Syphilis - a chronic infectious disease caused by pale trone and transmitted mainly by sexual. Syphilis is a disease that affects the whole human body. It is distinguished by the wave-like flow and, in the case of non-treatment, may last for years.
Unfortunately, doctors state the fact that the increase in the incidence of syphilis is so high that after a while the disease can take the nature of the epidemic.
Allocate direct and indirect paths of syphilis transmission. Direct - sexual path, kisses, blood transfusion of a sick person, intrauterine infection of a pregnant woman. Possible indirect path of infection - through objects that were in contact with syphilis: common towels, toothbrushes, washcloths. In 95% of cases, syphilis is transmitted precisely sexually. Causes disease bacterium pale spirochetes (treponama).
The complexity of its cure is related to the fact that the disease has a rather long course and to recognize it at the initial stage is not always possible.
Venerologists allocate three periods of syphilis
Primary syphilis can have an incubation period of up to 4 weeks, but sometimes it is sharply reduced to 8-15 days, and sometimes the opposite increases to 3 months. The disease may not be manifested the first time due to the fact that the person took antibiotics. If it is so that syphilis can and do this primary stage at all.
At the first stage, bacterium pale spirochetes leads its work in the body. Soon the solid chancro appears - ulcers affecting the genitals, anal hole, and sometimes the gums and language. It was then that Syphilis is detected and should be proceeding with immediate treatment. In case the patient does not appeal to the doctor without giving values to similar defeats, they disappear after a while, but bacterium continues to spread in the body, and therefore the treatment will be longer.
Secondary syphilis can no longer be ignored and hard not to notice. The patient is experiencing constant weakness, fatigue, headache, immunity is weakened, the temperature rises. At this stage, Roseola appears - small flat red spots on their hands, legs and in the spine area. Sometimes Roseola is confused with allergies, because up to 3 months it does not bother the patient. At the end of the period begin to fall out. Following the roseol, there are plaques of another character, gray or bright red color, striking mucous membranes. Lymph nodes increase, compacted, become painful to the touch. The second period is completed by the appearance of syphilide - rashes on hand, legs, genital organs, in the mouth. May begin to fall out - the so-called syphilis baldness. Internal organs, endocrine system, bones, teeth begin to affect.
The secondary syphilis may occur when all the symptoms seem to disappear, nothing bothers nothing more. However, this is a very deceptive condition: if the treatment never started, the third, the most difficult period, which is characterized by the defeat of the internal organs, is captured by the nervous system. Tertiary syphilis develops in 3-5 years after bacteria hit in the body. The patient appears syphilide gum - rashes in the form of tubercles. These hillocks are often shaped and quite large sizes (approximately with forest walnut). If the tuberculosis is softened with time, a syphilide ulcer is formed in its place. At this time, the destruction of the tissues of the organs, even with the affect of the bones of the skull. Untreated tertiary syphilis leads to irreversible consequences. Fortunately, the tertiary period today - the phenomenon is quite rare.
Treatment of syphilisa
Discovered disease in time, properly organized therapy is a chance of fast and complete getting rid of syphilis. The most successful disease is amenable to treatment with a water-soluble penicillin, which allows the patient to keep a large number of antibiotics in the patient's blood. Such treatment should be carried out exclusively in stationary conditions, as it is necessary to introduce drugs every three hours for about 25 days.