With eczema, useful soups from nettle and dandelion salad


  • Everything is flowering – change linen
  • Let's fight
  • We update the diet
  • «Note» organism
  • Sun friend or enemy?

    Everything is flowering – change linen

    With eczema, useful soups from nettle and dandelion saladWith the arrival of heat, people suffering from eczema, begin to worry another one — I really do not want to put on white light «Spotted» Skin. In addition, patients with eczema, as a rule, increased sensitivity to many allergens, including pollen of flowering plants.

    With eczema on the skin, red spots of different sizes appear, with small bubbles of transparent serous or serous-blood fluid. When opening bubbles, weathered erosion surfaces are exposed, part of the bubbles is sneezing in a crust. If the disease is launched, it affects significant areas of the skin, which in these places is compacted. The disease is usually accompanied by a strong itch.

    This disease is so insidious that reacts a deterioration in the state at nervous stress and any negative emotions, physical and mental overloads, improper nutrition.

    For patients with eczema, it is very important to observe the mode of labor and recreation, not forgetting daily walks. It is better to avoid those places where many blooming plants. Of course it is difficult. Therefore, during a period of riveting flowering, such people need, come home, rinse the mouth and throat with boiled water, rinse with a wet tampon of nasal moves, take a shower, put on clean linen and spending upper clothes.

    Let's fight

    In the fight against this ailment can help soothing. For example, a peony tincture (for a teaspoon 2 — 3 times a day) or a lattice tincture (20 — 30 drops for the night), tea with mint (if there is no allergies on it).

    The collection consisting of the root of Valerians of medicinal, herbs turns, daisy flowers pharmacy and calendula medicinal, licorice root, sand mill and yarrow flowers. All components are mixed in equal amounts. Then the tablespoon of this mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for 30 — 40 minutes. Infusion take 0.5 glasses 2 times a day.

    This same infusion can be used for baths. For baths are good and collecting, consisting of a series, sage, hunter, chamomiles, mint and plantain. You can also take starch baths, baths with oak bark, bran, turn. True, only after consultation with the doctor, since the water procedures under eczema require an individual approach. If the tolerability of the baths are good, they can be taken 2 times a week at 15 — 20 minutes at water temperature 36 — 37 degrees.

    We update the diet

    With eczema, useful soups from nettle and dandelion saladDuring eczema, citrus, strawberry, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, melons, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, milk, smoked products, manna porridge, food test, all spices, ketchup, vinegar, mayonnaise, alcoholic beverages.

    But Vegetarian soups, porridge (buckwheat, oat, millet, rice), meat beef boiled, boiled or baked potatoes, sunflower oil, fresh cucumbers in the menu are required. From fruit good green apples, plum, cherry.

    In the diet must be a variety of salads. For example, a salad of dandelion leaves with grated crude carrots and beets, refilled by sour cream or vegetable oil with cheese. Salad from the greenery of the plantain and parsley with the addition of grated shine, filled with sour cream. Salad of sliced ​​pestles of horsewa field with green onions, sorrel and dandelion leaves. Salad of finely chopped green parsley and dill, fastened with vegetable oil or sour cream.

    Recommend nutritionists and nets from nettles, beet leaves, carrots, sorrel. On the second — Spinach cutlets, nettle, parsley with the addition of eggs, cheese and flour, as well as puree from sorrel. Third — Kissel from rhome. Very useful, beet juice, carrots and cabbage taken in equal ratio. Meat use should be limited to 1 — 2 times a week.

    «Note» organism

    For patients with eczema, regular cleansing of the body from slags and toxins is very important. For this, the food diet must include fermented milk products, as well as beets and celery. Boiled beets are well there slices or crushed with the addition of dill in the form of a salad refilled by sunflower oil. Celery is also used in a salad or in the form of juice (1 — 2 teaspoons 3 times a day).

    Separately, it is worth saying Topinambur. Earthwood pear contains a lot of useful substances, including biologically active substance inulin, which improves metabolism in the body. It also has antitoxic effects and strengthens immunity. You can use the Topinambourism as fresh and in the form of tablets that are sold in pharmacies (by tablet 4 times a day).

    For better metabolism, the doctor can recommend some other drugs from plants. For example, yarrow extract (30 — 40 drops for half an hour before meals), carotoline — oil extract of carotenoids from the pulp of rosehip fruit (on a teaspoon once a day).

    Useful fees of medicinal plants a lot. But which of them are suitable for you, I have to tell the doctor, because here you need to take into account the internal pathologies, and the features of the course of the disease.

    Sun friend or enemy?

    Well, last: do you need to take solar baths with eczema? During the remission and with good tolerability, such baths are very useful, but when exacerbating the disease, they are contraindicated. Moreover, in such cases, the affected areas should be protected from the Sun, covering them with cotton cloth.

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