Cytomegalovirus infection


  • What it is
  • What's happening
  • Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus infections

  • What it is

    In the good old days, her magnifies «Kiss disease», because they thought it was transmitted with saliva. The current doctors proved that it is not quite so.

    Cytomegalovirus infectionThe pathogen of the disease can be located not only in saliva, but also in the blood, urine, feces, seed fluid, the secrete of the cervix and maternal milk. Of course, the kiss in the lips is enough to catch the infection from the media of the virus. However, the same result can be achieved if you have sex with it, drink from its cup or eat from its plate, use it with a handkerchief, towel or washcloth. In addition, cytomegalovirus can be infected with blood transfusion and organ transplant, even in the abdomen of the mother, the future child is not insured.

    Disappointing figures: For 1 year, each fifth, by 35 years — 40 percent of the population, and to 50 — All one hundred. Cytomegalovirus infection is considered one of the most common infectious diseases.

    Disease pathogen — Cytomegalovirus Hominis — Virus from the same family as herpes virus.

    Cytomegalovirus — Capricious and picky, live and multiply, can only in very favorable conditions and in certain cells. If Him «I don't like something», He behaves quietly, the infected person is not ill, he is just a carrier of the virus. But as soon as the body weakens, the causative agent of infection begins to act.

    Translated into Greek Cytomegaly — disease at which «Cells become big». Under the influence of cytomegalovirus cells lose the ability to share and at the same time heavily swell. Under the microscope they become similar to the eyes of the owl.

    What's happening

    Once in human cells, cytomegalovirus remains in them forever. No matter what way infection occurred, the manifestations of the disease will always be about the same. Or rather there will be no manifestations. Most infected disease occurs in a hidden form.

    Cytomegalovirus infectionIn order for cytomegalovirus to be activated, immunity decreases need. Sometimes enough banal avitaminosnosis, but more often need something extraordinary. For example, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or the reception of special medicines that downgrade immunity (most often they are used to treat oncological diseases).

    If the cytomegalovirus damages the mucous membrane of the nose, a runny nose appears. In case of damage to the internal organs, weakness appears, diarrhea-constipation and other unclear signs, with which, as a rule, do not go to the doctor. Moreover, after a few days, they disappear.

    It happens that cytomegalovirus is in the urinary organs. And then the women are inflated (endometritis), cervical neck (cervicit), vagina (vaginitis) and t.NS. In men, the infection of urinary organs usually proceeds asymptomatic.

    Cytomegalovirus infection is dangerous for pregnant women, since the infection can be transferred to the developing embryo. However, if a woman has become infected for a long time, and the infection does not exacerbate, the likelihood that the virus wrinkles the future child is extremely low. But when infected during pregnancy, this probability increases.

    Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus infections

    It is almost impossible to suspect cytomegalovirus infection in itself. Of all the existing diseases, this disease is most similar to Banal Orz. The temperature also rises, flowing from the nose and hurts the throat. Lymphatic knots, spleen and liver may increase. True, in contrast to ORZ, cytomegalovirus infection lasts longer: 1 — 1.5 months.

    In some cases, the only sign of the disease is the inflammation of the salivary glands, in them the cytomegalovirus feels more comfortable.

    To diagnose «Cytomegalovirus infection» can dermatovenerologist. To do this, he will appoint special research to you to detect the virus. In blood samples, saliva, sperm separated from the cervix and vagina, accumulating waters (during pregnancy) under the microscope are looking for giant cells or detect the virus with a polymerase chain reaction (DNA diagnostics). Another research method — Immune: Identification of the virus in the blood in the immune system reaction.

    Analysis on cytomegalovirus must be made women who want to get pregnant.

    Cytomegalovirus infection is incurable. However, there are medicines to control the amount of virus in the body, to restrain its development. Patients enhance immunity and prescribe special antiviral drugs.

    These same events are held when cytomegalovirus detected in a pregnant or gathering to get pregnant women throughout the entire period of baking child and lactation. The whole range of drugs that increase immunity are used, as well as the overwhelming breeding of the virus drugs Interferon. Infected pregnant woman should with an interval of 10-12 days to pass tests. Also should constantly monitor the status of the embryo.

    Carefully selected powerful therapy and strict execution of the doctor's recommendations allow to significantly reduce the risk of infection with a child, which is really dependent on the activity of the virus in the body of the mother.

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