Gastroduodenit - what is it?
When indicated pathology, inflammation of the mucous membrane, lining the duodenum and the pylorical area of the stomach. The name of the disease and originated from the connection together of two ancient Greek words translated as «stomach» and «duodenum», after which the suffix was added to the word, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process. With this inflammatory reaction, the normal regeneration of the tissue of the mucous membrane is disturbed, it may even atrophy. Depending on which the factor prevails, which caused the ailment, gastroduodenites are classified on:
- primary (they are provoked predominantly by external reasons);
- Secondary (most often occur due to internal factors).
This pathology can be local or extensive (distributed). Based on acidity indicators, gastroduodenites have such a division:
- with increased acid secretion;
- reduced secretion of gastric juice;
- with normal secretory function.
Why gastroduodenit appears?
The reasons leading to gastroduodenitis are found in life:
- increased acid formation with digestive glands;
- violation of the hormonal regulation of the amount of gastric juice produced;
- lack of mucus in the duodenum and stomach;
- development in the digestive path of the bacteria called Helicobactherpylori;
- endocrine diseases;
- disorders of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder;
- intestinal infections;
- The impact of certain drugs, pesticides, preservatives;
- improper nutrition, frequent use of acute, very hot or cold food;
- smoking;
- caries on the teeth, periodic inflammation of the oral cavity, pharynx moving into the chronic stage;
- hereditary predisposition;
- Stressful situations.
Symptoms of gastroduodenitis
Disease may give to know unexpectedly. When a man is hungry, an attack can happen, for which characteristic: sharp pains localized in the top of the abdomen,. Sometimes vomiting is added. MyMedinform.COM immediately wants to warn that the signs of this disease are very similar to gastritis. Patients tell the doctor that they have a sluggish appetite, frequent belching, annoying heartburn, An unpleasant taste in the mouth, the feeling of the overflow of the stomach, regularly emerging diarins or constipation. Additionally, a person can note the pallor, lethargy, violation of exchange processes, the lack of vitamins in the body. Confirm the diagnosis can only gastroenterologist, to which you need to contact if you have worried about the above symptoms.
After inspection and filling out data in the medapator, the doctor gives directions to conduct a number of surveys. In the Arsenal of Medikov, currently there are such diagnostic methods:
- Endoscopic examination - can show focal or diffuse hyperemia (redness) mucous membrane, its edema, hypertrophy of folds and other manifestations of pathology. If atrophy is coming, then the pallor of the mucous membrane is noted, it is eating, and folds look smoothed.
- Histological study of the state of the duodenal mucosa and stomach - allows you to judge the degree of damage to inflammatory and dystrophic processes.
- Evaluation of the secretory activity of the stomach - is carried out using a special probe having built-in electrodes.
- MANRODENAL PHYETRY - allows you to draw conclusions about the motor function.
- Electrheasterography (abbreviated called EGG) - Shows True Motoric.
- Ultrasonic surveys of the stomach after it is filled with water.
- Radioscopy of the stomach using such a contrast agent like barium. It is used to eliminate (or reveal) other pathologies, such as tumors, chronic duodenal obstruction, stenosis (narrowing) of gatekeeper, congenital vices.
- The determination of chelicobacteriosis is carried out using histology, bacterioscopy, respiratory test.
All these surveys help the doctor to explore the condition of the mucous membrane of the sick bodies and decide on the tactics of treatment.
Recommendations for treatment
We immediately set up readers to the fact that the treatment of gastroduodenitis is long-term, it takes place in several stages, with mandatory observance of a diet, establishing a power mode. You have to adjust your lifestyle, get rid of habits damage to health.
Therapeutic food during gastroduodenitis - the topic is large, perhaps our site will reveal it in a separate article. In the meantime, let's say that those who want to recover will certainly be followed by the tips of the nutritionist.

If Helicobacter infection has been revealed, antibacterial drugs can destroy it. Among them, Clarosine (Clarithromycin), Amoxicillin, Metronidazole.
With increased acidity, the doctor prescribes antisecretory agents and antacids capable of normalizing secretion for a long period of time, neutralize the harmful effect of acid on the mucous membrane (omise, Ranitidine, Famotidine, Vicalin, Maalox, Phosfalugel, Almagel and others).
If the gastroduodenitis is secondary, arose against the background of reduced acid products, then enzyme preparations are issued.
Sometimes antispasmodics, soothing agents, vitamins (E, A, whole complexes), mineral waters, physiotherapeutic procedures, resort treatment.
Good results give phytotherapy, helping to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
What People's Medicine offers?

- For 30-60 days, take twice a day squeezed out of aloe juice - two teaspoons. Do it it is necessary 15 minutes before you eat.
- In the thermos, place the chopped roots roots (in the amount of two teaspoons), pour 400 ml of boil water. Do this tool is better in the evening to strain it after 12 hours and start using. Dosage is as follows: 100 ml three times a day before receiving food. This tool is shown to those who have gastroduodenitis proceeds against the background of increased acidity.
- Gastroduodenitis, accompanied by reduced acidity, is treated with squeezed juice squeezed from berry. Take it three times a day 50 ml before meals.
- Buy in the pharmacy the rhizome of the hospital, prepare the decoction, measuring the tablespoon of crushed raw materials, fill it with 200 ml of water, let the composition leave on the weak fire for fifteen minutes. Cover the decoction with a lid and proceed only after 45 minutes. Take the remedy for 15 ml 5 times a day.
- Take a tablespoon of leaf lettuce that you need to pre-wash and crumpled, put in the bank. Boil 250 ml of water and pour it into a tank with salad. Wrap and get ready after two hours. Drink 100 ml in the morning when you woke up in the evening, before bedtime. If you forgot in the morning to drink a portion, then drink a whole glass in the evening.
- Fill a glass of boiling water Teas Spoon Flower Apple. Infusion will be ready in 40 minutes. The effect of infusion needs to drink in a day in several techniques.
- Fold fresh grass mint. It should be so much so that in the crushed form it turned out half of the Greater Glakana. Place the fragrant mint in the thermos, fill it with 500 ml of boiling water. After 6 hours you can get to the filtering. Drink infusion in warm form of 100 ml three times a day before meals. The tool is recommended by those who have increased acidity.
Of course, the use of the proposed recipes is necessary only after you consulted in a phytotherapist or your attending doctor.
Usually, the course of complex treatment is from 21 to 28 days, it cannot be interrupted, otherwise the disease will turn into a chronic form, will constantly make themselves to know the resumption of symptoms. Silent forms of gastroduodenitis are fraught with bleeding from damaged organs (duodenum, stomach). And to prevent an unpleasant ailment, try to stick to a healthy, active lifestyle, proper, balanced nutrition, timely contact the doctor with inflammation in the oral cavity, problems with teeth and other bodies and systems. Be cheerful, configure yourself to positive paddings, learn how to get rid of negative emotions quickly.