

  • Manifestations of urogenital trichomoniasis
  • Diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis
  • Treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis

  • Urogenital trichomoniasis – This is a specific inflammatory disease of the urinary organs caused by the vaginal trichomonade. Trichomoniasis refers to sexually transmitted diseases. Infection of this infection can occur both from a sick person and from the carrier of the pathogen, that is, a person who has no manifestations of the disease, but in the genitals of which trichomonada is preserved. «Storage» Trichomonad in a man is a urinary system, and a woman's cervical canal (cervical canal). The question of contact-household infection (through household items, towels, medical instruments and T.D.) is discussed and not yet proven. For most people, the sexual path of transmission of infection is considered the only possible possible. The vertical path of transmission (from mother to the newborn during childbirth) is rare.

    Manifestations of urogenital trichomoniasis

    The incubation period of trichomoniasis is 5-15 days, on average 10 days. During this period, the pathogen is introduced into the mucous membranes of the genital organs and its active reproduction. At this stage, the patient with trichomonomosis is already infectious and can transmit the causative agent of infection by sexual partner.

    TrichomoniazThe development of trichomoniasis contributes to chronic gynecological diseases, disorders of the organism, the organism, metabolic disorders, bacterial pollution of the vagina, that is, bacterial vaginosis, and non-sphere diseases. In general, diseases and conditions that violate the protective functions of the vagina, and first of all that reduces the acidity of the vaginal content. Infections of infection predispose and injuries of genital organs.

    The main places where the manifestations of trichomoniasis develop are developing, is the urethra (urethra), the vagina and the cervical channel (cervical canal). That is, with trichomonosis, trichomonodnogo urethritis arises, trichomonade chassis and trichomonade endocervicitis. Significantly, trichomonas in glands of the eve of the vagina and very rare – In the uterine cavity and appendages.

    In the primary infection and acute development of the disease, the woman begins to bother itching, burning in the field of external genital organs, cutting and pain when urine. Characterized by the presence of abundant, foamy, mucous-purulent discharge. It is the foaming of the selection that is a distinctive feature of trichomonosis. With a long untreated trichomoniasis on the skin of the genital organs, red spots, surface erosion can manifest. Sometimes a woman notes sensations of gravity in the lower abdomen, which is associated with the involvement of the cervical mucosa into inflammation. With the defeat of the cervix, small hemorrhages are marked - the so-called strawberry cervix or macular colpit.

    Acute manifestations of trichomonosis are not required. In primary infection, there may be originally erased disease manifestations. In these cases, the woman practically nothing bothers and the disease is revealed by chance when accessing the doctor is completely different.

    With the existence of a disease for more than two months, Trichomonosis is considered chronic. For the disease at this stage, a sharp decrease is characterized or no external manifestations. Often the only concern of women are mucous-purulent discharge, sometimes itching in the field of external genital organs. Chronic trichomonosis is poorly treatable and inclined to frequent exacerbations.

    Timely appeal to the gynecologist or venereologist significantly increases the chances of fast and successful treatment. Do not resort to self-medication! Incorrect treatment with antibacterial drugs causes rapid addictive trichomonas to them. Trichomonas, due to its features, is able to develop factors of protection against antibacterial drugs. It is enveloped by an impenetrable shell and becomes almost inaccessible for drugs.

    Diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis

    Survey methods in suspected trichomoniasis are the same as with other inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of women. In a gynecological study, the doctor will detect signs of inflammation of the urethra and vagina. Will not be characteristic of trichomonosis changes. This is primarily the presence of small hemorrhages and ulcerations on the mucous membrane of the vagina and the presence of foamy purulent discharge. Colposcopy is mandatory in the diagnosis of chronic trichomonosis, when the disease is difficult to see the naked eye. The results of the smears and crops from the urethra and cervical canal will be confirmed by the presence of trichomonades in separated from the surveyed regions.

    When trichomonade and the absence of disease manifestations is made of the diagnosis of carriage.

    Treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis

    Special countercotheronias are used in the treatment of trichomoniasis. Mandatory condition for the treatment of trichomoniasis is sexual rest. 10-14 days after the course of treatment is completed, a survey is repeated for the presence of this infection in the vagina. Thus, we define the effectiveness of the treatment. Trichomonade carriage cases are also subject to treatment. After transferring infection, immunity is not formed, so it is possible to re-infection with a trichomoniasis.

    With frequently repeating trichomoniasis, the absence of the appointed therapy is possible in women of a specific vaccine.

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