The story of one neurofibromy


  • Came trouble - Call the gate
  • What do doctors say

  • Came trouble - Call the gate

    Due to a huge tumor, which gradually developed from early childhood, 31-year-old Juan Chun-Kai could neither talk or move without any assistance, not to mention the constant pain that a young man experienced.

    His family lives in a mountain village distant from large cities in Hynan's province, this is a large and poor family who has no opportunity to receive timely and qualified medical care.

    However, the case of Huan Chun-kaya became known to specialists of the oncological hospital of the Fud and they themselves offered an operation that was successfully conducted.

    There were serious concerns related to the risk of large blood loss because of the abundance of blood vessels in tumor tissue. But everything cost. And the tumor in the Chinese patient, according to preliminary estimates, not malignant.

    What do doctors say

    The history of one neurofibromyJuan Chun-Kai Neurofibrome, as doctors say - is an emergency, unparalleled in world practice, the case.

    As a rule, nerve tumors are benign tumors affecting the main nerve barrel or its branches. Although any nerves suffer, including the spinal roots, more often the tumors are subcutaneously in the form of mild formations.

    Neurofibrome or fibronew - one of the main varieties of such tumors, it is a benign peripheral nerve tumor, developing from fibroblasts - main cells of the connective tissue.

    In 80% of patients on the skin, coffee blots appear with milk (5 or more) with a diameter of more than 1.5 cm; 93% in the axillary depressions are similar to freckles of spots.

    Characteristic tendency to epileptic supplies, mental retardation, very high risk of spontaneous mutations.
    It is known that neurofibromatosis of type I is caused by the mutations of the NF1 gene, which is located on the 17th chromosome.

    Malignant rebirth of neurofibromes is rare.

    Neurofibrome treatment - surgical, in the West Recently, increasingly propagation is obtained by the removal method, as a rule, small tumors with the help of a so-called gamma knife, which is the concentration of the energy of many radiation sources focused through the lenses system in one point.
    However, in the case of a Chinese patient, it would hardly be applicable - the field for the High Energy application would be too large.

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