Symptoms of thrush in women. Treatment and prevention of vaginal candidiasis


Symptoms of thrush in women. Treatment and prevention of vaginal candidiasisApproximately 25-40% of the women of childbearing age are familiar with vaginal cadidosis (thrush). How to recognize the disease than modern medicine can help, is it possible to protect against the thrush: you know about it in the article.

Causes of thrush

Diseases caused by mushrooms of the genus Candida. They are found in the vagina of many healthy women and until time they do not create any problems. It is believed that the main cause of thrush — Fall of immunity: general or local. Also, risk factors include:

  • use of hygienic gaskets;
  • Oral sex;
  • wearing synthetic fitting linen;
  • passage of the course of antibiotics of a wide range of action;
  • wearing aperture, intrauterine spiral, spermcides;
  • treatment with glucocorticoids;
  • consumption of contraceptive tablets in high doses;
  • pregnancy.

Symptoms of thrush

Women when the thrush occurs, the appearance of vaginal secretions of cotton consistency, redness, itching and burning in the field of external genital organs. An unpleasant feelings are enhanced in the afternoon and at night, after taking the shower, sex, urine, walking. By the way, sex and urination during the thrush — Processes are very painful.

During pregnancy, thrush is dangerous with its complications. It can cause spontaneous abortion, premature childbirth, inflammation and rupture of the fetal shells, the birth of male children.

Signs of thrush are pretty characteristic, but to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may recommend to make sowing.

How to treat thrush

How to treat thrushCandidiasis — illness unpleasant, but healing, if a specialist will be engaged in this. Treatment of thrush combines the destruction of the pathogen and the strengthening of immunity.

Funds from thrush, aimed at the destruction of mushrooms, produced in the form of tablets, vaginal candles, solutions for washing the vagina.

Women should limit the content of carbohydrates in the diet, abandon the bad habits and the use of oral contraceptives. If during this period the patient takes antibiotics or glucocorticoids, they must be canceled if possible.

Prevention of thrush

If there are factors provoking the development of thrush, they should be avoided. It is understandable and logical, but still it is worth staying at each point separately.

  • In everyday life, try to wear underwear from natural materials: cotton or silk. Narrow jeans and leggings contribute to the increase in humidity in the intimate zone. And heat and humidity — This is exactly what fungi love. For the same reason, you should not wear a wet swimsuit for a long time;
  • Adhere to the hygiene of the genitals. Do not use the conventional soap to the toilet toilet, which can break the pH of an intimate zone, which will provoke the development of candidiasis. The same effect has flavored toilet paper and tampons;
  • Bring a healthy lifestyle, correctly flash, engage in sports. This will help you maintain the whole organism, which means the immune system in the tone. Do not believe in a common myth about the positive effect of ferocular products on the vaginal microflora. Kefir and yogurt — No doubt products are useful, but their use is not associated with the species composition of the microorganisms of the intimate zone;
  • Refrain from the unreasonable use of antibiotics and douching the vagina. It can destroy the normal microflora of the vagina and provoke the development of thrush;
  • When using toilet paper, perform wiping front back. This will help prevent the spread of mushrooms from the rectum.

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