Selection of sex tracts accompany each representative of weak sex from adolescence. This is fine. But what should be «Healthy» allocations, and when it is worth the alarm and run to a doctor?

Gynecologist with complaints of sex tract. In some cases — This
The only concern in others — Selection from sex tract combined with
unpleasant and painful symptoms, most often, such as itching, burning, pain
in the field of external genital organs and below the abdomen.
The appearance of discharge
From the genital paths of a healthy visitor of the weak floor coincides with the period
puberty, What is due to the change in hormonal saturation
the organism and the formation of the menstrual cycle. Combined effect of estrogen and
Progesterone causes changes in sex tract mucosa, leading to
An increase in mucus products, moisture release, glycogen accumulation in cells
epithelium, increasing the number of milk-acid bacteria, called chopsticks
Deterleene and components of the microflora of the vagina. In the process of mine
Vital activity of deterlene sticks are isolated for milk and peroxide
hydrogen, deterrent growth and killing pathogenic bacteria penetrating into
Path with outdoor genital organs. In addition, surface layers
Vaginal epithelium is constantly updated, and the composition of the selection is replenished
Returning, dead cells of the epithelium covering genitals.
Vaginal discharge
From the genital ways of a healthy woman always have a white color with a slight grayish
Tint, sour smell, homogeneous creamy consistency.
The amount of selection is individually for each woman and depends primarily,
from the level of hormonal saturation of the body, but on average amounts to
several milliliters per day. And in the first half of the menstrual cycle
Semissions less, and in the second — slightly increases.
Normal sections from sex tract do not contain impurities
pus, mucus, blood, they are homogeneous, do not come down in lumps and flakes. In the middle
menstrual cycle to vaginal highlights of a healthy woman are mixed
cervical — small amount of transparent mucus,
evidence of ovulation. Other impurities are considered
Selection from the genital paths is called white. White Character Way
a much indicates the disease that served their cause. Mussels or
Myshino-purulent bleaves can be a symptom of chlamydial, ureaplasmen or
Viral infection of genital organs, liquid purulent — Sign of gonorrhea or
Trichomoniaza. Yellowish curls are typical for fungal infection or
Kandidose. Liquid white slabs with the smell of fish are characteristic of bacterial vaginosis.
Watery bleaves most often have pipe origins,
there are they fall into the vagina from the upper sections of the genitals and often
indicate a serious pathology requiring urgent appeal to the doctor.
Bloody issues
From the genital tract of an adult woman normally appear only in the period
menses and should not last more than 6 days. At the same time menstrual
Allocations should not be abundant, should not contain large blood clots
and pieces of mucous meal resembling beef liver. Interval between
menstruation should be at least 10 days, otherwise
refer to uterine bleeding requiring treatment.
Several bleeding for several days in
The beginning of menstruation — Symptom endometriosis of the cervix, tightened such a phenomenon
In the end of menstruation alarms in terms of endometriosis of the uterus. Finally,
The appearance of blood after sexual act most often indicates the presence of erosion of cervical
uterus or damage to the mucous membrane.
Scarce bleeding in the middle of menstrual
Cycles indicate insufficient hormonal saturation in becoming
or pathology of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes they arise in women accepting
hormonal contraceptives, and in this case are not considered pathological. Even
scarce, barely noticeable bleeding from sex tract during
menopause — Always a signal of serious disadvantage, a possible sign of cancer
genital organs.
As you can see, allocations
From the genital paths of women — A complex symptom, an accessible analysis exclusively
specialist. Therefore, it is not necessary to guess and determine the cause of pathological
selections or, more worse, try to get rid of them by home. IN
best you lose precious time, run the disease and instead
what to cope with small means doomed yourself for a long and
expensive treatment. Optimal solution — immediately contact the gynecologist
and solve the problem competently as it applies to civilized people living in
Century of developed medicine.