes through the mouth or gatekeeper. With its excessive content in the stomach, intragastric pressure increases, the stomach muscles are reduced with simultaneous relaxation of the cardiac sphincter and the gatekeeper's spasm, which determines the occurrence of belching. Openings most often occurs with the diseases of the stomach and duodenal. It can also be observed for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, cardiovascular system (for example, with myocardial infarction).
Open with air, not smell, is usually observed with the usual ingestion of air or enhanced gas in the gastric. The delay in the gastric emptying, for example, when cancer of the stomach or ulcerative disease with stenosis of the gatekeeper, and arising from this stagnation and decomposition of gastric content can lead to the formation of hydrocarbons, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, which gives belching an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs.
Extinguishing food, at which, together with the gas in the oral cavity, there are small portions of liquid gastric content, may be acidic, bitter or rotary. An acidic belching is observed usually at ulcerative disease and is due to the increased acidity of the gastric content due to the hypersection of gastric juice or fermentation in the absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. Gorky belching is observed as a result of throwing bile in the stomach, putrid - with a long stomach in the stomach and putrid decomposition of its contents.
In order to eliminate belching, the main disease is treated. In all cases from the diet, gashed drinks and products contributing to gas formation or long-staying in the stomach. Food recommended to take often, small portions. With hypersecretion of gastric juice, antacid drugs are prescribed.
Root Aira. Small powder on a knife tip. Put water. After half an hour, belching and even a strong heartburn.
Potato and carrot juice in equal proportions, 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.
Eat raw carrots in any form (if the belching or heartburn appears after meals).
Eat apple.

Mildly normalizes acidity, reducing it to normal, a mixture of equal linden colors, flax seeds, mint leaves, fenhel seeds. 1 Art. L. bream boiling water bream. Adjust to cool. Strain. Drink 50 ml 2 times a day to persistent improvement in well-being. This treatment is quite long.
Gastritis with increased acidity and acid exhausting, leaking less than 10 years, are well treatable with a mixture of 3 parts of fruits and flowers of rowan and 1 part of the root of Aira. 1 Art. L. Mixtures pour 1 cup of cold water. Insist 1 h, bring to boil, cool, strain. Drink in warm form on a half pack 2-3 times a day before meals.
Reduce acidity to the norm will help beets. Use juice, make fresh beet salads. Can be applied and boiled beets.
With the ulcer of the stomach or duodenum use juice of fresh white-baked cabbage containing vitamin U. It should be taken on 1/4 cups 20-30 minutes before meals, gradually bringing the amount of juice to 1 cup. Course treatment - 1.5-2 months.
With exacerbation, it helps well in the healing of the ulcerative defect «Walnut milk», which is prepared from the flavory and walnuts. 10 g of nuts need to be destroyed, add 100 g of boiled water, filing and add 1-2 hours. L. Honey. Take 1 dec. L. 5-6 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
A oats decoction also has a significant effect when aggravating the ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Previous oats need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried. A glass of oats grind on a coffee grinder. Pour in 2.5 liters of boiling water and reduce fire. Periodically stirring, cooking on low heat (tomorrow) 45 minutes. Cool and squeeze in several layers of gauze. Drink in warm form 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. If the pains disappeared and the belching decreased, the decoction of oats can be drunk after eating. Hold in a refrigerator.
Infusion of Plagain. 1 cup of fresh leaves of the plantain pour 2 glasses of boiling water. Insist to cool. Strain. Drink 1/4 cup several times a day 30 minutes before meals. You can also take fresh-free plantain juice. To cook it, fresh leaves of the plantain need to grind on a meat grinder. In the resulting paste add an equal amount of boiled water. Stir and squeeze juice. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.
An excellent medical property with a newly emerged ulcer has a tincture of aloe. Before circumcision flower 2 weeks do not water. You need to take 500 g leaves or the whole 3-5 - a year-old flower, leaves well wipe. On 5 days to put in the dark, cool, well ventilated place. Then scroll on the meat grinder, add 500 g of honey heated in a water bath to 50-60 0s, and 0.5 liters of natural red wine. Merge everything in dishes from dark glass and close tightly. Insist in a cool place for 7 days. Take the tincture follows the following scheme: 1st week - 1 hour. L. 3 times a day 1 hour before meals; 2nd week - 1 st. L.; 3rd week - 2 st. L. Course treatment - three weeks.
Widely used in the treatment of peptic ulcer and acidic belongings Antacid (Almagel, bismuth preparations), as well as drugs suppressing gastric secretion. These include gastrocepin, group of histamine H2 receptors (Gistodil, Ranitidine, Histak). After scarring of ulcers with elevated or normal acidity for the prevention of exacerbation, one of the drugs of this group is recommended in supporting doses overnight for the night of several months to a year.
If the belching indicates the diseases of biliary tract
The binding of the boring colic attack is carried out by antispasmodic drugs in injections: papaverine, but-shine, atropine, platinate, barallganine, and nitroglycerin intake under the tongue. To enhance the therapeutic action of antispasmodics, you can combine with analgine or dropridol. In the absence of effect in the hospital, they resort to Novocaine blockade. If the stone firmly clogs bile ducts, it is possible to develop various complications that require operational intervention with the removal of gallbladder.
If the gallbladder is removed in an emergency or planned manner, it often occurs so-called «Postcholecistectomic syndrome». One of its manifestations is also bitching.
Normal acidity - no belching
During the exacerbations of food should be mechanically and thermally gentle, but should stimulate gastric secretion. To this end, the diet is added in a small amount of salted non-fat herring, fermented milk products, honey, «Kashu» From the wipe fresh cucumbers, boiled cabbage dishes. Food should be 5-time, small portions.
Outside the exacerbation 20-30 minutes before the sick food should take 1/4 cup of warm boiled water from 1/2 h. L. Honey (Honey Water) 3 times a day. At zero acidity (ahlorohydria) in honey water added 1 st. L. The juice of the seafrine of the plantain and the rage of dry leaves of the raspberry (1 st. L. on a glass of boiling water - insist 1 hour). Platter List Juice and Brigine Leaf Leaf Store in the refrigerator.
Also regularly before meals you can take a drink from sea buckthorn and rose hips. Useful apricots in natural and dried form, as well as apricot juice. Reception of any described funds 30 minutes before meals ensures optimal mode to stimulate gastric secretion and increase acidity.
Berries lingonberries, prepared from autumn, need to pour cold boiled water. Drinking this water should be drunk during the winter of 1/4 cup 20-30 minutes before meals. Water should be addressed daily. From April you can eat berries for 1 hour. L. before eating.
The acidity of the gastric juice can be enhanced by using fleshy grapes. To do this, you need to eat it at 100-150 grams 20 minutes before meals. Very good for increasing the acidity of beans in all kinds: Mashed out of it, stuffing for pies and dumplings. It is added to soups, winegreets, salads. In the fall and winter are prepared puree from a grated fresh turnip with vegetable oil. However, the acidity of meat food is most susceptible and continuously increases.
Chinese lemongrass increases reduced and lowers increased acidity. 2 g of the lemongrass seed powder is enough to receive during the day. You can prepare juice from fruits and drink 1 st. L. 3 times a day 20 minutes after meals. The effect occurs after 40 minutes, the action of the lemongrass lasts up to 5 hours. In addition to the normalization of acidity, the positive property of berries is the elimination of belching and pain in the stomach area.
Increases the acidity of alcohol tincture of immature walnuts. 10-15 immature fruits quickly cut into thin slices, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. It is better to insist in a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid, at room temperature for 14 days. Strain. The tincture has a pleasant smell, it has a dark color, suitable for long-term storage. Also helps with pain in the stomach. Take it 3 times a day after meals - 1 st. L. Tincture pour in 1/2 cup of water.
It is possible to normalize the acidity of gastric juice using honey and butter taken in equal ratios. Take this mixture of 1 st. L. 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Useful to drink to meals carrot juice 1/4 cup.
Wonderful medical properties have the grass of the plantain. From it they make juice and take 1 st. L. 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals. The leaves of the plantain can be added to salads when they are fresh, and from dried leaves make infusion, based on the proportion of 1 st. L. Dry herbs on a glass of boiling water. Take infusion you need 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
In case of insufficient secretion, drugs are used, replacing gastric juice: natural gastric juice, acidine-pepsin during meals, pre-soluble in water. PlanToglucid are prescribed, group vitamins in.
Diet pattern
And of course in the treatment of belching, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dietherapy is considered an important point. Patients prescribe a diet in which fat and fried dishes, smoked meals, marinades, sharp dishes and seasonings are excluded from the diet. Power should be frequent, small portions, especially with a bricken disease. This achieves optimal emptying of the gallbladder, the efficiency of food digestion and a decrease in gas formation.
For 2-3 minutes, press the pillows of the palms on the line of the second finger to the lifting.
And the strongest exercise is based on the fact that the stress of the abdominal muscles contributes to the stimulation of the normal operation of the stomach. Lie on the back and raise straight legs at an angle of about 45 degrees. Then in this position you need to keep your feet in the air. After a tenfold repetition, the next bunch of belching should come, after which it stops.