Honory arthritis


  • Symptoms of purulent arthritis
  • Treatment of Honorian Arthritis

  • Symptoms of purulent arthritis

    Arthritis usually occur after 10–30 days after the start of acute gonducting urethritis (Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra) or a few months later, with chronic gonorrheal urethritis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages. In some cases, especially in women suffering from unrecognized gonorrheans, arthritis can be the first explicit manifestation, with the provoking points often there are childbirth, abortion, menstruation. The beginning of arthritis is usually acute, the clinical picture is deployed in full within a few days. The disease proceeds by type of oligoarthritis (Polyarthritis with lesions of only a few (two or three) joints), less frequent — polyarthritis (diseases in which the destruction of the articular cartilage occurs); The knee, ankle, elbow and ray-tunny joints are affected. Characterized sharply pronounced, sometimes painful, pain syndrome, local redness of the skin and increase its temperature.

    Honory arthritis
    X-ray with acute or secrets of gonococcal arthritis at the beginning of the disease, osteoporosis is detected, sometimes extremely sharply pronounced («glass»). The outcome of gonorrheal arthritis is often the secondary deforming osteoarthritisosis. It is important before the treatment of therapy to produce bacteriological sowing of synovial fluid, followed by identification of the dedicated microorganism.

    The diagnosis of gonorrheal arthritis can be considered absolutely proven when the gonococci is detected in the joint. In other cases, diagnosis is based on arthritis and urogenital gonorrhea.

    Acute Gonococcal Arthritis needs to be distinguished from inficient arthritis of other origin (staphylococcal and t. D.), especially when there are no convincing evidence of communication with a gonococcal infection. It is especially difficult to distinguish a gonduct arthritis from arthritis in Reiter syndrome. In favor of the latter, the symptoms of eye damage (conjunctivitis), the mucous membrane of the mouth, the skin (pale keratodermia), the release of virus-like organisms (galloprov or benzonium).

    Treatment of Honorian Arthritis

    In acute period — peace and comfortable position for the affected limb using pillows or rollers, dry heat to the joint. Prescribe Penicillin on 1–2 million units per day or tetracycline inside 250 mg 4 times a day for 7– 10 days. Recommend repeated daily aspirations (suction) of the synovial fluid (with purulent arthritis) and the reception of anti-inflammatory preparations (indomethacin, rope, butadion, acetylsalicylic acid, etc.). In the absence of an effect from other drugs, the protracted flow of arthritis, pronounced pain syndrome with non-agitous arthritis is permissible to use corticosteroid drugs.

    Under the elevation of inflammatory phenomena, the muscle massage and therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapeutic procedures (Solux, diathermy, paraffin applications) are systematically prescribed. Resort treatment with the use of mud applications is shown at residual phenomena in the joints.

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