Cytomegalovirus infection or cytomegaly


  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Causes of the development of cytomegalovirus infection

  • Cytomegalovirus

    Cytomegalovirus - another representative of a family of herpes group of viruses already familiar to us.

    According to the prevalence of wildlife, it is almost no different from herpes simplex virus. At the very least, researchers of this infection are convinced that by 50 years all people are infected with cytomegalovirus.

    Here is the first interesting fact: 100% of the population of the globe is infected with cytomegalovirus, but with a high degree of probability it can be concluded that 99% of the readers of this book for the first time hear (read) about this disease.

    Very much of the fact that we told about the herpes virus equally applies to cytomegalovirus - the same penetration into the cells and the same more or less long-term «Peaceful» coexistence without any attempts cause disease.

    Causes of the development of cytomegalovirus infection

    Cytomegalovirus infection or cytomegalyNormal human immunity fully copes with cytomegalovirus. But... The development of human civilization constantly leads to an increase, often rapid growth of factors negatively affecting immunity.

    These are numerous methods of treatment (hormones, radiation therapy, immunosuppresants in organs of bodies, chemotherapy of oncological patients, antibiotics of a wide range of action), and illness (all of the same AIDS), and ecology. We are no longer talking about stress, lack of vitamins, malnutrition. All these factors lead to the fact that human immunity ceases to cope with the cytomegalovirus, and the disease caused by him are more and more.

    The virus is transmitted from man to man with very close contacts. The fact is that the virus is contained in all discharge and in all environments of the human body - saliva, sputum, blood, feces, urine, sperm, milk. Contact with any of these environments leads to infection. But the fact of infection of an adult is not manifested by any symptoms.

    The relevance of cytomegalovirus infection consists, first of all, the fact that the virus is transmitted from a pregnant woman to the fetus and is able to cause an intrauterine defeat of the child with the emergence of certain malfunctions of development, serious disorders from the nervous system, hearing and vision organs. The surviving fruit can be infected during childbirth (contact with the mucus of the tricks) or immediately after delivery (maternal milk). In this case, a disease may occur, similar to its symptoms for infectious mononucleosis.

    Thus, the disease may be congenital - it is always very serious, and the acquired is, as a rule, the trouble that can be avoidable without particularly formidable consequences.

    The main thing is that it is necessary to know about congenital cytomegalovirus infection: the main, dependent person's method of its prevention - the presence of normal immunity in a pregnant woman.


    • not in constant fear for their future and the future of their children;
    • following his health;
    • having the opportunity to fully eat;
    • not twitching about it is unknown where the husband thickened;
    • existing in a normal prosperous country - such a woman has enough immunity in order to develop antibodies to cytomegalovirus, which is enough for a woman itself, and on her future child.

    Tactics for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection is almost similar to that in the infection of herpetic. Except for drugs actively acting on cytomegalovirus (ganciclovir, cytoven) - even more expensive than acyclovir.

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