Bacterial vaginosis, diagnosis and treatment


  • What is bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis?
  • How often is bacterial vaginosis?
  • Basic risk factors for bacterial vaginosis
  • How bacterial vaginosis is manifested?
  • How to diagnose bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis?
  • Do I need to kill Gardnerner?
  • Treatment of bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis

  • What is bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis?

    Narrum in the vagina lives a large number of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus,
    They are also called lactobacteria and doderlyane chopsticks), which
    Create a sour Wednesday. With bacterial vaginosis
    Milk-acid bacteria decreases and come to their place
    Pathological and so-called conditional pathogenic bacteria – Bacteria,
    which cause disease only with reduced immunite. This is
    Causes a decrease in the acidity of the medium in the vagina.

    Previously thought that
    Bacterial Vaginos is called mainly by some one type
    Bacteria (for example, Gardnerners - Gardnerella Vaginalis or hemofilic chopsticks – Haemophilus vaginalis),
    Therefore, bacterial vaginosis is still sometimes called hemophilic
    or Gardnelese vaginitis. Now installed that bacterial
    Vaginosis is not caused by some microbe, but a violation of the ratio
    Different types of bacteria. Therefore, bacterial vaginosis is not
    infectious disease and not transmitted during sexual contacts. IN
    the difference from the vaginites (colpit) bacterial vaginosis does not cause
    Inflammation in vagina.

    How often is bacterial vaginosis?

    The frequency of bacterial vaginosis is not known. It is assumed that
    bacterial vaginosis during life at least once sick each
    Third woman.

    Bacterial vaginosis are more often sick of women under the age of 35-40 years.

    Basic risk factors for bacterial vaginosis

    Bacterial vaginosis, diagnosis and treatment
    The main risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include:

    • Availability
      Intestinal dysbiosis. Intestinal dysbiosis and vagina often
      develop at the same time. Can develop against the background of treatment
    • Reducing immunity, but it is difficult to prove it.
    • Reception of a large number of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill dairy and sour and others «Useful» Bacteria.
    • Eranny food. Exception from the diet of milk-acidic products also increases the risk of dysbiosis.
    • Wearing a dense not transmitting air linen, too frequent (up to daily) use of gaskets and tampons.
      All this prevents the flow of oxygen into the vagina killing harmful anaerobic bacteria.

    How bacterial vaginosis is manifested?

    The manifestation of bacterial vaginosis is abundant (up to 20-30 ml in
    Day) Serous Vaginal Selection. Isolation of rather liquid and
    differ in the characteristic fish smell that amplifying after sexual
    Act. Discomfort and burning during intercourse, or irritation of the vulva. Sometimes bacterial vaginosis may not cause any complaints.

    How to diagnose bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis?

    Vaginos is diagnosed by the presence of characteristic discharge from the vagina,
    Reducing acidity and changes in the vaginal smear. Reduced
    Acidity in the vagina is determined using the express method
    (special indicator strips). This is affordable, reliable and inexpensive
    diagnostic method, but, unfortunately, not very accurate.

    The value of the vaginal smear (cells of the cells with
    Vagina walls) under a microscope. With bacterial vaginosis in a smear
    There are practically no lactic acid bacteria (doderlyane sticks), but
    Many other types of bacteria are defined (Gardnerlales, hemophilese),
    as well as special «Key» Cells - Robed Vaginal Cells with
    bacteria. Sometimes for a more subtle study
    Selection vaginal microflors fall on special nutritious
    Environments, which makes it possible to accurately determine the type of bacteria living in it.

    Do I need to kill Gardnerner?

    Vaginos need to be treated at least because without treatment he
    accompanied by constant discharge from the vagina. In addition, it is
    Condition can over time to go to a particular
    inflammatory. The purpose of treatment is not
    so many «Death Gardnerell», How much recovery required

    Long dysbacteriosis observed with bacterial
    Vaginosis may disrupt the normal operation of the immune system.

    Treatment of bacterial vaginosis and gardnerellosis

    Bacterial vaginosis consists of 2 stages: elimination of pathogens
    and conditionally pathogenic bacteria (the same garardnell) and the population of the vagina
    Normal lactobacteriums. To combat pathogens microbes
    use vaginal candles and gels with different antibiotics or
    antiseptics (for example, metronidazole or clindamycin). Selection
    the right spectrum of action is difficult to do it yourself, and even more so without
    Analyzes. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed in tablets, according to the doctor's test.

    Choosing specific
    preparations and their dosage forms (tablets, candles, solutions, etc.)
    Exercises a gynecologist, judging by the manifestations of the disease, state
    Patients and results of analyzes. Faithful selection of therapy at this stage
    Allows you to increase its efficiency, avoid side effects and
    excess expenses. It should be remembered that not a separate infection is treated
    (as, for example, chlamydia or candidiasis), and restores the balance
    microflora, achieve what is much more difficult.

    During pregnancy antibiotics are not used.

    On the
    The second stage of treatment may require drugs of lactobacilli inside
    or directly in the vagina. Traditionally recommended a diet with
    bioeffers, yogurts, sauerkraut. Sometimes in treating
    Bacterial vaginosis use drugs that increase immunity.
    However, the effect of many of these funds was not proved, and doctors
    Guided, mainly by their own experience or tradition.
    The feasibility of various methods for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in
    Currently disputed.

    criteria cure bacterial vaginosis and garcenellosis are
    Termination of vaginal discharge and normalization of vaginal smear.

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