Polysorb MP against Flu, ORVI and Immunity


As is known, one of the main causes of many diseases is weakened immunity. First of all, it concerns sharp respiratory viral infections and flu, the likelihood of infection which reaches maximum indicators during seasonal epidemics. According to medical statistics, it is influenza in 80–90% of cases becomes the basis of temporary disability. According to experts from the Altai State Medical University and the Infectious Department of the MUZ Morbalnitsa number 11, at such a high distribution of ARVI direct influence of weakened immunity and violation of the protective mechanisms of the human body.

That is why, according to members of the scientific group in the face of. BUT. Debt, N. N. Gray, L. NS. Ivanova, L. AND. Bystritskoy and L. AND. Zinovieva, weakened immunity must be strengthened. Due to the fact that the serotypes of pathogens of acute respiratory infections have extremely high variability and ability to persist, the most effective means of preventing these diseases are universal immunomodulatory, as well as disinfect drugs, which, according to research data, are effective regardless of the etiology of the virus.

Polysorb MP against Flu, ORVI and Immunity Scientists from Barnaul conducted a study in which the effectiveness of the drug Polysorb MP was observed. Polysorb is a silicon dioxide with high enterosorbing and disinteluscation properties, positively affecting weakened immunity. 80 children with a diagnosis of ORVI aged from 1 to 3 years, which are most often susceptible to such diseases. Half of the participants entered the main group and received symptomatic treatment, as well as polysorb. Another 40 children were observed as a control group, obtaining only symptomatic treatment.

Polysorb preparation is a white powder and is taken as a suspension, to prepare it to be dissolved in ¼-½ Water glasses. Children who participated in the experiment, the drug was appointed in dosages 1 teaspoon three times a day 1.5 hours before meals. The reception rate amounted to 5 days. The results showed that the Polysorb due to the removal of intoxication effectively contributes to the reduction of the feverial period (up to 3.5 days against 5 days in the control group), as well as a decrease in the symptoms of febrile conditions (from 6.6 days to 4 days). At the same time, the sorbent was well tolerated by all subjects.

The peculiarity of the prophylactic and comprehensive effect of natural silicon dioxide is that this substance falls into the digestive tract, where the most immune cells that are struggling with infectious agents are located. Polysorb has a positive impact on weakened immunity due to the rapid detection and enterosorption of harmful substances. The drug binds them and removes from the body, while at the same time side effects, without affecting the digestion process and not sucking in fabric, as opposed to many antivirus drugs. A single dosage of the drug for adults is 3 g (full tablespoon).

In order to prevent influenza and increasing the body's resistance doctors recommend using polysorb during seasonal distribution periods and flu — In autumn and winter. To this end, the drug is used three times a day — 3 g for adults or 1 g for children (at the rate of 1 g of powder per 10 kg of child weight) dissolved in water, within 14 days. After that, the reception of the sorbent is recommended to stop at the same period, and then the course can be repeated again. According to the conclusions of Barnaul doctors, silicon dioxide, due to its unique properties, can be considered as one of the full components of the complex therapy and the prevention of ARVI, along with immunomodulating drugs and multivitamin complexes. Polysorb is also advisable to apply to remove intoxication in the first 5 days after the occurrence of symptoms of the disease. After all, precisely acute intoxication is often the cause of serious complications after influenza and ORVI.

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