«Solar children» - Gorky Dar of Nature


  • Will their parents guilty?
  • Nobody canceled biological age!
  • Nature of Down syndrome
  • Previous diagnosis: how to determine Down syndrome?
  • «Solar children» — the right to live

  • Solar children with Down syndrome - who are these?«Sunny», so called children with Down syndrome for their open heart, in which there is no place for malice, envy and fear. According to the Fund statistics «Downside Axt», Only 2.5 thousand babies with such genetic pathology appear annually in Russia, and the number of newborns with Down syndrome, unfortunately, is growing from year to year. What is the reason for which the popular pregnancy and childbirth are played? Why medicine is not able to reverse the situation?

    Will their parents guilty?

    Even before scientists have solved nature «Sunshine» Children with Down Syndrome, it was noticed that the age of the mother is usually interconnected with the birth of a sick child. Symptoms «Mongolism», As the Down Syndrome, special appearance and development in development, often had children of elderly mothers more often. Modern data confirm these observations if the probability of the birth of a sick baby in a woman at the age of 20-24 is 1 to 1562, at the age of the mother 35-39 years −1 to 214, then among 45-year-old women every 19th birth marks the appearance of «Toddler from the Sun».

    In the United States, according to polls, each fourth woman creates a family and gives birth after 35 years. In Russia for the period from 1990 to 2000, the birth rate among 35-40-year-old women grew by half a comparison with 25-30-year-olds, this trend in part is the result of anti-jet programs.

    Nobody canceled biological age!

    Today look older than your years or according to age became somehow indecent. We strive to preserve youth and health, as long as possible, we manage to fall in love, love, be loved and active in sexual life. The birth of children aged, which a hundred years ago was considered senile, now it became hardly the norm. But we refuse to believe that Antiajing played a sore joke with us and try not to notice that modern women increasingly give birth to children with Down syndrome.

    The age of women is reflected in the quality of its genetic material when many gene mutations accumulate in the genital cells. To reduce the risk of accumulation of gene anomalies in a person population, nature has programmed a decrease in the femaleness of a woman as aging, up to the complete cessation of the parent function and the onset of menopause.

    In her desire to have children of women overcome any obstacles. Eco, Ixi, hormonal drugs, increasing the risk of malfunction in embryo. Understanding the seriousness of the problem, doctors offer age-related women donor egg. In the West to 50% of late pregnancies have such an origin, most of the couples believe that the child's health is much more important than its genetic relationship with his mother.

    Nature of Down syndrome

    Despite the fact that the genetic nature of Down syndrome was discovered in 1950., she still remains a mystery for scientists. It is known that nature «Sunshine» Children — In a chromosomal set of their cells, for incomprehensible reasons, during the maturation of the chromosome egg, they cannot dispense and the zygota with trisomy on the 21st pair is formed with a spermatozoa.

    Presumably, this error is related to «Age» Changes in the energy structures of the egg. In the UK, clinical trials of a new method started, which will rejuvenate the eggs by core transplant to the donor cytoplasm, but so far no one is able to prevent the development of Down syndrome.

    Previous diagnosis: how to determine Down syndrome?

    How to determine Down syndrome in the clinic?Screening on genetic pathology, conducted in the second trimester of pregnancy, is aimed at identifying Down syndrome. The main diagnostic studies are ultrasound and biochemical blood test, however, the signs of Down syndrome are only indirect, so to clarify the diagnosis, a woman is sent to amniocentsis, cordocentsis or chorion biopsy. The accuracy of these research methods is 99.8%, but they are not safe for women and fetus and are held on strict indications.

    High likelihood of Down syndrome is a reason for interrupting pregnancy. In the USA in 2000, 92% of women were actually done, but now the situation has changed and the decision is often made to give birth.

    General statistics deteriorates, but is it guilty of the late childbirth? It turns out no, 80% of sick children were born by mothers in childbearing with the minimum risk of pathology development. Perhaps the reason is that women under 35 do not pass an in-depth genetic examination, so doctors fail to prevent all cases of children with genetic pathology.

    «Solar children» — the right to live

    Trisomy — severe genetic pathology, usually leading to the death of the embryo and spontaneous interruption of pregnancy in the early stages, but not in the case of trisomy on the 21st pair of chromosomes. «Solar children» — This is the only case when nature grants the right to life. The reason is that the 21st chromosome — The smallest of all chromosomes, which means it contains the minimum amount of genetic material, although these unnecessary 300-400 genes are enough to change the life of the syndrome.

    Realizing that the prevention of Down syndrome does not exist, doctors apply maximum effort to ensure that «Solar children» Grew and developed. Vices of the cardiovascular system, often accompanying syndrome, operated as early as possible, so that the kid does not wander around the hospitals, and had the opportunity to deal with teachers and parents. Permanent classes, love, care and proper education do their job.

    If earlier the appearance in the child's family with Down syndrome was considered irreparable tragedies and in 85% of cases of kids left the baby in the house where they were without proper care and attention was dying without reaching one year old «Sunny» Kids grow and warm their parents with emotional warmth. It seems that we still have a lot to learn about these amazing kids.

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